How to Write a Resilient Character?


  • Roughness of the Birth
  • How was the Character put into the World?
  • Where was her 1st bed?
  • With who did she sleep?
  • Who take care of her?
  • Early Childhood
  • Who fed the Character?
  • Who taught her basic skills?
  • What were these skills?
  • Are they still to use to her today?
  • What were her 1st Clothes like?
  • Did she had Toys?


  • In which Atmosphere was she brought?
  • Did she enjoy it?
  • Did she try to run away form this Atmosphere?
  • What were the Dominant Colors of this Environment?
  • Does she wear them?
  • On her Skin?
  • On her Hair?
  • Her Clothes?
  • What she brought to the World under Blue Sky?
  • Did she run through Green Grass?
  • How did the Climate influence the Character?
  • Was she brought to the world in harsh condition?
  • Was her home often flooded?
  • Were the crops destroyed by fire, by waters or by ice?
  • How did the Landscape influence her?
  • Did she rest in the cold Tundra?
  • Or in the deep Forests?
  • Chilling in the Pastel Sunsets?


  • What did she learn?
  • From who?
  • Was it voluntary?
  • Through which trials did she learn?
  • Why did she left home?
  • What/who did she left?
  • Does she plan to return?
  • Did she quit voluntarily?


  • What is she aiming for?
  • What is her Destination?
  • Why does she aim for these goals?
  • Which Crisis does she still have to go through?
  • This Characters is likely to require harsher Trials than the rest of its team members.
  • Habits
  • How does she start the day?
  • Does she have a favorite beverage?
  • How many times a day does she eat?
  • Does she nap?


  • Phlegmatic
  • The Character goes through Atmosphere changes without experiencing major troubles.
  • The Character is knowledgeable of the fragility of Human Behaviors.
  • She may tamper Relationship Dynamics.
  • She experience less Physical Pain than rest of the Team.
  • Irony & Humour
  • She exposes the Relativism of effort.
  • She questions the Transitory nature of Pain.
  • She uses Humour to become a calmer human being.


  • Apathetic
  • Do Emotions make her suffer?
  • Does expressing her Emotions make her suffer?
  • Antipathetic
  • Is she unable to express her Emotions?
  • Does her Emotion make others suffer?


  • How does her Hairstyle reveal her nature?
  • Is she shaved?
  • Is her Hairstyle easy to upkeep?
  • What is the symbolism of this hairstyle?
  • Accessories
  • Does she bear any accessory?
  • If she does, are they all useful?
  • Resilient implies a certain level of Utilitarianism.
  • Although, it does not equal minimalist.
  • Pose
  • Does she pose?
  • Is she standing Straight?
  • How is her posture?
  • Is her back Straight?
  • Are her Shoulder blades properly placed?
  • Verbal
  • How is her Pace?
  • Does she speak loudly?
  • Does she speak often?
  • What are her signature Words & Phrases?
    • How often does she repeat them?
    • In which situations?
    • Who did she learn them from?


The Most Suitable Roles for a Resilient Character would be:

  • Leader
    • She is able to listen & capitalize on team members strengths.
  • Arbiter/Advisor
    • How neutral is she?
    • How equitable is she?
    • Does she believe in Neutrality?
    • Does she believe in Equity?
  • Solver
    • She is able to focus on the Solution without exacerbating Pain.
  • How does she manage team Synergy in any of these 3 roles?
  • Does she cumulate multiple functions?


  • Crisis
  • How does she behave with Enemies?
  • How does she Improvise?
  • How does she Fight?
  • Does she need others help?
  • How does she cope with Handicap?
  • How does she cope with Survival?
  • Discomfort
  • How does she behave with Strangers?
  • Does she Plan often?
  • Does she Take Initiatives?
  • Is she Leading?
  • How does she behave during an Arbitrage?
  • Comfort
  • How much does she Share?
    • How much does she Keep?
    • How much does she Need?
  • How does she Rest?
    • Where does she Rest?
    • Alone?
  • What does she like to Eat?
    • What’s her favorite dish?


  • Progression
  • How is she in the Early Stages of the story?
  • How is she after each Crisis?
  • How is she in the Late Stages?
  • How is she in the Epilogue?
  • Age & Experience
  • A resilient character has the Steadiest Progression.
  • She can Regress.
  • But it is Less likely.
  • And this regression will be the less noticeable.



