How to Write a Poem?

The Form of the Poem

  • A Simple Structure will do the most for you.
  • You will need 4 Strophes.
  • Each of 4 Verses.
  • And Between each Strophe the Refrain/Chorus.
  • Start with the Chorus.
  • The Chorus are composed of 4 Verses.
  • Variations to the chorus bring surprises to your Poem.
  • Create variation by changing.
  • Rhythm
  • Alternating Long & Short Phrases works best.
  • Beginning with a 5-7 syllables followed by 3-5 syllabes.
  • Rhymes are the most common Rhythm factor in Poetry.
  • Alternating Rhyming couplets & Oblique Rhymes adds diversity.
  • Rhyming couplets Accelerate the Tempo.
  • Whereas Oblique Rhymes create disruptions.
  • The use of Strong Word also allow you to control the Tempo.
  • Shocking Word, word that generate reactions with most people will either Stop the reading or even Fasten it.
  • This sort of word can also push the Public to read faster.
  • How to right each Strophe.
  • Merge 2 Themes.
  • Create 1 synergy between 2 terms.
  • From this Synergy will emerge multiple paradoxes.
  • Use word belonging to the same Semantic Field.
  • Address them 2-by-2.
  • Check the correspondences.
  • Check the Multiple Definitions.
  • Look for Connotation & Double-Entendre.
  • Unveil the Undertone.

Allegories & Analogies

  • Symbols
  • Which Imagery will you choose?
  • Which Icons will you use?
  • Which Symbols are essential to you?
  • Which Symbols are the most impactant?
  • Which Ones define your Writing?
  • Analogies
  • How do you use Metaphors?
  • How do you use Comparisons?
  • Metonymies are used to substitute a whole with its most essential part.
  • The most essential part regarding the topic chosen.
  • What is the Theme of your poem?
  • How can you deconstruct this Theme?
  • What are the Parts composing this Theme?
  • Periphrases can be used in a similar way.
  • Can you regroup the parts of your theme in another context?
  • Can you reattach theses words to form another Group?
  • Another Theme?
  • How broad is your topic?
  • How can you narrow it?
  • Which parts can be removed?

The Poet

  • Which Tone will the Poet create?
  • To which Atmosphere is she exposed?
  • Which Colors does she choose?
  • What is her Dominant Emotion?
  • How does the Setting amplify it?
  • Which elements of the environments influence her?
  • Which suggestions do they bring her?
  • Character
  • What are her immediate Interests?
  • What is her Obsession?
  • How far from her Goal is she?
  • Which Signature Phrases does she use?
  • Which Signature Words does she use?
  • What is her Pace?
  • How does it transcribe her State?
  • Situation
  • Where is She?
  • Is she in a Comfortable situation?
  • Is she facing a Crisis?
  • How does she perceive her actual condition?
  • Does she loath it?
  • Does she take pride in it?
  • How does she Exaggerate her situation?
  • Which Amplifications does she use?
  • Does her State change during the poem?
  • How clear are these transitions?
  • Which words define them?

How to write the Poem – Invaders

  • Strophe 1Theme A
  • Arrived at night
  • Triumph by day
  • Trampled by might
  • Freedom at bay
  • Chorus – Variation 1
  • Under our Land
  • And from the skies
  • Fall our demise
  • And us to Sand
  • Strophe 2 – Theme B
  • Jaws, Up & High
  • Towers Eaten
  • Towers Smitten
  • Until rests Nigh
  • Chorus – Variation 2
  • From Overland,
  • And when Heaven
  • Made us Even
  • Please, see my hand
  • Strophe 3 – Theme A
  • Bombard the Ships
  • Stunt, Retaliate
  • Fire, Reciprocate
  • Cancel the Trip
  • Chorus – Variation 1
  • Under our Land
  • And from the skies
  • Fall our demise
  • And us to Sand
  • Strophe 4 – Theme B
  • Light Harbinger
  • Final Summon
  • Press the Button
  • Last Finger
  • Chorus – Variation 2
  • From Overland,
  • And when Heaven
  • Made us Even
  • Please, see my hand


