- Initiative
- Is there something to do?
- Is there a need?
- Is there an unexploited niche?
- Is a concurrent getting weaker?
- Do they start providing unsatisfying products?
- Is there a new Technology available?
- Who’s interested by it?
- Who’s willing to pay for it?
- Who else maybe willing to pay?
- How should we show these people this Product solve their issue?
- Commercial Empathy
- Who wants what?
- Why do they have trouble getting it?
- How can we relate to this trouble?
- How can we expose advantages out of this situation?
- How is the situation an issue from the other person’s perspective?
- How is this perspective built?
- On which base?
- Did this person verify her assumptions?
- How did she establish them?
- Is there another issue?
- How can you solve it?
- How did she plan to solve it?
- Why did it fail?
- Could a single product solve multiple of her issues?
- Profiteer
- What is the best price?
- How low can you buy this item?
- How much can you resell it?
- Why can you make a profit on it?
- How can you make a profit on it?
- How needed is this item?
- Why do people need it?
- Is it vital for them?
- How much would they pay for it?
- Independently from its value.
- How can you increase its value?
- How does scarcity affect its price?
Weaponry & Status
- Guns
- What’s the character’s relationship to Guns?
- Which guns does she hold onto herself?
- Which guns does she use?
- Which guns does she expose?
- How many guns does she own?
- What are their properties?
- Which are her favorite guns?
- Why?
- Is she attached to them?
- Where they given to her?
- By whom?
- When does she use them?
- Relationships
- What’s her relationship to the Government?
- Is she part of the Government?
- Does she partner with a Agencies?
- Which Agencies?
- Which benefits to they bring her?
- Does she work with a Militia?
- Does she own a Militia?
- What is her relationship to the Houses of her World?
- Does she need their anointment?
- How does she see Nobility?
- How does she see Aristocracy?
- Does she use Propaganda?
- When does she use it?
- Does she use Defamation?
- Does she use Bashing?
- When does she use these means?
- Towards whom?
- Knowledge
- Does she contract with Agents?
- Does she employ with Agents?
- Does she develop relationships with Journalists?
- Which type of Journalist?
- Which type of information do they bring her?
- Which link does she establish with Regular People?
- How does she speak to them?
- How does she communicate with them?
- What value does she bring them?
- How does she gather Educators around her?
- How does she use the Public education system?
- Does she use it to influence future employees?
- How does she Deepen her relationships with Students?
- How does she Deepen her relationships with Researchers?
- How does she influence Cult Leaders?
- How does she influence Cultists?
- Does she use ceremonies to herd new customers?
- How does she channel her messages?
- Money
- Did she built Monopolies?
- Is she part of an Oligopoly?
- Which kind of Oligopoly?
- What are their scale?
- In which field?
- Does she work which Cartels?
- Does she organize Cartels on a certain resource?
- Does she offer Gifts?
- Who does she offer them to?
- When does she make Donations?
- In which domains does she grant Boons?
- In which causes does she funnel her money?
- How does these financial transfers Enlarge her influence?
- How much land does she own?
- How does she use this land?
A Mission
- Why?
- Why did she decide to become wealthy?
- Why did she start this Journey?
- Why at this age?
- Why did she decide to quit the place she was born?
- Why did she decided to gather people around her?
- Why did she become popular?
- Why did she start this Company?
- Why did she start this Business?
- Customers
- Who are her Customers?
- How well does she know them?
- How can she be sure that she knows them?
- How can she deliver them the Best Products?
- How can she deliver them the Best Service?
- How does she ensure their Satisfaction?
- How does she influence their decisions?
- How does she find them?
- When do they begin to incentivize the brand?
- When do they turn into Ambassadors?
- What benefits does it bring them?
- Employees
- Who are her Employees?
- How are they employed?
- How are they trained?
- How does she ensure their development?
- How do their wishes match their qualifications?
- How is their initiative developed?
- How is their collaboration spirit developed?
- How does she ensure that their aspirations evolve?
- How does she ensure their Satisfaction?
- My Shop, My Home
- How did she find her Shop?
- Does she live there?
- How is the Shop organized?
- How does it function?
- When was it built?
- By whom?
- How did she decorate it?
- Which features does it present?
- Who frequents her Shop the most?
- Is she a Travelling Merchant?
How to become a Wealthy merchant?
- Best Products
- What are the best Products?
- What does best mean?
- How should the product be marketed?
- Best Prices
- Does best means cheapest?
- Are there prices that are detrimental to the buyer?
- How much should the customer pay?
- Renewed Satisfaction
- What are the customers looking for?
- How to turn people into customers?
- What are people ready to pay for?
- What do they want for free?
- Real Estate
- How many buildings does the Character own?
- How many buildings does she rent?
- How much buildings does she sell on a yearly basis?
- When does she sell them?
- How do they appreciate?
- Does she use Whole Life Insurance to refinance them?
- How many Partnership a year does she conclude?
- Which Partners contribute the most?
- Financial Optimization
- Does the Character need an Accountant?
- Does the Character need a Financial Advisor?
- What should she buy to reduce her expenses?
- What should she buy to reduce her taxes?
- What does the Government incentivize?
Types of Merchant
- Shopkeeper
- How much time does she spend in the Shop?
- Is she always present?
- Does she show the clients around?
- Does she counsel them on products?
- Does she organize visits of her shop?
- How does she embellish it?
- How does she promote it?
- What are the business hours?
- Is the shop always open?
- What are the quirks of the shop?
- Who else works there?
- Crafter
- Does she invent new products?
- What’s her definition of Innovation?
- What’s her definition of Creativity?
- What’s her definition of Novelty?
- What’s her definition of Diversity?
- Which Technology does she use?
- Which Technology does she build?
- How does she choose her collaborators?
- How does she choose her partners?
- Which skills should they possess?
- Which techniques should they know?
- Tycoon
- Which kind of companies does she own?
- Does she own them partially?
- Does she own Banks?
- Does she own Hotels?
- In which regions are they deployed?
- How does she extend her brand in these regions?
- How does she manage localization?
- How does she adapt her products & services?
- Why are these regions lacking these products or services?
- Which Governments contract with them?
- How does she create out-of-competition areas?
- How can she create out-of-competition products?
- Cook
- How should a merchant please her customers?
- What is her favorite recipe?
- How did she built her Restaurant?
- Did she built it?
- Did she inherit it?
- Did she buy it?
- Why did the previous owner get rid of it?
- How does she make her Restaurant unique?
- Is there an Orchard?
- Are there Gardens?
- Is there a Pond?
- Which dishes are served?
- Does the cook hunt?
- Does the cook fish?
Roles & Skills
- Sponsor
- How does she write Contracts?
- Does she have a legal team?
- Who does she Contract with?
- Who does she Partner with?
- Which Types of Contract does she sign?
- Does she do work for hire?
- Does she sign Ventures?
- What is her Corporate model?
- How does she create Corporations?
- Did she create Guilds?
- What are these Guilds’ rules?
- How can 1 join them?
- Which Relationships does she open to her allies?
- Supplier
- Does she grow plants?
- Does she farm?
- How much of her property is Alive?
- Animals
- Plants
- How much of her property is Inert?
- Real Estate
- Ore
- How can this property self-replicate?
- How does she gather Resources?
- How does she manage Resources?
- How does she supply her teams?
- Builder
- What are her Crafting skills?
- Is she a Smith?
- Can she create Weaponry?
- Can she create Buildings?
- Can she create Vehicles?
- Does she craft Jewels?
- Does she craft Precious artifacts?
- Does she craft Rare Products?
- Does she craft New Products?
- Are their products only she can craft?
- Does she protect the means of production?
- Does she protect the means of recipe?
- Leader
- How does she choose Managers?
- How do the Managers manage the Employees?
- How do the Managers manage the Operators?
- How do they manage the expanses?
- How do they manage the expanses?
- How do they manage the Company’s public image?
- How does she manage her Reputation?
- How does she interact with people she appreciates?
- How does she interact with people she dislikes?