How to write a Ranger?


  • Resiliant
  • How capable is she?
  • How endurant is she?
  • Can she live in many environments?
  • Can she adapt to her surroundings easily?
  • Is she quiet?
  • Is she calm?
  • Is she easy to live with?
  • Does she remember others needs?
  • Does she take care of her own needs?
  • Utilitarian
  • What does she need?
  • How little does she need?
  • Is she Minimalist?
  • Does she need the essential only?
  • When does she express Gratitude?
  • What for?
  • Is she Measured?
  • Is she Parsimonious?
  • Versatile
  • Does she draw Maps?
  • Does she Cook?
  • Does she Protect others?
  • Can she Escape fast?
  • Can she recognize danger easily?
  • From a long distance?
  • Can she Kill?
  • Can she use most kind of weapons?
  • Can she Spy?
  • Can she Capture & Interrogate?
  • Can she Tie preys?
  • Can she Track preys?
  • Can she Build Shelters?

Weaponry & Status

  • Dual Weapons
  • Does she use Twin swords?
  • Does she like them?
  • Does she prefer Long & Short sword?
  • Does she prefer Short sword & Dagger?
  • How Fast is she?
  • Does she enjoy swift weapons?
  • Weapons which allow Efficient killing?
  • Weapons which Limit Pain?
  • Weapons which are Useful out of combat?
  • Light Armor
  • What type of Light Armor does she wear?
  • What are the Armor materials?
  • Does she wear Thick Leather?
  • Does she use metal?
  • Is it a Chainmail?
  • Did she Craft it herself?
  • Did she decorate it?
  • How Endurant is she?
  • Does she need an armor?
  • Would she sacrifice some agility for additional protection?
  • Would she use a Medium armor class?
  • Marksmanship
  • Does she use a Bow?
  • Does she prefer Crossbow?
  • Does she prefer Guns?
  • What kind of ammunition does she use?
  • Does she craft them?
  • What does she use for Hunting?
  • What does she use for Fighting?
  • How does she train?
  • How does she enhance her Agility?
  • How does she enhance her Dexterity?
  • Throwing weapons
  • Does she use Knives?
  • Does she use Bombs?
  • Does she build them?
  • Are they only explosives?
  • Do they contain shrapnel?
  • What other properties do they have?
  • Does she use Hooks?
  • In which situations?
  • Does she use Ropes?
  • How does she use them?


  • Shelter
  • How does she choose the spot?
  • Where does she build them?
  • How does she hide them?
  • With which material?
  • How many persons can they accommodate?
  • How do they resist environmental hazards?
  • Is she sedentary?
  • How long does she remain in the same habitat?
  • How often does she build a new shelter?
  • How elaborate are they?
  • How does she make fire?
  • Tracking & Pathfinding
  • Which prey does she track the most?
  • Which signs does she use to Identify the prey?
  • Which signs does she use to Follow the prey?
  • Which signs does she use to Trap the prey?
  • How does she find her way?
  • Is she often lost?
  • How does she guide others?
  • How does she lead them ouf of the fog?
  • Which tools does she use?
  • Which methods does she use?
  • Trap Making
  • How does she use traps?
  • Does she Craft them?
  • Does she identify the Ideal spots easily?
  • How does she adapt traps to settings?
  • How does she Lure preys?
  • Does she use chemicals?
  • How comfortable is she with Poison manipulation?
  • Does she make her chemicals?
  • Resource Gathering
  • What is her favorite dish?
  • How often does she resupply?
  • How does she restock?
  • Where does she stock her resources?
  • Which resources does she privilege?
  • How does she collect water?
  • How does she manage water?
  • How does she funnel resources?


  • Dependable
  • Why is Ranger is 1 of the most reliable character classes?
  • Can she ensure her Own survival?
  • The one of others?
  • How Endurant is she?
  • How Resistant to Environmental hazards is she?
  • How good is she with Poisons & toxins?
  • How good is she with animals?
  • Can she handle children & adults alike?
  • Can she understand others easily?
  • Isolation
  • Is she Individualistic?
  • Is she Selfish?
  • Is she agressive?
  • Is she benevolent?
  • Is she empathetic?
  • Does she wish to live alone?
  • Does she fear the company of others?
  • Why?
  • Which crisis caused this fear?
  • Relationships
  • Does she share her troubles?
  • Does she share her cravings?
  • Does she share her envies?
  • Does she share her goals?
  • Is she comfortable with exposing her weaknesses?
  • Is she capable of confronting others?
  • Is she comfortable with painful conversations?
  • Complementarity
  • Which type of person does she prefer?
  • Which type of person does she dislike?
  • Who does she ally with?
  • In which situation?
  • Who fights alongside her?
  • Who’s most comfortable with her?
  • Who is she most comfortable with?
  • Which Weapons to they use?
  • Which Tactics to they use?
  • Which skills to they have?

Types of Ranger

  • Mercenary
  • Is she a Bounty Hunter?
  • Is she often in settlements?
  • How much time does she spend outdoors?
  • Which type of Contracts does she prioritize?
  • Which type of Targets does she prioritize?
  • Does she require extra payments in case of unexpected complication?
  • Does she demand that the sponsor pays for expenses?
  • Does she claim for bonuses?
  • How many contracts a week can she close?
  • How many contracts a month can she close?
  • Hunter
  • How does she build Traps?
  • Out of her preys?
  • How does she Modify the Setting?
  • How does she Adapt to the the Setting?
  • Which kind of Predator does she tame?
  • Which kind of Predator does she eat?
  • Can she Kill stealthily?
  • Can she Kill fast?
  • Can she Kill remotely?
  • Scout
  • How is she Collecting data?
  • Who is she collecting it for?
  • Where does she collect this data?
  • How does she spy?
  • Which tools does she use?
  • Which methods does she use?
  • Does she have a specific arsenal?
  • Does she kill her targets?
  • How does she interrogate her targets?
  • How does she stun her targets?
  • How does she transport her targets?
  • Sentinel/Vanguard
  • How dedicated to Nature is she?
  • How dedicated to Forest is she?
  • Which cause does she defend?
  • Which species does she defend?
  • How does she act towards Abuse?
  • How does she act towards land destruction?
  • Does she helps species to migrate?
  • Does she helps species to relocate?
  • What is her knowledge of Catastrophes?
  • What is her knowledge of Natural Phenomena?


  • Supplier
  • How does she gather Resources?
  • How does she manage Resources?
  • Where does she build Hideouts?
  • What does she stock in Hideouts?
  • When does she need to Isolate?
  • Which precaution does she take?
  • Does she create Year long storages?
  • How Impervious is she to catastrophes?
  • Builder
  • Does she build all her shelters herself?
  • Does she need others help?
  • How does she Camouflage them?
  • Does she build Armors & Weapons?
  • Does she build Tools?
  • How does she supply the team?
  • How does she sell the product of her craft?
  • To whom?
  • How Impervious are they to destruction?
  • How Impervious are they to catastrophes?
  • Guide
  • How friendly is she?
  • How does she explain concepts?
  • Does she propose solutions?
  • How Patient is she?
  • What would she like to teach her friends?
  • What do they want to learn from her?
  • Is she Courageous?
  • Is she Deferent?
  • How does she inspire others?
  • Do they emulate her?
  • Is she funny?
  • Does she tell Stories?
  • Leader
  • How does she Coordinate her team?
  • When does she ask for Input?
  • How does she implement advices?
  • How Versatile is she in combat?
  • How does she enhance her team strengths?
  • How is her Polyvalence displayed?
  • How does she create Synergy?
  • How does she act as a Catalyst?



