How to Write a Paladin?


  • Devotion
  • What is the Goal of the Character?
  • What is her Cause?
  • How does she defend it?
  • How does she promote it?
  • Who instilled this Cause into her?
  • When did she begin to understand its tenants?
  • How does she display her attachment to this Cause?
  • Empathy
  • How does she treat her Friends?
  • How does she treat her Allies?
  • How does she treat her Enemies?
  • How does she treat her Foes?
  • What does she fight for?
  • Who does she fight for?
  • Who does she fight against?
  • Can she ponder on their motives?
  • Can she ponder on her motives?
  • How does she balance her will to Protect & her will to Defend?
  • Who is likely to become a Paladin?
  • The shortest path to Paladin is the Knight.
  • Especially a Crusader or a Herald.
  • Priests & Clerics also have a convenient profile.
  • A Barbarian with an inclination for Faith could also meet the requirements.
  • As well as any Warrior who wishes to align herself with Order.

Weaponry & Status

  • Heavy Blessed Weaponry
  • The Paladin is the Parangon of Order.
  • Her Strength is 1 of her greatest assets.
  • As is her Endurance/Constitution.
  • Faith is her other defining traits.
  • She mostly uses Blessed Weapons.
  • May it be a Greatsword or a Hammer.
  • Her weapons are often forged after a specific Concept.
  • They represent an Ideal.
  • Does the weapon bear a Symbol?
  • Whose?
  • Did she modify it?
  • Did she Blessed it?
  • What kind of effect does it have?
  • Shield
  • She bears a shield.
  • Her Shield is the Symbol of her Cause.
  • She defends before she attacks.
  • What is the shape of her Shield?
  • What is her Emblem?
  • Is it a personal Emblem?
  • Did she modify it?
  • Did she Blessed it?
  • What kind of effect does it have?
  • Miracles
  • Miracles are her way of expression.
  • How does she learn them?
  • Does she teach them?
  • Does she have favored miracles?
  • What is their use?


  • Respect
  • The Paladin is the Parangon of Order.
  • Her main purpose is to ensure Order.
  • What is Order?
  • What is her definition of Order?
  • Does she respect other’s Conviction?
  • How can she tell a valuable opinion from a dismal one?
  • Does she consult others for additional input?
  • How flexible is she?
  • Law
  • Does she know the Rules she applies?
  • Where did she learn them?
  • Are there universal Rules?
  • Are there local Rules?
  • Does she enact Laws?
  • Does she write Laws?
  • Can she recognize Crimes without rules?
  • Are there Crimes yet uncategorized?
  • How should she categorize them?
  • How should she determine sentences?
  • Alignement
  • Which kind of people does she enjoy?
  • Which kind of people can she ally with?
  • Which kind of people does she loathe?
  • Can she Hate people?
  • Does her wisdom allow her to do so?
  • Can she have enemies?
  • Personal enemies implies developing a sense of Pride.
  • Is it allowed?
  • Exemplar
  • For which kind of Organization does she work?
  • Can she ally herself to criminals?
  • Can she frequent criminals?
  • Can she support illegal actions?
  • Even if they seem fair?
  • Even if they appear to be fairer than what the current regime authorizes?
  • What is she forbid to do?
  • What is ill-viewed in her opinion?


  • Rites
  • When does she Pray?
  • Where does she Pray?
  • How?
  • Does she pronounces the words?
  • Does she chant?
  • Does she write them?
  • Which gestures does she make?
  • What kind of prayers does she need to recite?
  • How many situations are there?
  • Cult
  • Does she withstand her Faith individually?
  • Does she belong to a Cult?
  • What is their Goal?
  • What are their main Tenets?
  • What is their definition of Obedience?
  • What do they want from their followers?
  • How did she enter this Cult?
  • Through whom?
  • Is she welcome in all instances of this cult?
  • In all their Shrines?
  • How often does she frequent them?
  • Followers
  • Does she rally people?
  • Does she try to convert them?
  • Who does she speak of her Faith to?
  • Does she want to associate with Strangers?
  • Does she only associate with Friends?
  • What does she want from them?
  • What is her definition of Faithfulness?
  • What does she Grant them?
  • What can they wait from her?

Types of Paladin

  • Parangon
  • The Paladin is the Parangon of Order.
  • She Weighs the Faith of those who pretend to possess some.
  • She Measures the Devotion of the followers.
  • She Chases the Corrupt officials off their ill-aquired possession.
  • She marches against Ill.
  • She can Kill, yet only in last resort.
  • She engages in a constant self-inquiry on Crime.
  • Are her acts always fair?
  • Are her actions always necessary?
  • Iconoclast
  • The Character Realizes…
  • Faith was a Lie.
  • Wherever she was serving people who didn’t believe.
  • Or she rallied others under a Fake Idea.
  • She Turns against her Cult.
  • Does she turn Against every form of Organization?
  • Does she reject the idea of common ideal?
  • Does she abandon her identity?
  • Does she abandon her brand?
  • She decides to abrogate Symbols.
  • Warmonger
  • The Paladin is often an Officer.
  • In an army she maybe 1 of the highest-ranking.
  • She uses Offensive Miracles.
  • Which kind of offensive miracles?
  • Does she use Shockwaves?
  • Does she use Lightning?
  • Does she use Fire?
  • Pure Destructive Light?
  • Can she have a calming influence on her troops?
  • Is she wicked by her enemies?
  • Pacifist
  • Was the characters traumatized by war?
  • Did she lose someone?
  • Did she lose her home?
  • Did she Renounce to offensive Weapons?
  • Was she always opposed to conflicts?
  • Does she imprison Threats?
  • How does she Pacify?
  • What are the characteristics of her Armor?
  • Can she use it to protect others?
  • Does she use Dual Shield?
  • Which kind of Healing Miracles does she use?
  • Does she use Blessed Shields?
  • Can she Augment others weapons?


  • Guide
  • Does she value Intelligence?
  • Does she value Wisdom?
  • How does she help others?
  • Does she Show?
  • Does she Impose?
  • How Patient is she?
  • How Obscure are her actions?
  • Can she teach others?
  • What would she like to teach them?
  • What do they want to learn from her?
  • Arbiter
  • What is her definition of Equity?
  • How does she regulate conversation?
  • How does she position herself during conflicts?
  • Is she assertive?
  • How Detached is she from the issue?
  • How can she find mutual agreements?
  • How fast does she reach a Closure?
  • How satisfied are the parties?
  • When does she engage herself into conflict?
  • How does she reach a Resolution?
  • What does she do when she cannot?
  • Advisor
  • Is she deferent?
  • Does she prioritize peaceful resolutions?
  • Does she proposes solutions?
  • How does she adapt to oppositions?
  • How does she adapt to adversarial behaviors?
  • How Empathetic is she?
  • How Attached to her Ideals is she?
  • What is a satisfying conclusion to her?
  • Protector
  • Who is she willing to let die?
  • How much pain can she handle?
  • Is she a Healer?
  • Does she need Protection?
  • From whom?
  • Which kind of protection?
  • How Endurant is she?
  • How Resilient is she?
  • How does she take care of her team members?
  • Who does she prioritize?
  • Is she linked to them by an Oath?



