Do you want to write a Storyteller?
Do you want to write an explorer of the Myth?
Do you want to tell Stories into Stories?
- Creating Myths
- How Informed is the Bard?
- How does she get her information?
- How Curious is she?
- How does she display her Interest for Myth & Legends?
- How often does she Tell Tales?
- On which topics?
- Explorer
- How entranced is she?
- What does she want to Explore?
- Which Adventures does she enjoy?
- Is she looking for Artifacts?
- Is she a Treasure hunter?
- Does she have survival skills?
- How does she conduce an Interrogation?
- How does she Uncover Secrets?
- Archivist
- Is she versed in World History?
- How does she perceive Historical Biases?
- Are certain knowledge inaccessible to her?
- Should some knowledge be forbidden according to her?
- Does she question Concepts & Rules?
- Can she help others to Ponder?
- How is she Thinking?
- What is she thinking about?
- Does she help other evolve?
- How is her own Evolution displayed?
- How do her Goals change?
- Does she act as the Memory of the Team?
- Does she record Tales of the Team?
- Bard
- How does she see Bards?
- How does she see Herself?
- What should Bard bring to Humanity?
- What is their mission?
- Music
- What are her favorite genres?
- Is she Experimental in her compositions?
- How does she conduce her Experimentations?
- What is she Inspired by?
- What appease her In Nature?
- What seduces her In Civilization?
- What awes her In the Elements?
- Does she sit, watch & then compose?
- Inspiring
- Does she Dream?
- Does she share her Dreams?
- How does she Uphold spirits?
- Does she see herself as the Soul of the team?
- Does she know she needs to bring Hope?
- Is she singing her stories?
- Are they Comedic?
- Are they Dramatic?
- How does she expose her Emotions?
- How does she read Emotions?
- Voice
- What’s the Color of her voice?
- Is it Soothing?
- Is it Warm?
- Is it Crystalline?
- Is it Deep?
- Is it Soft?
- Words & Phrases
- What are her Favorite words?
- What are her Least favorite words?
- Which narrative processes does she use the most?
- How do they reflect her Goal?
- Hoe do they reflect her Interests?
- Are these words related to her Origins?
- Which Crisis has she been through?
- Devotion
- What is her Role in the Team?
- How does she Support her companions?
- How does she display her Attachement?
- Does she enjoy to be alone?
- How does she respond to undesirable Outcomes?
- What if one of her companion betrays her?
- How does it affect her Relationships?
- Advisor
- How does she use Myths?
- How does she use Fables?
- Who are they directed to?
- Which kind of Paraboles does she use?
- Does she favor Analogies?
- Does she provide Guidance?
- Doe she give Indirect Advices?
- Enticer
- How does she Compliment?
- Who does she Compliment?
- How doe she Encourage?
- Who receives her Encouragements?
- How can she help 1 Focus?
- How does she help 1 find Solutions?
- Does she joke often?
- Does she enjoy comedy?
- Soul
- How does rest?
- How does she take care of herself?
- How does she spread good?
- Is she sacrificial?
- How did she become the Essence of the Team?
- Do her companion go to her to find peace?
- How does she express herself?
- How does she express Pain?
- How does she express Bliss?
- How does she release her Pain?
- How does she ponder on her emotions?
- What is a Catharsis to her?
- Ambassador
- Does she act as an Advisor for the Leader?
- How Empathetic is she?
- How does she display this Empathy?
- How Understanding is she?
- How flexible is she?
- What kind of Conversations does she take part in?
- Is Being civil necessary to her?
- How does she view Reciprocity?
- How does she view Equity?
- What is her definition of a Compensation?
- Appearance
- How Attractive is she?
- Is she universally considered attractive?
- How does she walk?
- How elegant is her gait?
- How is her sense of Fashion?
- Does she wear Complementary Colors?
- Is she looking a Sense of Duality?
- What Accessories does she bear?
- Does she display them?
- Alignment
- How does she choose her Allies?
- How does she assist them?
- How does she warn them?
- Who does she dislike?
- Does this person dislike her as well?
- Could this person helping them secretly?
- What do her foes look like?
- With whom can she never ally?
- Who attempts to destroy her?
- Who has betrayed her?
- Who has tried to sacrifice her?
- Discourses
- What is her approach on governance?
- How does she Influence another?
- Does she offer Gifts?
- Which kind of Gift?
- Are her discourses Pleasurable?
- How do they provide pleasure?
- Are her discourse Entertaining?
- Can she adopt multiple points of view?
- Wit
- Is she Cunning?
- Does she throw Threats?
- Does she Menace silently?
- Is she shadowy?
- How does she apply pressure onto her opponents?