How to write a Mage?


  • Curious
  • What does the Character do most of the Time?
  • How often does she Experiment?
  • How Imaginative is she?
  • Does she daydream?
  • Does she draw or paint her ideas?
  • How does she define Possibilities?
  • How does she define Probabilities?
  • How does she place herself into her Environment?
  • Playful
  • What’s her view on the World?
  • What is she interested by?
  • What attracts her attention?
  • What does she want to create?
  • Is she inclined towards Creation?
  • How does she canalize her enthusiasm?
  • How does she use Channeling?
  • How does she use her Hands?
  • Does she view Spellcasting as a game?
  • What’s her view on Companionship?
  • Does she want to have a team?
  • Avid
  • What is she obsessed by?
  • What is the origin of her Obsession?
  • Does she want to Collect more Knowledge?
  • Does she want to Accumulate more Power?
  • Does she want to Develop more Relationships?
  • Does she want to Spread her Influence?
  • Does she want to Create new Laboratories?

Weaponry & Status

  • Staff
  • What are the Origins of the Staff?
  • Is it made of Wood?
  • Is it covered with Bark?
  • Is it made of Metal?
  • How was it Enchanted?
  • What are the properties of this Enchantment?
  • Is it Possessed?
  • Is a Spirit inhabiting it?
  • What’s her Relationship with the Staff?
  • How came she was attached to the Staff?
  • How does the Staff assist the Mage?
  • How does it help her to Grow?
  • What would happen if she Loses the Staff?
  • Blades
  • Does she use regular Weapons?
  • Which kind of sword does she use?
  • Does she use Swords?
  • Does she use Sickles?
  • Does she use Scythes?
  • Which alloy is used to forge them?
  • Where they made from the bones of an unnatural beast?
  • Do they contain crystals?
  • Are they embedded with gems?
  • Are they made of metal?
  • Are they illusory?
  • How are they enchanted?
  • What are their special properties?
  • Robes
  • What are the Origins of the Robes?
  • Are they a Gift?
  • Were they Self-made?
  • How Comfortable are they?
  • Which color are they?
  • Are they ample?
  • What are their Properties?
  • What Protection do they bring?
  • Are they here as a Ornament?
  • Are they Enchanted?
  • With which kind of Enchantment?
  • Do they bear Symbols?
  • Armor
  • Does the character wear an armor?
  • What are the Origins of the Armor?
  • Is it a Gift?
  • Was it Self-made?
  • Can the Character smith?
  • How Aesthetic is it?
  • Which color is it?
  • What’s its shape?
  • What are its Properties?
  • How Protective is it?
  • Is it a light armor?
  • Is it Ornate?
  • How is it Enchanted?
  • Books
  • How often does she Use them?
  • What are her Favored topics?
  • Which kind of Spells do they contain?
  • How do they correspond to the character’s Goals?
  • Does the character give Discourses?
  • What is her Message?
  • Does she Awe her Public?


  • Research
  • How does she develop New Spells?
  • Does she want to develop New Spells?
  • Is she Environment-Focused?
  • Is she Self-Focused?
  • Is she Target-Focused?
  • How does she develop her processes?
  • Does she always respect the procedures?
  • What is Research to her?
  • Is she more interested by the Process?
  • Is she more interested by the Result?
  • Experimentation
  • Does she have a laboratory?
  • Where did she build it?
  • Did she build it?
  • Does she privilege a Probabilistic approach?
  • Does she privilege a Deterministic approach?
  • Which use does she make of her spell?
  • Is she biased towards Continuous generation?
  • Is she biased towards Discrete generation?
  • Into which System does she develop her spells?
  • Studying
  • How much Time does she dedicate to Study?
  • Which kind of studies?
  • What is her Daily routine?
  • How much time does she dedicate to Books?
  • How much time does she dedicate to Experiences?
  • How much time does she dedicate to Resource gathering?
  • How much time does she dedicate to Procedure refining?
  • Does she give Courses?
  • To which kind of People?
  • Wisdom
  • How reliable is she?
  • What is the extent of her Knowledge?
  • Does she find it sufficient?
  • How does she appreciate her lack of knowledge?
  • How does she estimate her deficiency in a specific domain?
  • Does she follow a set of Rules?
  • Does she follow a Code?
  • Which Codes does she follow?
  • Which Belief system does she adopt?
  • Does she rely on Hope?
  • Does she display Faith through her work?


  • Patience
  • How dedicated is she to her Training?
  • What is the value of Practice?
  • What is the value of Repetition?
  • How does she take Notes?
  • When does she doubt her methods?
  • Does she need to come across a crisis?
  • How does she review her Procedures?
  • When does she review her Procedures?
  • How reactive is she?
  • Motivation
  • Why did she start this Journey?
  • Why did she start to learn Spells?
  • Did she Become a mage of her own volition?
  • Was it a tradition in her entourage?
  • Did she stay with this path?
  • Which Education did she receive?
  • Which Education does she receive?
  • Which Education does she deliver?
  • Which School did she frequent?
  • Is she part of a Guild?
  • How Devoted is she to her activity?
  • Pain
  • What is painful to her?
  • Does she have a record of Failed Experiment?
  • What were the consequences?
  • Was her Body transfigured?
  • What caused this recurring Failure?
  • Did she develop Suffering?
  • Did she cause Destruction?
  • What did she destroy?
  • Was she Ostracized?
  • Was she Isolated?

Types of Mage

  • Magician
  • How dedicated is she to Academics?
  • Does she work as a researcher?
  • In which kind of Institute?
  • How obsessed is she by Innovation?
  • How obsessed is she by Performance?
  • How obsessed is she by Efficience?
  • Which Concepts are the most critical for her?
  • How does she develop Theories?
  • How did he practice Abstractatification?
  • Wizard
  • Is she self-taught?
  • How Distant is she from others?
  • How Distant is she from ideas?
  • How Distant is she from beliefs?
  • How does she practice Distanciation?
  • Which Formula does she develop?
  • Which Formula does she refine?
  • Which Rituals does she practice?
  • How Independent is she?
  • How does she define Independence?
  • Can she perceive the Limits of Civilization?
  • Is she looking for the Limits of Nature?
  • Thaumaturge
  • Does the Character use her Spells to make money?
  • Does she view Spellmaking as a business?
  • Is she a Miracle worker?
  • Can she build & sell 24/7?
  • What are her Financial orientations?
  • How does she capitalize on other people’s knowledge?
  • How does she Gather People?
  • How doe she Gather Resources?
  • Does she need to Create Guilds?
  • Who does she associate with?
  • Spellsword
  • Does she wear Heavy armors?
  • Does she wield Heavy weapons?
  • How developed is her knowledge of combat?
  • Does she qualify as a battle mage?
  • Is she part of an army?
  • Does she lead an army?
  • What is her rank?
  • What are her affinities with war?
  • How does she accommodate to melee fighting?
  • In which kind of Accommodation does she live?
  • Is she an Hybrid species?
  • How does she Synergize Spell & weapons?
  • How does she uses Paradoxes to confuse her enemies?


  • Leader
  • How does she help others?
  • How does she assist her Team?
  • How does she catalyse the strengths of her team?
  • How does she help them to evolve?
  • How does she coordinate them in combat?
  • How does she coordinate them in mission?
  • How does she treat them?
  • How does she reward them?
  • Does she provide accommodation?
  • Does she provide weapons?
  • Soul
  • How ambitious is she?
  • How often is she Frustrated?
  • How Frustrated is she?
  • How does she create a better future for herself?
  • How does she create a better future for her team?
  • Does she dream often?
  • Does she have recurring nightmares?
  • Does she give birth to her nightmares?
  • Can she materialize them?
  • Builder
  • How does she gather Ingredients?
  • Does she practice Spell creation?
  • Is she well-rounded at it?
  • Does she enjoy it?
  • Does she Teach spells to others?
  • What kind of Assistance does she provide?
  • Does she help during Construction?
  • Does she create Buildings?
  • Does she help reinforcing the Defenses of her settlement?
  • Does she build Traps?
  • Does she build Homes?
  • Enticer
  • How does she amuse herself?
  • Which kind of Entertainment does she prefer?
  • How does she Entertain others?
  • Does she practice Prestidigitation?
  • Does she give Performances?
  • Does she make Jokes?
  • How does she keep herself happy?
  • How does she prevent herself from drowning?




