How to Write a Sequel? Familiarity & Belonging


  • Make the Story your Own
  • What do you want?
  • How do you own this Story?
  • What is the Foundation of the Story?
  • Can you summarize this story in 5 Phrases?
  • If there were 5 Pillars maintaining this Story what would they be?
  • What would be the Ceiling of this Story?
  • Where is your Story built?
  • Who lives in this Story?
  • Serenity
  • What is a Shrine?
  • What is a Sanctuary?
  • What evokes Safety?
  • Which Atmosphere exudes Bliss?
  • Which color should your resting place be?
  • What makes you think you’re in peace?
  • What tells you ‘There is no Threat here’?
  • How does it preserve you from panic?
  • How does it show you It already Happen?
  • There’s something new…
  • There’s little change…
  • And what changed is not a menace.
  • Belonging
  • Do we understand the space we live in?
  • Why do we enjoy this space?
  • Why are we Attached to this space?
  • Why is it difficult to quit it even if we complain about it?
  • Why do we return?
  • Why don’t we want to see?
  • Why do we want to see?
  • Why can’t we afford to lose?
  • What would cause pain if it were to disappear?
  • What would cause grief if it were to disappear?

How to Start?

  • Encounters
  • How do you Control the Encounters?
  • How many should there be per chapter?
  • How do they relate to the Story?
  • How Diverse are they?
  • Are they all Combat?
  • Are there Riddles/Games?
  • Are there Debates?
  • How do they create Remembrance?
  • To which Main encounters of the Original Episode are they linked?
  • How do they create Resonance?
  • Resolution
  • What are the Stakes?
  • Who caused the issue?
  • Who would suffer the most from this issue?
  • What would they do to get rid of this issue?
  • What are the immediate Solutions?
  • What are the sustainable Solutions?
  • What are the hidden options?
  • Could this situation be resolved peacefully?
  • Could it be resolved fast?
  • Trials
  • When should the Characters lose?
  • How should they lose?
  • How do you Control the Pain?
  • To which level of difficulty should they be exposed?
  • How does Difficulty should be balanced?
  • How does it create a sense of Reward?
  • How do the Characters react before Danger?
  • Do they react differently?
  • How did their behavior evolve?
  • Did they progress?
  • Did they regress?
  • Twist
  • How do you conserve the Main elements of the Original Episode?
  • How do you conserve the Main elements of the Sequel?
  • How do you preserve Consistency?
  • What is Expected in the Story?
  • What is Expected in each Chapter?
  • What would break the Story?
  • How do the Characters react to the Unexpected?
  • Are they Defiant?
  • Are they in Denial?
  • Which Extreme Reactions do they display?

Introducing New Characters

  • Function
  • What do you Intend to do with this New Character?
  • Why is she part of this Story?
  • Why not use her in the Original Episode?
  • Is she needed in the Story?
  • How does she justify her presence?
  • Is she the Main Character?
  • Is she the Protagonist?
  • Is she the Antagonist?
  • Role
  • Which group is she part of?
  • What is her Role in Group she is part of?
  • Is she a Supplier?
  • Is she an Enticer?
  • How does she interact with other Group members?
  • How does she help other Group members?
  • Goal
  • What does the Character want?
  • What does it have to do with the New Story?
  • Which difficulties does she meet?
  • How does she try to solve her issues?
  • What does she need in order to solve them?
  • Does she recognize her Own Weaknesses?
  • How does she ask for help?
  • Replacing which Character
  • Why did the former character need to be replaced?
  • What are the Similarities between the 2 Characters?
  • What are the Differences between the 2 Characters?
  • How do their Behaviors compare?
  • Which specific Manners do they share?
  • When they are in difficulty how do they react?
  • Which Actions defines them?
  • Which Expressions define them?

Returning Characters

  • Function
  • What do you Intend to do with this Character?
  • Why is she still part of this Story?
  • Why did she survived?
  • Should she have died?
  • Will she disappear in this Story?
  • Why not use her in the Original Episode?
  • Did her Function change?
  • Is she the Protagonist?
  • Is she the Antagonist?
  • Goal
  • What does the Character want?
  • How has it evolved?
  • Who make it evolve?
  • Is this person still here?
  • What does it have to do with the New Story?
  • How does her Goal align with the Other Characters’ Goals?
  • How does she act towards them?
  • Does she reject them?
  • Does she welcome them?
  • Does she accept them?
  • Alignment
  • Who can she Ally with?
  • Who will she Oppose?
  • Did it change?
  • How did it evolve?
  • Why did it evolve?
  • Did she lose someone in the Original Episode?
  • Who was this person?
  • Why did she disappear?
  • Who is Responsible for this disappearance?
  • How does the Character relate to the Responsible?
  • What does she intent to do?

Family & Friendship

  • Issues
  • What triggers issues?
  • Which topics shouldn’t be dealt with?
  • Which topics should be dealt with?
  • Which issues from the Original Episode are still lingering?
  • Why are they not resolved?
  • What is their scale?
  • How have they evolved in the Sequel?
  • Why do Characters refuse to cooperate?
  • Do they assimilate to 1 another?
  • Do they accept to be called friends or family?
  • Needs
  • Why do members of a group need each other?
  • Why did they choose to ally?
  • Were they forced to?
  • By which event?
  • Are they Supportive of each other?
  • Are they Dismissive?
  • Are they Antagonizing?
  • Are they Indifferent?
  • Are they Parasitic?
  • Origins
  • How did the characters met?
  • What attracted them to 1 another?
  • What caused them to be together?
  • Is this reason still pertinent?
  • How did they enhance each other?
  • How did they hinder each other?
  • Where did they meet?
  • Is this place still existing?
  • Can they return there?
  • Do they want to return there?
  • Did it change?
  • How did it change?
  • Evolution
  • Why are the Character still together?
  • Are they still together?
  • Did they change of group?
  • Which Resources can be granted by a Character to another?
  • Do they exchange Information?
  • Which kind of Information?
  • Do members of a group cause trouble to 1 another?
  • Is that how their relationship evolve?
  • Do they send each other on dangerous missions?
  • Do they need to rescue 1 another?



