How to start Writing today?

Start Small, Start Now

  • 10 Rules to let the words Flow:
  • Do Your Best, For Yourself.
  • Focus on the Process.
  • And People will come.

Writing for Pleasure

  • That’s your only objective.
  • That’s what will Jumpstart the process.
  • If you write for Pleasure, you will always return to the page.
  • Write 4 Words
  • 4 things you think about all the time.
  • 4 things you’re absorbed by.
  • What’s the 1st thing you think about in the morning?
  • What’s the last thing you think about in the evening?
  • Don’t like it?
    • Think about something else
    • Still not?
    • Switch
    • Not anymore?
    • Try again
  • There are no lower subjects.
  • There are no stupid subjects.
  • There are no boring subjects.
  • They can be as Mundane as you wish.
  • They can be as Extravagant as you wish.
  • They are your words.
  • Write your Words.
  • Speak your Words.
  • Do Your Best, For Yourself.
  • Focus onto Execution.
  • And People will come.

Write Fast

  • Proficiency is the other reason you’ll want to write everyday.
  • Writing fast, writing to produce volume is the way to proficiency.
  • Soon enough, you’ll become cleaner, clearer & more impactant.
  • You don’t need to know all the rules of Writing.
  • Your rules are enough.
  • Try to write a page every 15′.
  • Even if you do half, a quarter of it, stop after 15′.
  • Do it for a month.
  • If you have more than 15′ per day to dedicate to it scale it up while keeping 1page/15′ as a minimum.
  • Do Your Best, For Yourself.
  • Focus onto Implementation.
  • And People will come.

Making a small Map

  • Start small.
  • Draw a plain, a small wood, a glade, an Island, the inside of a cafe, or a bedroom.
  • Start with a little room.
  • What is there in this room?
    • What do you see?
  • Why are you here?
    • What are you looking for?
  • You’re inside a motor room with 2 fellow mechanics/engineers.
  • You’re attempting to optimize the AI fuel’s use.
  • She doesn’t understand the command and it takes you 3 full days to input proper instructions.
  • You succeed.
  • You’re exhausted, the quartermaster comes in with refreshments & congratulations.
  • You enjoy this simple bottle of lemon water, because lemons are rare in your world, they remind you of the cottage you’ve grown in & you’re down to the ground.
  • There’s a sweet, unusual after-taste coming to your head from the bottom of the flask…
  • You wake up.
  • The AI seems to have ‘forgotten’ the good words you’ve instated into her & 1 of your mates has disappeared.
  • What is there in this room?
    • The Computer
    • 3 People
    • Furniture
  • Why are you here?
    • Teach an AI?
    • Spend time with your mates?
    • Receive Congratulations?
  • A map will always facilitate the writing.
  • Do Your Best, For Yourself.
  • Focus onto Repetition.
  • And People will come.

Friends help

  • 4 Brains work longer than 1
  • Ask for ideas
    • Ask for input
    • Ask for solutions
    • Explore your world with your friends
    • Allow them to model your world

Ask Your Friends about:

  • Maps & Locations
    • How do they imagined it?
    • Can they draw it?
    • Can they compose a piece of music to define it?
    • Would they rest here?
    • Would they fight here?
    • Would it bore them?
  • Threats & Ennemies
    • Do they feel pressured?
    • Are they excited?
    • Do they feel depressed?
  • Characters
    • How do they picture her?
    • Can they represent her?
    • Can they compose a theme for her?
  • Scenes
    • How is the Consistency?
    • How were the Transitions between each location?
  • Listen to them.
  • They’ll have a lot of improvement ideas.
  • They’ll have terrible ideas as well.
    • Improve them together
  • This is a shared story.
  • Change yours, adapt yours.
  • Engage them.
  • 4 People will always come to better Story/Game Mechanics than 1.

Create 4 Characters,
Create 4 Cardinals

Create 4 Characters:

  • 4 Characters you can use in every story.
    • How will you write them?
    • How will you rewrite them?
  • 4 Friends.
    • How will these 2 Friends be?
  • 4 Favorite characters.
    • What are your favorite characters?
  • These are 4 Archetypes.
  • They are the 4 Boundaries of your world.
  • Combine them 2 by 2 to create deeper characters.
  • Switch a Behavior trait with another for more diversity.

Create a Story in 10 Words

The Frame

  • Take a Sheet of paper horizontally.
  • Draw 2 axes.
    • 1 Horizontal & 1 Vertical
  • Draw an Ellipse.
  • Draw a Central Circle.
  • Write your Title inside it.

The Chapters

  • Place 10 circles on your Ellipse.
  • Write a word in each circle.
  • 10 Simple, Clear Words.
    • 10 Words you can generate in a 1 min
    • 10 Words that make you happy when you see them
    • 10 Words that make you happy when you hear them
    • 10 Words that make you happy when you pronounce them
    • 10 Words that make your Brain Shine

The Scenes

  • Around each of your 10 words write 3 other words.
  • 3 words that are directly linked to the central word.
    • Directly: If your main word is Butterfly, write Wings, Antennas, Blue.
  • You’ve got the 3 paragraphs of the chapter.
  • Use them as much as possible.


