How to Write a Sequel?

Rupture with the 1st Story

  • How do you make the new Story Different?
  • How is the Final Scene of the Original Story?
  • How is the Final Scene of the Sequel?
  • How do you compare them?
  • Who Remains in the end?
  • Who Suffers?
  • Who is Satisfied?
  • Who accomplish their Goals?
  • How is the Exposition of the Original Story?
  • How is the Exposition of the Sequel?
  • How do you compare them?
  • Who is Present?
  • Who Appears?
  • What are the dominant colors?
  • What is the main Image?
  • How does the Sequel Differ from the Original?
  • How do you compare?
  • What do you compare?
  • How do you write Pain?
  • How do you write Joy?
  • Should they be written differently?
  • Should they be only different in the Execution?
  • Should the type of Trial be different every time?
  • Should the Trial be more Intense?
  • What if the Characters have regressed?
  • Would you make your Characters regress?
  • Is it Coherent?
  • Is it as Entertaining?
  • Which 1 do you value the most?
  • Escalation
  • How do the 3 Crisis compare?
  • What are the Similarities?
  • What are the Differences?
  • What were the Main Crisis of the Original Story?
  • What will be the Main Crisis of the Sequel?
  • How do they articulate?
  • Who is responsible for them?
  • Is it the same Character?
  • Is there a change of Character?
  • How are these Characters related to each other?
  • How do the Crisis lead to the Final Scene?
  • How are they related to the Final Scene’s Action?
  • How are they related to the Final Scene’s Setting?
  • Do we return to the same Setting?
  • How does this Setting Evolve?
  • What imagery is used in this Setting?
  • A Progressive Reform
  • Who are the New People?
  • What are the New Settings?
  • What are the New Stakes?
  • How do you Integrate the New Characters?
  • Do they come in during a Crisis?
  • Do they come in before a Crisis?
  • Do they help the Protagonist?
  • Do they hinder the Protagonist?

A Truer Story

  • Playing
  • How do you write Dialogues?
  • How do you write Descriptions?
  • How do you Play the Main Characters?
  • How do you Play the 2ndary Characters?
  • How do you Play the Protagonists?
  • How do you Play the Antagonists?
  • Why Play them differently?
  • How do you Play them differently?
  • Which specific Quirks do you give them?
  • Which specific Expressions do you give them?
  • Which specific Habits do you give them?
  • Amuse Yourself, Amuse Everyone
  • How do you use the Characters to create Entertainment?
  • What makes these Characters likable?
  • How do you use the Environments to create Entertainment?
  • What makes these Environments exciting?
  • How do you create Fun Obstacles?
  • How do you create Games?
  • How do you create Trials?
  • What makes them Enjoyable?
  • What makes them Painful?
  • How do you Balance them?
  • Why would someone replay them?
  • Freeing Yourself
  • How can you be You?
  • What makes you Compassionate?
  • What makes you Empathetic?
  • What makes you Sympathetic?
  • What makes you Hateful?
  • What makes you Enraged?
  • What makes you Mad?
  • What makes you True?
  • Freeing Your Ideas
  • How do you integrate personal information to the Story?
  • Which Souvenirs do you use?
  • Which Dreams do you display?
  • Which Nightmares do you depict?
  • Which Illusions do you inflict to the Characters?
  • How do you lose them?
  • How do you confuse them?
  • Which Obsessions do you display through them?
  • Will you Start to Draw?
  • Would Drawing help you to represent the Characters more accurately?
  • Would Drawing help you to write them more Easily?
  • Would Drawing help you to represent the Settings more accurately?
  • Would Drawing help you to write them more Easily?
  • Will you Start learning Music?
  • Will you compose Character Themes?
  • How do you Embody Emotions through the media at your disposal?
  • How do you display the 5 Main Emotions?

Consistency & Coherence

  • Link the Stories
  • How do you Use the Characters’ Origins?
  • How do they orient the Story?
  • How do each Characters’ Origins define their evolution?
  • How do you Use the Characters Goals?
  • How do they intertwin?
  • Do they overlap?
  • How do the Goals tailor the Crisis the Characters will face?
  • How do the Crisis redefine each Character’s Goal?
  • How do you Use each Character’s Interests?
  • How do these Interest define each Character’s Relationships?
  • How do these Interest define each Character’s Quirks?
  • How do these Interest define each Character’s Behavioral traits?
  • Series
  • Do you plan a Trilogy?
  • Do you plan a Saga?
  • What should you be looking for?
  • Which Concepts are the crucial?
  • Which Items are the crucial?
  • How do you use them in each Episode?
  • Why would you stop using them?
  • What makes them irrelevant?
  • A Simple Sequel
  • How can you make the Story easy to read?
  • How can you make the Story easy to write?
  • How many Characters do you need?
  • How many Settings do you need?
  • What’s the minimum number of elements you could put in each Scene?
  • How long should be each Chapter?

Improvise the Plan in 1 Hour

  • How to write a Scene fast
  • Who is present?
  • Where is the scene happening?
  • Why are we here?
  • What are the Stakes?
  • What’s the Issue?
    • Is there an enemy?
    • Is there a monster?
  • How could this be Resolved?
    • What’s the mean of Resolution?
    • Fight?
    • Peaceful resolution?
    • Game?
  • What’s the Outcome?
    • What has been Lost?
    • How are the Characters Victorious?
    • Are they Victorious?
    • Which Key Items are obtained?
    • How were they obtained?
  • How does it End
  • Which Main Characters remain?
  • What makes these Characters memorable in the Last scene?
  • How’s the Epilogue?
  • What’s the Resolution?
  • What’s the main Outcome?
  • What are the 2ndary Outcomes?
  • What are the Consequences of each Outcome on the concerned Characters & Settings?
  • Is there a possibility for a Follow up?
  • Would you write Another Sequel?
  • How does it begin
  • How’s the Atmosphere?
  • Who are the Main Characters?
  • What makes these Characters memorable in the 1st scene?
  • What will make these Characters memorable in the long run?
  • Is it perceivable since the Exposition?
  • How do you make it visible?
  • How do you hide it?
  • Crisis
  • What are the 3 Crisis of this Story?
  • What happens in the Chapter 3?
  • What happens in the Chapter 6?
  • What happens in the Chapter 9?
  • How do you use escalation to Hierarchize them?
  • How do you use Exaggeration?
  • How do you use Unexpected situations?
  • What is Unexpected in each Scene?
  • What is the level of Brutality?
  • How do you break the Rhythm the Story installed?
  • How do you present The Threat?
  • How do you reveal The True Threat?
  • Seeding & Cutting Trees
  • Chapter 2 is a Preparation to Chapter 3.
  • Chapter 5 is a Preparation to Chapter 6.
  • Chapter 8 is a Preparation to Chapter 9.
  • How do the Characters prepare to the upcoming Crisis?
  • Can they prevent it?
  • Can they anticipate it?
  • Which resources do they need?
  • Chapter 4 is a Result of Chapter 3.
  • Chapter 7 is a Result of Chapter 6.
  • How do the Characters recover from the last Crisis?
  • Which resources do they need?
  • Can they prevent the next 1?
  • What do they learn from it?



