How to write a book in a week?

  • Writing a Book in a Week requires 2 Factors :
    • A Clear Plan.
    • And 2-3 hours per day.

Summary – Write a Book in a week in 4 steps

  1. Create a Character Group you want to Follow.
  2. Define why you want to Follow them.
  3. Define their End.
  4. Plan your Story.
    1. Create at least 3 Organizations
    2. 3 to 6 Environments
    3. 10 different Stories/Chapters

How to write a 100+ pages book in a week?

  • How many pages can you hope to Write in a week?
  • If you’re already writing 1-2 pages every day you can write a 30-60 pages in a month.
  • 1-2 pages a day would give you a 7-14 pages short story in a week.
  • In order to get a 100 pages book you’d need to write 14 pages every day.
  • Can you do it?
  • Can you write 100 pages in a Week?
  • You can.
  • It’s just difficult.
  • You’ll need a project you’re more passionate about than usual.
  • If you find 1 it will become Enjoyable.
  • And that’s why it’s the best way to progress.
  • A project that’s both Challenging & Enjoyable.
  • Why would you do it?
  • To become better.
  • And become better faster.
  • Working with a firm time limit is the best way to progress.
  • Just as having high expectations.
  • 100 pages in a week may be the best way to improve faster.

How long will it take, on a daily basis?

  • Can you write 14 pages a day in an Hour?
  • Maybe not.
  • Even if you’re experienced.
  • Trying 14 pages per hour as a beginner is probably not possible.
  • Except if you do not care too much about Result.
  • What would be a more appropriate amount of time?
  • Can you write 14 pages a day in 3-4 Hours?
  • That’s highly likely.
  • If you’re experienced you can do it in as little as 2-3 hours.
  • If you can already write up to 10 pages in that amount of time that’s only a matter of months.
  • Set it as a your new target.
  • And in half a year you should be able to produce that result consistently.
  • How should I get Started?
  • If you can’t produce that amount of pages start with a lower objective.
  • Can you write 4-5 pages a day?
  • Can you make a story out of these 4-5 pages?
  • Writing a short Story every day is one of the best ways to get you started.
  • You productivity will peak after a year if you write a page the 1st month.
  • And gradually ascend to up to 10 pages at the end of the year.
  • It’s all about enjoying the Process.

You can find more on how to write Really short stories here.

Summarize the most Important Chapters

  • Summarize
  • Summarize the Whole Story in 1 sentence.
  • Summarize the End in 1 sentence.
  • Summarize the Introduction in 1 sentence.
  • Summarize the 3 Main Crisis in 1 sentence each.
  • Resolution
  • How does it End?
  • Where does it End?
  • Which Issue occurs?
  • Who is involved?
  • How can the Issue be solved?
  • Can it be Solved?
  • How does the Story end for each Character?
  • Which New Event occurs?
  • Which New Environment is Discovered?
  • Which New Character is Introduced?
  • Introduction
  • Where does the Story Begin?
  • What is the Atmosphere?
  • Who are the People?
  • Where do they Live?
  • How do they Live?
  • What are their Issues?
  • How do they manage them?
  • Which Event occurs?
  • How is the 1st Environment of the Story?
  • Which Character is Introduced?
  • Escalation
  • How does it Escalate?
  • Where does it Happen?
  • Which Issue occurs?
  • Who is involved?
  • How can the Issue be solved?
  • What should it lead to?
  • What does it lead to?
  • Which New Event occurs?
  • Which New Environment is Discovered?
  • Which New Character is Introduced?
  • Crisis
  • Which Crisis should the Characters Face?
  • Where does it Happen?
  • Why does it Happen?
  • How does it Happen?
  • Which Issue occurs?
  • Who is involved?
  • How can the Issue be solved?
  • What should it lead to?
  • What does it lead to?
  • Which New Event occurs?
  • Which New Environment is Discovered?
  • Which New Character is Introduced?

If you want to know how to summarize a Book in 1 Page

The Outline

  • What do you need?
  • You need a Group of Characters.
  • You need a Setting.
  • And you need a Theme.
  • How many Characters do you need?
  • 3 to 6 would be enough.
  • Which Kind of Characters do you need?
  • You’ll need 3 Functions:
    • Protagonists.
    • Antagonist.
    • Supports.
  • You’ll need 4 Roles:
    • Rivals.
    • Enticers.
    • Advisors.
    • Protectors.

Each of these Roles & Functions is developed in our Article on Archetypes.

  • Attachment
  • Define why you’re attached to these Characters.
  • It will be easier to induce attachment between the Characters & the Public if you make use of Archetypes.
  • You can use a Class system.
  • As well as a Species system.
  • It may make the writing easier.
  • Anything that makes your Characters more Memorable is Beneficial.
  • How many Environments/Settings?
  • 3 to 6 would be ideal.
  • Even though, the whole story can unfold in a Single location.
  • Which kind of Settings do you need?
  • You will need 5 kind of locations:
    • a Resting place,
    • a Gathering place,
    • a Confrontation place,
    • an Aftermath place &
    • a Separation place.
  • Generally you will find settings like:
    • A Café/a Restaurant/a Park
    • A House/Apartment/Basement
    • A Grand place/Main square/City Center/Agora
    • A Hostile setting, Urban or Natural
    • A Welcoming setting, Urban or Natural
  • Any Room can serve any of these Purposes.
  • Therefore, a Single Room can have multiple uses.
  • Experiment to find out what suits you the most.
  • How many Chapters?
  • 10 to 12.
  • So that you can track the advancement of the Character easily.
  • Your main Theme will unfold within these 10-12 Chapters.
  • You’ll generally develop it through 3-4 sub-Themes.
  • If you want to make the writing clearer develop each of these sub-Theme through a singular Character.

The Timeline

  • Day 1
  • Write the Story’s Plan.
  • A 10 Chapter’s Story will make the Writing & Reading easier.
  • Keep the Chapters short, 7-10 pages.
  • Design 2 – 3 Characters.
    • It would be even better if you’d Draw them.
  • Write Chapter 1.
    • Make it shorter than others.
    • This allows you to finish it faster.
    • And fasten the Story pace since the beggining.
  • Day 2
  • Write Chapter 2 & 3.
  • Finish Chapter 1 if you haven’t.
  • Day 3
  • Write Chapter 4 & 5.
  • Design 1 additional Character.
    • It will probably an Antagonist.
  • Day 4
  • Write Chapter 6.
    • Chapter 6 is the Central Crisis of your Story.
    • You want to spend more time on it.
  • Do the 1st editing.
    • Focus on Consistency issues.
  • Day 5
  • Write Chapter 7 & 8.
  • Design 1 last Character.
    • If you need it.
    • It could be the true Antagonist.
    • Or another Support.
  • Day 6
  • Write Chapter 9.
    • Same remarks as for Chapter 6.
  • So the 2nd editing.
    • Focus on Coherence issues.
  • Day 7
  • Write Chapter 10
  • Do your 3rd editing.
    • Focus on Orthograph, Grammar & Semantic issues.



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