Character’s Identity
- Behavior
- Which kind of Character uses Secret code?
- Does it have to do with their Goal?
- Is the character naturally Discreet?
- Is she Secretive?
- Why would she want to hide certain parts of her identity?
- Relationships
- How many characters use the secret code?
- What are they hiding?
- Does the secret tie these character?
- Will the Revelation of the secret end the relationship?
- Did the characters develop attachment during the secrecy period?
- What codes are used to hide this relationship?
- Belonging
- Does the code indicates the origin of the character?
- Does it indicate the status of the character?
- Does it indicate the interests of the character?
- Does it display a certain skill the character possess?
- Is this code particularly rare?
- Is it hidden to most of the population?
- Is it forbidden to use?
- Is it specific of a certain region?
- Species Specific
- Is the code a part of the character’s Anatomy?
- Nose/Ears
- Horns/Tail
- Wings/Eyes
- Is the code On a part of the character’s Anatomy?
- Hidden
- Visible
- Is it a specific way to Move?
- Is it a specific way to Walk?
- Is it a specific way to Run?
- Customs
- Properties of the Substances
- What are the properties of the substance?
- Is it acidic?
- Is it corrosive?
- Does it change the properties of the material it is applied on?
- Does it destroy it?
- Does it make it grow?
- Does it have a special glow?
- Application
- How is the substance applied?
- Which quantity should be applied?
- Does behave like ink?
- Do you need special qualification to apply it?
- Is it toxic or corrosive?
- Is it potentially lethal?
- Is is expensive or rare?
- In which state of matter does it function?
- Only when Solid?
- Only when Gaseous?
- Only when dissolved into another product?
- Reading
- How to make it Visible?
- Is it Visible by Everyone?
- Do you need to be a certain person to read it?
- Do you need a Tool to need it?
- How much time do you need before it becomes visible?
- Does it become visible at all?
- Or does it produce a Sound?
- A Smell?
- Which Clothes do the character wear?
- Are there Pins on theses clothes?
- Are there Knots?
- Did the character modify their clothes?
- By ripping the clothes?
- By sewing them?
- Do they wear Ribbons?
- Do they wear Handkerchiefs?
- Does she wear Jewels?
- Are these Jewel associated with a specific group?
- Are they bore voluntarily?
- What does a specific Metal alliage mean?
- What does a certain Pearls combination mean?
- Can you find different color sequences?
- Does she have a certain Scents?
- Is it natural?
- What Perfume does she uses?
- What type of Fragrance?
- Does it act as Pheromones?
- Are Animals used to send messages?
- Through Venom?
- Written on a Web?
- Using a certain Silk?
- Hidden under the wool?
- In the stomach of an animal?
- In an Egg?
- Under the skin?
- Under the moult?
- In the mouth?
- Are Plants used to send messages?
- On Leaves?
- Inside leaves?
- Through modified Seeds?
- Through Flower?
- Using certain combinations of flowers?
- Using certain combinations of petals?
Written & Oral
- Which Language is used?
- What are the most used Phrases?
- Is this Language well-known?
- Is it wide spread?
- Which is Tone used?
- Is the message Joyful?
- Is it Plaintif?
- Is it Complacent?
- Is it Judgmental?
- Are Songs used?
- A certain song only known by certain people?
- What is the Poetry like?
- What is the Musical pattern of the song?
- How are the rhymes articulated?
- How do they display the story?
- How do they convey the hidden message?
- Which Color is the code?
- What colorimetry do you use?
- Do you use traditional color meaning?
- Do color combination transcribe into meaning combinations?
- Do you use colors at all?
- What is the Form/Shape of the Code?
- Is it 2D?
- Is it 3D?
- Is it placed on or in a multidimensional object?
- What is the Form/Shape meaning?
- What are the Proportions used?
- Do they differ from what is usually used to represent the figure or message?
- Position
- What’s it’s Position?
- Where is it supposed to be found?
- Where is it found instead?
- What does this Emplacement signifies?
- Is it an easily inaccessible Emplacement?
- Textures & Light
- On which material is the message written?
- What’s it’s roughness?
- What’s it’s flexibility?
- Does it have high Light reflection properties?
- Which kind of light does it reflect?
- Ultra Violets?
- X-Rays?
- Pottery
- What patterns can be found on the Pot?
- What does the pattern mean?
- How thick is the pot?
- What does it contain?
- Paintings
- Who was the Painter?
- What Style is used?
- To which Artistic Movement does it belong to?
- What is the Symbolism of the picture?
- What is the Imagery used?
- Are there Hidden images?
- Architecture
- Where is the Building situated?
- In which type of Landscape?
- If you look at a map of the Building do you see a particular shape?
- If you look at pictures of the Building what do you see?
- What are the Mineral Used?
- Is there a particular Stone Arrangement?
- Are there frescos in or out of the building?
- Rules
- Are the codes used by Secret Organizations?
- Are they used by Criminal Organizations?
- To which extent?
- In which context?
- On which operations?
- Texts
- Are they used in Contracts & Treaties?
- Are they used in Charters & Edicts?
- What are these texts?
- Do they Forbid specific practices?
- Do they Forbid specific practices?
- Arcanes
- Who is enforcing the Secret Knowledge?
- Who is charged to hide the Arcanes?
- What is kept Secret?
- Events?
- Resources?
- Why are they kept Secret?
- Which Ciphers are used to hide them?