How to write a Cleric?


  • Service
  • How does the Character help her Community?
  • Is she of Service?
  • Is she of Assistance?
  • Is she an Educator?
  • Is she a Healer?
  • How does she Administrate the Community?
  • Does she Manage the temple?
  • Does she Collect donations?
  • Does she Patrol?
  • Does she monitor her fellow people?
  • Scholarship
  • How much time does she consecrate to Study?
  • What is the value of Knowledge to her?
  • Is she Comprehensive?
  • Does she help others in their Advancement?
  • How does she Progress?
  • How does she help others to Progress?
  • Is Peace a goal for her?
  • Faith
  • Is she Counseling?
  • Is she Answering questions from the followers?
  • Is she Answering questions from the non-followers?
  • Is she Answering questions from the opponents?
  • Is she Advising the followers?
  • Is she Guiding them?
  • Is she Correcting them

Weaponry & Status

  • Heavy Weapons
  • She will prefer Maces.
  • Clerics mainly uses Blunt weapons rather than blades.
  • Since they are more appropriate to Subdue.
  • They Immobilize.
  • They Prevent conflict.
  • Avoiding unnecessary killings is crucial to the Cleric.
  • Talismans
  • What is its Form?
  • In which Material is it built?
  • Who built it?
  • Where does it come from?
  • How is it Linked to the Cleric?
  • Is it a Legacy?
  • Which Powers does it have?
  • Which Effects does it have?
  • Which Requirements are necessary in order to hold it?
  • Faith
  • Does she organize public readings?
  • Which Books does she read?
  • Which Tales does she tale?
  • Does she give Discourses?
  • How does she Rally follower?
  • How does she Defend her thesis?
  • How does she Reprobate?
  • How does she Canalize the public’s hope?

Her Relationship with Her

  • Self-Inquiry
  • Does she question her Own endeavor?
  • Does she question her Own choices?
  • Does she question her Own alignement?
  • Does she reconsider her Oath?
  • When did she pronounce her Vows?
  • Does she have Regrets?
  • How does she intend to Change?
  • Does she Speak to Her?
  • Which Questions does she ask?
  • Which Answers does she receive?
  • Ideal
  • What is her Ideal?
  • What is her Goal?
  • What are her Interests?
  • What is her Obsession?
  • What is she Following?
  • How does she Invoke Her?
  • How does she Conjure Her?
  • Can she use Divination?
  • Representation
  • How does the Character represent Her?
  • What is Her Shape?
  • What is Her Color?
  • What are Her Intentions?
  • What are Her Tenets?
  • How is Her Talisman?
  • What are Her other Symbols?
  • Is She Humanoid?
  • Other Cults
  • Does she display Curiosity?
  • Does she Respect other cults?
  • Is she Knowledgeable on them?
  • Does she Reprobate them?
  • Does she Oppose them?
  • How do they respond?
  • Which conflicts does it engender?
  • Which pacts are concluded?


  • Purification
  • Does she use Light?
  • How does she use it?
  • Does she use Lightning?
  • Does she use Fire?
  • Does she use Evocation?
  • Can she cast elemental Shields?
  • Can she cast elemental Waves?
  • Healing
  • Does she use Regeneration?
  • How does she use Talisman to heal?
  • Is it different from the Talisman use for casting offensive miracles?
  • Does she recite Prayers?
  • Can she Sooth Scars?
  • Can she use Resurrection?
  • Does she use Resurrection?
  • Can she do it anywhere?
  • Does she need to be in a Temple?
  • Does she need an Altar?
  • Opposition to Spells
  • How does she oppose to Spell use?
  • Can she silence spellcasters?
  • Can she inhibit spell use?
  • Is she opposed to Thaumaturgy?
  • What is her position on Undeath?
  • What is her position on Necromancy?
  • How does she view spellcasters?
  • Does she interact with Sorceress & Witches?
  • Does she interact with Mages & Wizards?
  • Hexes & Blessings
  • What is she Praying for?
  • What is she Praying against?
  • Does she wish for Release?
  • Can she help other to Release themselves?
  • Can she cast Curses?
  • Can she dissipate Curses?
  • According to her, what binds Humanity?
  • How does she intend to Free Humanity?
  • Can she oppose Otherworldly Threats?
  • Can she release Anathema?

Types of Cleric

  • Monk
  • Does she enjoy to learn?
  • How long are her Studies?
  • Which topic does she Study?
  • Is she learning in Peace?
  • Does she Meditate?
  • Does she Ponder?
  • Which phenomena does she Observe?
  • How does she value the Mundane?
  • How does she value the Appreciation?
  • Is she looking for Mind’s Freedom?
  • Is she looking for Soul’s Freedom?
  • How does she intend to reach them?
  • Zealot
  • What are her Tenets?
  • Does she try to Convert people?
  • How does she Convert them?
  • How strong is her Proselytism?
  • Does she preach Goodwill?
  • What is her definition of Punishment?
  • What is a Heretic?
  • Does she use Blinding Light?
  • Is she an Undead hunter?
  • Does she intend to Free people from Evil?
  • Does she use Banishment?
  • Does she Return her victims to the Cycle?
  • Cardinal
  • How proficient is she in martial arts?
  • Which Heavy weapons does she use?
  • Which type of Heavy armor does she use?
  • How powerful are her Offensive Miracles?
  • As an Advanced Healer, how many companions can she heal?
  • Can she bless her whole army?
  • Can she Lead them?
  • Can she Guide them?
  • What makes her a Leader?
  • Why do the Troops follow her?
  • Which Moral does she insufflate them?
  • What is her definition of Courage?
  • What is her definition of Retribution?
  • Hierophant
  • Is there 1 Faith?
  • Could this single Faith have Multiple Facets?
  • Can 1 Ideal bear different Names?
  • How strong 1 should be in order to instill respect?
  • How can 1 inculcate Awe into others?
  • Through Empathy?
  • Through Opening?
  • How can 1 show others the Ways of the World?
  • How can 1 reach Transcendance, according to her?
  • What is her definition of Eminence?
  • What is her definition of Grace?


  • Advisor
  • Who does she Query?
  • What does she Query?
  • How does she Query?
  • How does she Interrogate people?
  • Does she question their life choices?
  • How does she help them operate change?
  • Does she help them modify habits?
  • How does she catalyse their evolution?
  • Arbiter
  • How does she Weight devotion?
  • How does she Weight belief?
  • Can she see Souls?
  • Can she identify Motivations?
  • How does she measure Motivations?
  • What does she Judge?
  • What does she Condemn?
  • What does she Approve?
  • Supplier
  • What assistance can she provide?
  • What skills does she possess?
  • Which resources has she access to?
  • How can she help the team when in need?
  • Can she funnel funds into the team?
  • How reliable is she?
  • In which domains particularly?
  • What is her definition of Safety?
  • Sponsor
  • How does she establish Relationships?
  • What level of Influence does she have?
  • Which kind of Influence does she display?
  • Which kind of Relationships does she have?
  • How does it benefit the team?
  • Can they be a hindrance for the team?
  • How does she solicitate them?
  • Who Follows her?
  • Who Supports her?



