Where are you Traveling to?
- Where are You?
- Are you getting into a foreign land?
- Are you moving to a new formed settlement?
- Is it highly populated?
- Is it recluse?
- Why would you go there?
- Do you need some rest?
- Do you need to find someone?
- Are you looking for a unique object therein?
- Is there a specific tool produced only in this place?
- Are there special special resources in this place?
- Is it is a Natural Landscape?
- How much space occupies nature?
- How populated is it?
- By which type of species?
- How spacious is it?
- How marvelous is it?
- How lively is it?
- Are there any Landmarks?
- Is it preserved?
- Where there catastrophes?
- Do they occur regularly?
- Has it been rehabilitated?
- Is it a Building?
- Who build it?
- Where are they today?
- Are they still alive?
- How are the buildings?
- Have they been occupied?
- By whom?
- For how long?
- How did they use the place?
How are you Discovering the Place?
- Do you have a map of the place?
- Is it recent?
- Is it well old?
- How reliable is it?
- Do you understand it?
- Are the symbols foreign?
- Is the nomenclature still used?
- Who handed it to you?
- Exploration
- How is enjoyable is it?
- How painful is it?
- Which mean of transportation do you use?
- Which perspective to do you need?
- Do you need to be high up?
- Which tools do you need?
- Do you need to access seldom places?
- How much light do you need?
- Clues
- Are you looking for something?
- Do you find objects by accident?
- Accessories?
- Jewels maybe?
- Were they Left here?
- Were they Lost?
- What are their value?
- Is there inscriptions on them?
- Do they have any distinctive motives or color?
- Were they Partially Destroyed?
- Is there owner nearby?
- What effect has it on you?
- Do you want to explore further?
- Are you stopped?
- Do you need a break to think about what you’ll do next?
- Should you find the owner?
- Will you keep the object?
- Texts & Images
- You find Writings.
- What is their shape?
- How were they written?
- Confidently?
- Hesitantly?
- Do the writing become smaller as the sentence goes?
- What Colors are they?
- Are they written on Paper?
- Are they Worn?
- Were they written on Walls?
- Recently?
- Are there Pictures?
- Are there Paintings?
- Is it a Letter?
- Is it a Testimony?
- Is it a Recipe?
- Is is a Fable?
- Where is the person who written them?
What do you see?
- Diversity
- Can you observe the synergy between living beings?
- Between Living things & Inert things?
- What is the most remarkable?
- Are there Landmarks?
- Are there endemic Plants?
- What are the dominant Colors?
- Do they complement each other?
- Are there special plants?
- Are there shocking plants?
- How are the leaves?
- How is the barks?
- How are the trunks?
- Are there Bushes
- Are there useful plants?
- Are they used in the creation of Remedies?
- How are these plants endemic?
- Have you ever seen them anywhere else?
- How Synergic is the relationship between Plants and other species?
- With animals
- With fungus
- With micro-organisms
- With minerals
- Which Use of Biomass is made by Plants?
- How do they behave?
- How do they participate in the Cycling of the Environemnt?
- Are there endemic Animals?
- Are they Little?
- Are they Discreet?
- What are their Number?
- Do they act individually?
- As a Swarm?
- Are they Adapted to the Environment?
- Do they display Difficulties to live there?
- Is it their original Environment?
- Do they Proliferate?
- Are the predators Larger than the preys?
- Are the predators Smaller than the preys?
- Can they be domesticated?
- Are there specific Minerals?
- How can you identify them?
- By Layers
- By Starta
- By Colors
- How can you use them?
- Should you use them?
Who are you traveling with?
- Sympathetic
- How is she Helpful?
- Is she Comforting?
- Is she Enticing?
- Does she propose Food & Drinks to the team?
- Which kind of Food?
- Which kind of Drinks?
- Is she Supplying you?
- Is she Protective?
- Annoying
- How does she Know the place?
- How well does she Guide you?
- How does she motivate you to continue?
- Is she reactive?
- Does she Complain a lot?
- Is she Loud?
- Is she adversarial?
- Does she Pace adapted to the rest of the Team?
- Respectful of her Environment?
- Neutral, but Helpful
- Doesn’t know the place
- Have general information about Nature
- Does she act as an Advisor?
- Does she act as an Arbiter?
- Does she help you to enjoy the journey?
- In which manner?
- Does she keep a journal?
- Does she keep a repertoire of species?
- Did she find anything of interest here?
Would you live there?
- Daily Life
- What is the 1st thing you see in the morning?
- How do you start your day?
- Do you have a hot drink?
- Do you have breakfast?
- What do you eat?
- Is there a lake around?
- Are there fruits?
- How is the Atmosphere?
- How is the Climate?
- When do you sleep?
- How is this life different from you precedent one?
- Routines
- How do you Rest?
- How do you find Food?
- How do you Upkeep the setting?
- With who can you Trade?
- What can you trade?
- What specific troubles do you meet here?
- House
- Do you use Endemic Materials?
- How do you Access to resources to build it?
- Would you have pets?
- Why did you build it here?
- Peace
- Safety
- Isolation
- How is this House different from you precedent one?