How to tell stories through Settings? Prisons

Carried to the Prison

  • How are you conduced to the Prison?
  • In which type of Vehicle?
  • How is it guarded?
  • By how many people?
  • What weapons do they have?
  • Do they look like officers?
  • Could they be bribed?
  • Could they be threatened?
  • Could they be killed?
  • How long is the ride?
  • At which distance were you arrested?
  • Can you hijack the transportation?
  • Is it animal-driven?
  • Do you know how the motor functions?
  • How does the Prison looks like from the outside?
  • Which color is it?
  • How is the atmosphere?


  • What does the typical Cell looks like?
  • How are the accommodations?
  • How are the beds?
  • Are there individual Toilets?
  • How are the Walls?
  • How Thick are they?
  • Do they look worn?
  • Are there marks on them?
  • How is the Door?
  • How Thick is it?
  • Is it directly guarded?
  • How many locks are there?
  • Are there different types of cells?
  • Are there cells with showers?
  • Are there cells with fancier beds?
  • Books?
  • Other forms of luxuries?


  • What does the typical Guard looks like?
  • What type of Uniform do they wear?
  • Do they wear Armors?
  • Do they bear Weapons?
  • Do they have certain Expressions or sayings?
  • Could you copy them?
  • What’s their typical day like?
  • What are their Routines?
  • Can you ask them easily?
  • Could they be bribed?
  • Could they be threatened?
  • Could they be killed?
  • Hierarchy
  • Who is a Soldier?
  • What does an Officer look like?
  • How different are they from the Soldiers/Guards?
  • Who is the Warden?
  • Why is this person the Warden?
  • Keys
  • Which Technology do they use?
  • Are these Electronic keys?
  • Are they Mechanical?
  • Are they Physical/Material?
  • Where are they stored?
  • In the control room?
  • In the Guard’s body?


  • Are you separated?
  • Are all your team members incarcerated in the same Prison?
  • Are all your team members incarcerated on the same Level?
  • If you are planning an evasion you will need a certain level of coordination.
  • Who is responsible for which part of it?
  • Were you put in prison voluntarily?
  • What’s your goal?
  • Is there an object in the prison you need to steal?
  • Is there a person in the prison you need to escape with?

Multiple Levels

  • Does the prison have multiple Levels?
  • Are there Isolation chambers?
  • Are there Larger/Collective cells?
  • Is there a segregation system between the cells/levels?
  • Are certain cells/levels reserved for a certain sex?
  • Are certain cells/levels forbidden to certain species?
  • How do you navigate between levels?
  • Through Elevators?
  • Through Stairs?
  • Through Ladders?

Guards Barracks

  • What are the Guards life condition?
  • Can the prisoners create some relatability with the guards?
  • Based on the place they live in?
  • Based on the way they are treated by their superiors?
  • Do they have personal items in?
  • How are the Barracks?
  • Are they well kept?
  • Are they saturated?
  • Are there multiple barracks?
  • Are they interconnected?
  • Do they give access to other rooms?
  • Like the control room?

Officers Quarters

  • What are the Officers life condition?
  • Can the prisoners create some relatability with them?
  • What privileges do they possess over the regular Guards?
  • Do they lack something?
  • Something you could grant them?
  • How are the Quarters?
  • Are they individualized?
  • Do they have personal items in?
  • Are they Protected?
  • Are they under higher surveillance than the Barracks?
  • Are they interconnected?
  • Do they give access to other rooms?
  • Like the control room?
  • Are they opened on the outside?

Warden’s Office

  • How is the Office?
  • How is it arranged?
  • Are there trophies?
  • Are there distinctions?
  • Are there references to the Warden’s past?
  • A military past?
  • A dead family?
  • Who is the Warden?
  • Why has this person be chosen?
  • Who chosen this person?
  • What was their goal?
  • Was this person placed here?
  • Why would you be called in the Office?
  • Are you called to be interrogated?
  • About which event?
  • For causing a crisis?
  • For an incident you were part of?
  • For an incident you were the testimony of?


  • Facility
  • What Installations are there?
  • How many tables?
  • How many chairs/benches?
  • How big is the room?
  • How much light is there?
  • Schedule
  • Does the cafeteria have Limited access?
  • Is it only open at night?
  • Is it open during the day?
  • Are some part reserved to certain prisoners?
    • Why these ones?
    • Do they go through particular labors?
  • Sustenance
  • Does the prison offer 3 Meals a day?
  • How is the Food supplied?
  • How is the Food processed?
  • How is the Food cooked?
  • Is it Made by prisoners?
  • Why is the food stock accessible to some prisoners?
  • How are they chosen?
  • Is it part of the forced labor?
  • What Drinks are available?
  • Only water?
  • Milk?
  • Fruit Juice?
  • Are there Recreational drinks like Soda?
  • Is Alcohol authorized on certain occasions?


  • Are there Individual cabins?
  • Is everyone in the Same Room?
  • Are there showers in cells?
  • Surveillance
  • How many guards are there?
  • Are they Armed?
  • Do they bear Electrical weapons?

Forced Labor

  • In the Prison
  • Is the labor conduced indoors?
  • In the Courtyard?
  • What type of labor is it?
  • Are the prisoners surveilled differently?
  • Are there supervisors?
  • Prisoner Supervisors?
  • Out of the Prison
  • Is it conducted in the Prison’s vicinity?
  • What type of labor is it?
  • How many guards accompany the prisoners?
  • How are the guards equipped?
  • Are there officers?
  • Are there supervisors?
  • Prisoner Supervisors?


  • What’s the Sewers architecture?
  • What’s the map like?
  • Which member of your team is in charge of knowing about it?
  • How many guards descend in the sewers?
  • Do they use the same type of weapon?
  • Is there a special section in charge of the sewers?
  • Where do they live?
  • Why are they here?
  • Are there special activities in the sewers?
  • Any smuggling?
  • Any experiences?
  • Are the sewers inhabited?
  • Are there animals in the sewers?
  • Are they illnesses known to develop down there?


  • How is the Surveillance?
  • Which Rooms are the most patrolled?
  • What’s the Technology?
  • What’s the Guards Schedule?
  • What’s the Enforced schedule?
  • Do they have Personal Routines?
  • What do you know about the Maintenance system?
  • Who can Access it?
  • What Personnel?
  • What do they do when in it?
  • Do you escape In front of guards?
  • Do you wear a Disguise?
  • How does it look like?
  • Will you take a Hostage?
  • Who’s the hostage?
  • Will you provoke a Riot?
  • In Collaboration with the guards?
  • Are you Dissimulated?
  • Will you go through the Maintenance system?
  • Will you go through the Sewers?
    • Are you aware of what’s inside?
  • Will you use a Carriage?
  • Will you go through the Ceiling?
    • Will you go through the Walls?


