Every time I’m here, you smile
- Sympathetic Characters
- Do you want want to provide fun for everyone?
- What about creating funny characters?
- What kind of funny characters?
- 4 types of funny characters.
- So, we have some cake for everybody.
- Enticer
- Always Excited & Enthusiast.
- She Moves everyone.
- She can be Exasperating.
- She’s rarely upset.
- She may be chasing a Treasure.
- She may be discovering Nature.
- She may be writing a Comic Book.
- When this character appears, you know something good will happen.
- Advisor
- She delivers the best advices…
- According to her.
- Will she try to appear mature?
- Would you make her a Righteous character?
- Would you make her an Empathetic character?
- Would you make her a Solemn character?
- A combination of the 3 is great.
- Especially if you add some form of Bad Faith in her seemingly Flawless advices.
- Soul
- She enjoys the world.
- She may be construed as Detached from Reality.
- She isn’t
- She just Does Unusual things.
- The most Unexpected reactions.
- Will she be Calm?
- Will she be ever Serene?
- Even if what happens has stark consequences?
- Will she be Ethereal?
- Will she be Engaged?
- Even if she’s looking at something ridiculously plain?
- Protector
- She Tries to rally everyone in the Team.
- She’s Mostly optimistic, even in desperate situations.
- May display a Ridiculous level of Optimism.
- The Character is aware of this behavior.
- Though, it is only way for them.
- Will she be Authoritative?
- Will she be Entitled?
- Will she be Nurturing?
If it’s Dumb, it works
When a cat falls on the butts, she farts.
And then the house explodes.
- Dumb things
- Do you laugh when you see someone Fall?
- Do you laugh when you see someone get Hit?
- Do you laugh when someone Farts?
- Congratulations!
- You know how to do comedy!
- Quirks
- What are some of the most Inappropriate Behaviors you can think of?
- Can you make them habits?
- To which kind of characters should you give these habits?
- Do they know the habits are dumb?
- Do they continue to do it?
- No, Good.
- Yes, Better.
- When do we do stupid things?
- What are some of the dumbest things to do?
- In front of who shouldn’t you do these things?
- When shouldn’t you do it?
- What is the worst single moment to be caught doing this dumb thing?
- What would be the outcome?
- Who sees you?
- What would be their reaction?
Door:”Knock, knock, knock.”
I open the door, naked.
It was the parcel I was waiting.
It is the Parcel I was waiting.”
I am here to deliver this Parcel you were waiting.”
Me:”Should I sign?
You see I have my pen out.”
You have your pen out.
I also have my pen out.
How should we proceed?”
Me:”Maybe we could sign at the same time…”
I realized she had a 4-color pen.
I wanted to use it.
The tip comes out.
How Untypical.
- Do you want to Correct me? grinning
- Humor is often a derivation of stupidity.
- A:”You think I’m stupid?”
- B:”Well…”
- A:”What would you do if you were me?”
- B:”In fact…”
- A:”Too bad, it doesn’t work here.”
- Introduce situations the Mind will want to Correct.
- Install the Logic
- You’re in a kitchen.
- What is the thing you need the most?
- What is the thing you cannot continue the scene without?
- Is it an accessory/tool?
- Is it a person?
- Counterpoint
- Can you cook without Water?
- Can you cook without Oil?
- Can you cook without Heat?
- A:”Now, you can.”
- Break the Logic
- What shouldn’t be here?
- An object that shouldn’t be in the room?
- An Accessory that doesn’t fit the rest of the Design?
- A phrase said on an unfitting Tone?
- Alternate Serious & Dumb
- What matters the most for you?
- There’s probably someone who doesn’t care about it.
- At all.
- They would even think you’re the stupidest person to think it is important.
- What matters the most for you?
- What matters the most for the person in front of you?
- Can you show respect for what this person likes even if you find it ridiculous?
- Can you show respect for what this person likes even if you hate that person?
- That’s Life
- Do you need to be in a specific place?
- At a specific time?
- You missed that?
- That’s Life.
- Can you list all the missed opportunities One can go through?
- Can you list all the missed opportunities you’ve been through?
- Can you say That’s Life?
- Then, all’s well…
- It’s not.
- Serious Events
- They’ll probably happen.
- But maybe not.
- And especially when you don’t expect them.
- Serious can Disrupt Comedy.
- It can flow with it.
- It can reinforce it.
- Skepticism, Nihilism & Relativism
- Someone made something stupid.
- How bad is it?
- Did it hinder someone else?
- What did they do?
- How stupid was it?
- How foolish was it?
- How inappropriate was it?
- How Untypical?
- Unexpected Object…
- Where does it come from?
- No, no, no.
- It shouldn’t be there.
Flood the Logic Gates
- Accumulation = Repetition + Exaggeration
- You prepared someone a lovely meal.
- A:”Here.”
- B:”…”
- A:”You will love it, have a bite.”
- B:”It’s not cooked.”
- A:”We don’t have water.”
- B:”The fork is dirty.”
- A:”We don’t have water.”
- B:”…”
- A:”It’s because of the environment.”
- B:”It’s not cooked.”
- A:”It’s Untypical.”
- B:”…”
- A:”It’s good to try new things.”
- B:”…”
- A:”Come on, enjoy the flavor.”
- B:”…”
- A:”It will turn sour.”
- B:”Haaaaaaaaaa…”
- Surprises
- A 3rd person comes in.
- C:”I see you haven’t changed.”
- A:”You!
- A:”What do you want?”
- C:”…”
- A:”If you’re not eating you can get out.”
- B:”It’s not cooked.”
- A:”It melts in the mouth.”
- C:”…”
- B:”It’s not cooked!!”
- C:”Only a glimpse of you.”
- A:”?!”
- B:”Ha?”
- C:”That’s why.”
- A:”You went away…
20 years ago…
Did you find it?” - C:”There was something I thought I could find.
At some point I almost abandoned.
But here it was.” - B:”?”
- C:”Here’s the perfect Untypical.”
- B:”???”
- C:”And because of that, we’re rich.”
- B:”??????”
- C:”Also, you’re my child.”
- B:”It’s spoiled.”