How to write a Monster? Vampire


  • Curse
  • Where do these Creatures come from?
  • Were they cursed by an Ancient Entity?
  • Is it the product of Randomness?
  • Is it a Punishment?
  • Was a Rite of transformation?
  • Does it display the Cruelty of the Entity?
  • Is it the result of the Cruelty of the Individual?
  • Did she commit Heinous acts?
  • Did she commit Mass murders?
  • Is the Curse Fair?
  • Is it Retribution?
  • Illness
  • How does the Condition develops?
  • Was it caused by an Infection?
  • Was it caused by a Virus?
  • Is it Contagious?
  • Is it Hereditary?
  • Can it be cured?
  • How does the transformation Occur?
  • How does the transformation Progress?
  • What are the symptoms?
  • Mutation
  • Is it the product of Evolution?
  • Is it the product of Natural?
  • Is it a step forwards for Humanity?
  • Is it provoked?
  • Is it forced?
  • Are they Manufactured?
  • Through which means?


  • Blood
  • Where is the blood found?
  • Does it need to be of a certain Quality?
  • How are the victims Chosen?
  • Is there a Blood Compatibility issue?
  • Do the victims need to be Killed?
  • Can they be kept alive?
  • Can they be chilled?
  • How are they Maintained alive?
  • Which type of device is used?
  • Flesh
  • Do they need to consume flesh?
  • Which quantity?
  • Which kind of flesh?
  • Do they Feed onto their Own Species?
  • Do they Feed exclusively onto Vampires?
  • Soul
  • Can they consume Any animal?
  • Can they consume Only Humanoids?
  • Can they only consume some type of individuals?
  • Why do they feed on Soul?
  • What happens if they devour a corrupted Soul?
  • What happens if they devour a decaying Soul?
  • What happens if they devour an innocent Soul?

Living Death

  • Parasitic Life
  • What makes them Undead?
  • What defines Untrue Life?
  • What defines Undeath?
  • Why do the Undead Feast on Life?
  • Do they Depend of Real Life?
  • How do they regenerate?
  • Do they sleep?
  • Servants
  • Do they have Undead under them?
  • Other vampires?
  • Others species?
  • Do they have non Undead servants?
  • Necromancy
  • Do they practice Witchcraft?
  • Do they use spells?
  • Do they engage into Rituals?
  • Do they create Undead?
  • Weaknesses
  • Do they fear Fire?
  • Do they fear Light?
  • To which Substances are they sensitive?
  • Which Materials are lethal to them?
  • Do they have different pain threshold?
  • Which Weapons should be used to destroy them?


  • Attraction
  • Why does the Sun attract them?
  • How did they develop this Obsession?
  • Are there Cults dedicated to the Sun?
  • Abhorrence
  • What is the cause of their Frustration toward the Sun?
  • Do they hate symbols of Hope?
  • Do they hate human representations?
  • Are they disgusted by veneration?
  • Is it because they can’t get out?
  • Does the Sun cloister them?
  • Difficult Hunts
  • Immunity
  • Are they indifferent to the Sun?
  • Are they natively immune?
  • Do they use a device?
  • Are they Original Vampires?
  • Are they Pure Vampires?
  • Are they Hybrids?

Mind Control

  • Hormones
  • Do they diffuse Pheromones?
  • Do they use Drugs?
  • Do they use Addiction?
  • Do they use a Nerve Agent?
  • How does it Diminish Pain?
  • Do they spread a Cloud/Mist?
  • Do they Inject it?
  • Is it in their Saliva?
  • Can you be Licked?
  • Waves
  • Do they project Mechanical Waves?
  • Do they diffuse Sounds?
  • Do they sing?
  • Do they use Electromagnetism?
  • Do they use Electro-chemical impulsions?
  • Threats
  • Do they Threaten their victims?
  • Do they Torture them?
  • Do they Excite them?
  • Do they Menace their relatives?


  • Attractiveness
  • Are they Self Controlled?
  • Are they Tempered?
  • Do they display Temperance?
  • What is their Etiquette?
  • What are their Ethics?
  • How do they define Aesthetics?
  • Do they engage in arts?
  • Do they have preferred genres?
  • Corporations
  • Do they organize themselves in Guilds?
  • Do they create Oligopolies?
  • Which trade do they operate?
  • Which trade do they try to monopolize?
  • Do they create Cults?
  • What are the condition to join them?
  • How are the rivalries displayed?
  • On what are they based?
  • Territories
  • What Populations inhabits these territories?
  • How are they kept into the borders?
  • How are they Abuses?
  • What kind of Taxes are put onto them?
  • Life stock
  • Slavery
  • Domination


  • Hierarchy
  • How are they organized?
  • How do you transit from 1 group to another?
  • How are you promoted?
  • Is it a monarchy?
  • Is it a republic?
  • Does Paranoia develop?
  • Policies
  • What is Heredity?
  • How is Power transmitted?
  • Can they reproduce?
  • Is Reproduction encouraged?
  • Is Reproduction amongst humans encouraged?
  • Which measures are implemented to support families?
  • Finances
  • How are finance managed?
  • How are resources acquired?
  • How are the families fed?
  • Who manage finances?
  • Pets
  • Are there pets?
  • Which kind of animals are these?
  • Are they used for protection?
  • Are they used for entertainment?
  • How are they treated?

Daily Life

  • Routine
  • What are their daily Activities?
  • What are their Interests?
  • How do they spend their money?
  • Isolation
  • Do they feel Disdain for other species?
  • For their own kind?
  • Do they isolate because of Disappointment?
  • Do they engage in Conversations?
  • Do they speak?
  • Do they interact with each other?
  • Sexual activity
  • Are they Predator?
  • Are they Frustrated?
  • Are they in term with their Awareness?
  • Are they expressing it Healthily?
  • Did they choose Abstinence?
  • Are they practicing it in Solitude?
  • Are they rejecting intimate relationships?
  • Are they Dissatisfied with them?



