How to write a Mystery? Check List


  • Where are we?
  • Why are we here?
  • Who is present?
  • Is the place remote?
  • How Isolated is the Location?
  • Is it an In-Town Location?
  • In which environment is it situated?
  • How is the neighborhood?
  • What is in the vicinity?
  • Who designed the Building?
  • Are they still alive?
  • What is the general form of the Building?
  • How many exits are there?
  • Which Rooms are Accessible?
  • Are there Inaccessible Rooms?
  • Are there any Hidden Rooms?
  • Are there any Hidden Doors?


  • How was it done?
  • How was the victim isolated?
  • How was the artifact stolen?
  • In which room did the crisis occur?
  • When did it occur?
  • Why now?
  • Why on this particular day?
  • What lead to the crisis?
  • What allowed the crisis to occur more easily?
  • Is the Victim dead?
  • Was it a Murder?
    • What was the weapon?
    • Where was the victim struck?
  • Was it an Assassination?
    • Which elements of premeditation can you identify?
    • Is the assassin particularly witty?
    • Does she display a great knowledge of the place?
  • Was it Cannibalism?
    • How is the body?
    • What sort of rite was performed?
  • Is the Victim still alive?
  • Which kind of aggression was it?
    • How did the aggressor isolate the victim?
    • Did anyone try to help the victim?
  • Was it a Theft?
    • Was the victim assaulted?
  • Was it a Battery?
    • Was it done bare hand?
    • Which kind of weapon was used?
    • Why this weapon?
    • Which body part was targeted?
  • Were there Mutilations?
    • Which body parts were targeted?
    • Which body parts were removed?
  • Was it a Rape?
    • Was it done by surprise?
    • Was it done by force?
    • Was the victim deceived?
  • The Artifact
  • What has been stolen?
  • Why was it stolen?
  • Who was interested by it?
  • Who has already offered to acquire it?
  • Why was the offer refused?

The Crisis Stage

  • Access
  • Who has access to the Room?
  • When?
  • How can the Room be accessed?
  • Do you need Keys?
  • Do you need a Code?
  • Did everyone know this room existed?
  • How is the Room arranged?
  • Who designed this Room?
  • Is it a different person than the one who designed the Building?
  • Was this Room built latter?
  • Which material is used for the Walls?
  • How Thick are they?
  • Is there any Sound Isolation?
  • How is the Furniture?
  • How is the Temperature?
    • Is it usual?
    • Is it exceptional?
  • How is the Light?
    • Is it usual?
    • Is it exceptional?
  • Are there any out of place objects?
  • Vicinity
  • Is the Corridor Frequented?
  • How are the Adjacent rooms?
  • Who was in these rooms?
  • Who may have heard something?


  • Who is Present?
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Relatives
  • Colleagues
  • Strangers
  • 1st Impression
  • Who sounds Hypocritical?
  • Who sounds Spiteful?
  • Who sounds Angry?
  • Who sounds Delighted?
  • Who sounds Excited?
  • Who doesn’t feel respected?
  • Who displays Brutality?
  • Who displays Frustration?
  • Who are they?
  • What are they interested in?
  • What is their profession?
  • Which skills do they possess?
  • Are they attracted by Strategy & Games?
  • How do they enjoy themselves?
  • Which kind of food do they like?
    • Why?
  • Which means of Communication were used between the Victim & the Perpetrator?
  • Did they ever communicate in person?
  • How did they meet?
  • Did they communicate in public?
  • Where?
  • How often did they communicate?
  • How many persons are there here?
  • What is the reason of the gathering?
  • Who came?
  • Who declined?
  • Where do they come from?
  • Accomplices
  • When the solution is about to be found, who reacts?
  • Who’s closest to the perpetrator?
  • Who could assist her?
  • Who could try to mask the Crisis?
  • Who would benefit from this situation?


  • Police’s presence
  • Legitimate Authority & Prerogatives
  • Are your Means Limited?
  • Are your Resources Limited?
  • Do you need to Control the setting?
  • Do you need to Control the suspects?
  • Do you need to limit Accesses?
  • Do you need to block the Exits?
  • Do you need personal Security?
  • Here comes the police.
  • How do the suspects react to the Police’s presence?
  • Who believes in the Police as a protective force?
  • Who counts on the Police to solve the situation promptly?
  • Who sees them as another enemy?
  • Who distrusts them?
  • Who is indifferent to them?
    • Or seemingly indifferent.
  • Interrogation
  • Where is the Interrogation conducted?
  • In an Isolated Room?
  • Do we conduct Individual Interrogations?
  • Shall we conduct Cross interrogations?
  • Should Multiple suspects be placed in the same room?
  • It may be the best way to control interactions.
  • Would it be a way to turn the suspects against one another?
  • Would they allow themselves to collaborate?
  • Reactions
  • Who is interrogated?
  • How do they acts?
  • To what do they React?
  • To which words?
  • To which topic?
  • To which name?
  • Who do they speak to before being interrogated?
  • Witnesses background
  • Do some of them have Criminal Records?
  • Is there a Precedent to this situation involving them?
  • Did the Witness assist to the Crisis?
  • Was she left unscathed?
  • Why?
  • How to ask the Same Question?
  • Ask it Multiple times.
  • Ask it to Different People.
  • How could it display their perspective?
  • How will you synthesize these Different Perspectives?
  • Are there any Information Convergences?
  • Are there any Information Divergences?
  • Which kind of Incoherence do you note?
  • How were they highlighted?
  • Who raised them?
  • Interest
  • Were multiple person interested by the Artifact?
  • Were multiple person interested by the Victim?
  • Did multiple person have the occasion to act?
  • At the same moment?
  • At different moment?
  • Were they aware of each other?


  • Mistakes will be made.
  • Otherwise it will be impossible to found out the Solution to the Crisis.
  • The act must be accomplished diligently & cautiously.
  • But there will be traces & trails left out.
  • How did the Crisis occur?
  • Nature
  • Which kind of Clues do we need?
  • Obvious Clues.
    • Obvious does not mean easy to find.
    • It means easy to connect with an Individual or a Setting when found.
  • Time sensitive Clues.
    • Clues need to be found in a specific context to be useful.
    • They also need to be found in due time.
    • Otherwise, they may be disposed of.
  • Procedure
  • Which clues allow us to solve the Crisis?
  • 3 clues related to the Artifact/the Victim.
  • 3 clues indicating who was interested by it.
  • 3 clues on how they obtained it.
  • 3 clues on where they are now.
  • 3 clues pointing to another issue occurring in parallel.
    • This last one is facultative.
  • In which State is the Body?
  • Is it in degrading Naturally?
  • Are there traces of Forceful Degradation?
  • Where was it left?
  • Why this Location?
  • Are there any Distinctive Signs?
  • Is something missing from the Body?
  • Something which isn’t the Artifact stolen.
  • Biases
  • Are there any Signatures?
  • Are there any Discriminators?
  • Does a Clue leads to a certain person?
    • Too Obviously?
  • Was it Left here voluntarily?
  • Shouldn’t it be Hidden?
    • Is the perpetrator this Incompetent?
  • How was it Discovered?
  • Who discovered it?
  • Are there any Fake Clues?
  • Were some clues Misinterpreted?
    • Nature
    • Location
    • Belonging
  • Are there Partial clues?
    • Where are the other pieces?
    • Who holds them?
    • Where did they hide them?



