How to Write a Dinner Scene?

The Event

  • Partnership
  • Is the Dinner organized to conclude a partnership?
  • Who are the parties?
  • What kind of project is about to be realized?
  • What is the goal of the partnership?
  • What stake does this dinner hold?
  • Who’s Regarding this partnership as beneficial?
  • Who’s opposed to the partnership?
  • Who is still indecisive?
  • Inauguration
  • What’s is inaugurated?
  • Is it the building itself?
  • Is it a new company?
  • Is it a Festival?
  • Is it a Holiday?
  • Is it a Birthday?
  • Who’s celebrated?
  • Fundraising
  • Is every guest participating to the fundraise?
  • To which extent?
  • What benefit do they retire from it?
  • Are they paying only to participate?
  • What are they funneling?
  • Are there untold stakes to this dinner?

The Location

  • Is the Building’s location known by everyone?
  • Is it Easy to Find?
  • Is it easily accessible?
  • Is it well located?
  • Are there nearby shops wear the guests can buy a last minute gift?
  • Is it properly proportioned?
  • Who owns it?
  • How is the Building’s Vicinity?
  • Is it a remote location?
  • Is it Isolated?
  • Is it different from the rest of the setting?
  • How peaceful is it?
  • Is it situated in a special location?
  • How is the Vicinity formed?
  • Is it natural?
  • Is it artificial?
  • Is it between a city & nature?
  • How are the landscapes?
  • Is there a lot of trafic around?
  • How is the Building?
  • Does it look welcoming?
  • How is the façade?
  • How is it decorated?
  • How are the colors?
  • Are there gardens?
  • How are they tended?
  • How is devanture kempt?
  • How are the Varangues?
  • Are there Terraces?

The Personnel

  • Welcoming & House-holding
  • How are the Guests welcomed?
  • Directly by the Host?
  • Is there a dedicated person charged to orient the guests?
  • Does this person guides them around the house?
  • Are there multiple ones?
  • Are there enough guides for all the guests?
  • Is there an Overseer?
  • Is there a vertical hierarchy?
  • How is she dressed?
  • How are the other dressed?
  • Do they wear a uniform?
  • Do they have authority over the other members of the personnel?
  • How do they speak?
  • How do they address the Guests?
  • How do they address the Host?
  • The Cooks
  • What is their Value?
  • What do they bring to the dinner?
  • Were they engaged for their skills in cooking?
  • What do they cook?
  • How do they cook?
  • Where do they cook?
  • How Long will they Last in the dinner?
  • Do they only cook?
  • Do they have other roles?
  • How are they dressed?
  • What’s their Color?
  • Do they wear a uniform?
  • How do they speak?
  • How do they address the Guests?
  • How do they address the Host?
  • Do they live in the Building?
  • The Assistants
  • What is their Value?
  • What do they bring to the dinner?
  • Do they create trouble?
  • Do they cook?
  • Do they serve?
  • Do they assist the guests?
  • How?
  • How do they make the dinner special?
  • How do they make the dinner more enjoyable?
  • What is their Long Lasting potential?
  • How are they dressed?
  • What’s their Color?
  • Do they wear a uniform?
  • Do they wear different colors according to their function?
  • How do they speak?
    • To each other?
    • To other members of the personnel?
  • How do they address the Guests?
  • How do they address the Host?
  • Do they live in the Building?
  • Other Roles
  • Entertainers
  • Value
  • Long Lasting
  • How are they dressed?
  • How do they speak?
  • How do they address the Guests?
  • How do they address the Host?

The Participants

  • Organization
  • Do they belong to an Organization?
  • Do they all belong to the same Organization?
  • Do they plan to defect?
  • Do they plan to join a new group?
  • Is this group formed during the dinner?
  • How would this new group enhance their life?
  • Would they acquire new rights?
  • Would they acquire a new status?
  • Are there other advantages?
  • What do they know about this Organization?
  • Do they plan a joint venture?
  • Do they plan a merger?
  • Are there concurrent Organizations present?
  • How do they behave publicly?
  • The Guests
  • What is their relationship to the host?
  • What is their relationship to other guests?
  • Are they pleased to be here?
  • Are they supposed to be dressed in a certain manner?
  • Are certain clothes mandatory?
  • Are certain clothes prohibited?
  • Do they take part to the entertainments?
  • Are they distracted?
  • Are they engaged?
  • Are they enticed?
  • Do they feel safe in this ambiance?
  • Would they stay for the night?
  • Can they stay for the night?
  • How are the bedrooms arranged?
  • How comfortable are they?
  • The Host
  • What is her relationship to her guests?
  • Did she met all the guests already?
  • Is she Gregarious?
  • Is she Popular?
  • Is she known by individuals out of her Organization?
  • Is she known by all the Guests?
  • How much does she interact with the Guests?
  • Does she leave the interactions to her Overseer?
  • Does she interact only with managers?
  • Does she give speeches during the Dinner?
  • Does information spread easily in this Organization?
  • Which type of Project is she the origin of?
  • Is it another Guest’s project?
  • How is she supporting this guest?
  • What is their relationship?

The Living Room

  • Service
  • Is there a tour of the house when the Guests arrive?
  • How much of the House can the Guest access to?
  • How is the Living rooms atmosphere when they arrive?
  • How are they greeted?
  • Is the Overseer presenting them the House?
  • Can they be promptly assisted?
  • How are they put at ease?
  • Main Room
  • How are the Walls?
  • What’s their color?
  • Are they decorated?
  • How is the Ceiling?
  • How high is it?
  • Are there frescoes?
  • What are the material used?
  • What are the motifs depicted?
  • How luminous is it?
  • What type of lights are used?
  • How warm is it?
  • How cold is it?
  • Are there Tables?
  • How large are they?
  • What’s their use?
  • Are there Appetizers?
  • Are there Seats?
  • How comfortable are they?
  • How are they shaped?
  • Points of Interest
  • Are there Statues?
  • What do they represent?
  • Who do they represent?
  • Where are they placed?
  • Are there Shrine?
  • Who can access them?
  • Are they place near a source of heat or of light?
  • How are they decorated?
  • Are there Inner Gardens?
  • Are there Trees?

The Dinner Room

  • Walls
  • Are they regular walls?
  • How many windows are they?
  • Can you see the outside?
  • Are they open?
  • On what are they open?
  • How is the view?
  • Ceiling
  • Is the Ceiling peculiar?
  • Are there upper levels?
  • What’s its use?
  • Do plates come from the ceiling?
  • Are there tubes coming from the ceiling to the table?
  • Is there a screen?
  • Is there a projection?
  • Tables
  • How large are the Tables?
  • What’s the Material used?
  • What’s their Shape?
  • Is it consistent with the room’s Shape?
  • Are there multiple types of tables?
  • Are people separated?
  • According to which criteria?
  • How different are the table?
  • How are the Decorations?
  • How many people can they accommodate?
  • Does the Silverware differ?
  • Does the Glassware differ?
  • Are there different level of sophistication?
  • Are there different level of craftmanship?
  • Does certain tables have no utensils?
  • Seats
  • How comfortable are the seats?
  • How long will the guest will sit on it?
  • Are there breaks between each parts of the dinner?
  • How long is each course?
  • Are the Seats movable?
  • Do they rotate?
  • Are they assorted to the tables?
  • Can you rest easily in them?
  • Are you well positioned?
  • Link to the Kitchen
  • Is the Kitchen adjacent?
  • Is it Under?
  • Is it over?
  • Is it 1 large room?
  • Are the Kitchens open?
  • Do they guests enjoy to be able to see the food made?


  • Type
  • What kind of food is served?
  • Is it Typical Food?
  • Is it Specific of the region?
  • Is it Foreign?
  • Is it Plain?
  • Is it a Buffet?
  • Is it a Mix of self-service & a la carte?
  • Are there Traditional dishes?
  • Prepare by Natives?
  • How are they cooked?
    • Are they Roast?
    • Are they Steamed?
    • Are they Smoked?
    • Are they Sautéed?
  • What’s the most prevalent type of food?
    • Meat?
    • Cheese?
    • Eggs?
    • Vegetables?
    • Fruits?
    • Nuts?
  • Unusual
  • Are there Experimental dishes?
  • Are there Ludicrous dishes?
  • Are there Luxurious dishes?
  • How is the Taste?
  • How is the Texture?
  • How is the Fragrance?
  • Is it made Dangerous ingredients?
  • Is it made with Toxins?
  • Is it made with Venoms?
  • How are they consumed?
    • Frozen?
    • Boiling?
    • Alive?
  • In what are they cooked?
    • In Milk?
    • In Syrup?
    • In Blood?
  • Are there only sweet dishes?
  • Is it a Just Deserts diner?
  • Special Needs
  • Do some guests have Allergies?
  • Do they have nutritional requirements?
  • Do they have intolerance?
  • Do they have a specific demand?
  • Do they prefer No animals products?
  • Do they prefer products of a certain origin?


  • Games
  • Are Competitions organized?
  • What’s their aim?
  • Are they used for Recruitment?
  • Which skills are tested?
  • Are they used to appease rivalry?
  • Are they Fights?
  • Are they Enigma?
  • Are they Puzzles?
  • Performances
  • Are there Theatrical performances?
  • Do they Use the properties of the room?
  • Where do the performers come from?
  • Who are the Actors?
  • Are they part of the personal?
  • How are they?
  • How are they dressed?
  • Are the Characters of the performance known?
  • Is it an Original Play?
  • Where is the performance happening?
  • Is it happening Outside of the room?
  • Is there an Inner court?
  • Cooking Show?
  • Which kind of Recipe is displayed?
  • Are these Difficult Recipes?
  • Are these Exquisite Recipes?
  • Are these Dangerous Recipes?
  • Can the Guest Participate?
  • Is it mandatory?
  • For all?
  • Who is concerned by this activity?
  • What are the rewards?
  • Music
  • Is there music During the dinner?
  • Which kind?
  • How is the Atmosphere changed?
    • Is it enticing?
    • Is it entrancing?
    • Is it quiescent?
    • Is it abeyant?
  • Who are the Musicians?
  • How are the Musicians?
  • Are they Graceful?
  • What Instruments do they use?
  • How are their Voices?
  • How do they Dance?


