How to start Drawing today?

  • You are a Storyteller.
  • You want to Share your Full Vision.
  • Drawing will allow you become more versatile.
  • To have more control on your final Product.

Summary – 4 steps to start drawing today

  1. Define what you need to Draw.
  2. Draw 6 Character templates.
  3. Draw 6 Environment templates.
  4. Draw 10 Scenes templates.
  • Creating these Template will allow you to draw faster.
  • Each time you need to create a new Character, Environment or Scene you’ll only need to iterate from these template.
  • Add an element, remove another.
  • As you advance, you’ll want to create new templates, for different types of Stories.
  • Each new iteration help you to Define your Identity.

What do you want to Draw?

  • What should you Draw?
  • What do you need to Draw?
  • What does the Story needs?
  • What do the Characters need?
  • Which Environments should they visit?
  • How should these Environments be?
  • How should they be Populated?
  • A simple goal
  • How do you produce Useful Drawings?
  • Drawings you can Use.
  • Drawings you will want to Use.
  • You just need to find a balance between Diversity & Consistency.
  • A diverse set of Elements will make your World more attractive.
  • As it will create a sense of Coherence.
  • All you need to Start
  • The Following Lists contains the Elements you need to Illustrate any Story.
  • If you’re writing a Trilogy or a Saga you can scale up by multiplying by 2 or by 3 all elements in every category.
  • Think useful & easy.
  • It should be as easy to implement as possible.
  • Every Element & sub-Element will be produced in 6 different types.
    • example: 6 Faces
      • 6 Types of Eyes
      • 6 Types of Nose
      • 6 Types of Mouth

If you want to know how to learn to Draw faster.

6 Characters

  • 6 Bodies
  • Think of 6 Body types : Slender, Slim, Petit, Busty, Muscular, Thick.
  • For each of these bodies types adapt each anatomical element to emphasize the body as a whole.
  • Here are the Body’s main elements:
    • Torso
    • Hips
    • Stomachs
    • Arms
      • Hands
    • Legs
      • Feet
  • Don’t hesitate to put more than 4 limbs.
  • Play with the Forms.
  • 6 Heads
  • Ears
  • Hairstyles
  • Cheeks
  • Hats & Headdresses
  • The hat will be considered a part of the head as it alters its shape.
  • 6 Faces
  • Features
  • Eyes
  • Noses
  • Mouths
  • Same as the limbs, you could have more than 2 Eyes & so on.
  • 6 Garments
  • Dress & Tuniques
  • Armors – Light, Medium & Heavy
  • Vests & Costumes
  • Shirts
  • Trousers
  • Shoes & Boots
  • Any Cloth or Accessory modifying the silhouette substantially can be considered as part of the Body.
  • 6 Accessories
  • Bracelets & Wristbands
  • Collars & Necklaces
  • Weapons – Range & Melee
  • Belts, Laces & Chains
  • Bags & Cases
  • There are many more types of Accessories.
  • These ones are the most common.
  • Accessories can be Living Accessories.

If you want to know how to learn to create Characters fast.

6 Environments

  • Landscapes
  • Mountains
  • Rivers
  • Seas
  • Forest
  • Jungle
  • Plains
  • Meadows
  • Marshlands
  • What are the dominants Forms of this Environment?
  • What is its dominant flow?
  • Landmarks
  • Park
  • Museum, Library & University
  • Tower
  • Canyon
  • Abyss
  • Waterfall
  • What are the most important locations in your World?
  • How can the Public tell they are important visually?
  • What defines each Landmark?
  • What makes it Memorable?
  • Animals & Plants
  • Preys
  • Predators
  • Scavengers
  • Cyclers
  • Nocturnal
  • Diurnal
  • Gregarious
  • Aloof
  • Vivipara
  • Ovipara
  • A full list would be too large.
  • We focus mostly on the food & reproductive aspects.
  • Buildings
  • Schools & Temples
  • Medical facilities
  • Police Stations
  • Administration Center
  • Factories & Mines
  • Shops & Workshops
  • Fields, Food Stocks & Agricultural facilities
  • What buildings are essential to this Environment?
  • What buildings were essential to this Environment?
  • Who uses these Buildings?
  • What are their peculiarities?

If you want to know how to learn to create diverse Environments.

10 Scenes

  • 10 Fundamentals Ideas
  • What are the 10 most crucial Concepts for you?
  • Would you Draw on all 10 of them?
  • Why wouldn’t you?
  • How essential are these Ideas for you?
  • Where do they come from?
  • How did they originate?
  • When did you develop an attachment for them?
  • Do they continue to grow?
  • How do they unfold?
  • 1 Scene per Chapter
  • The most Marking Scene
  • What makes it Memorable?
  • How will it be remembered?
  • Which Reaction will it inspire?
  • Which Emotion will it produce?
  • Clarity
  • How Clear is the Scene for you?
  • Can you depict it easily?
  • Could you paint it?
  • Could you sculpt the actors?
  • How clear is the Atmosphere for you?
  • Composition
  • Which Atmosphere is conveyed?
  • Which Colors are used?
  • How are they arranged?
  • On what is the attention Focalized?
  • What are the Fundamental elements of the Picture?
  • How clearly is it displayed?
  • What reinforces this Clarity?
  • Thematic Contrast
  • Which Themes are depicted?
  • How do they Relate to each other?
  • Do they oppose each other?
  • Do they complement each other?
  • Which Relationships between the Character do they Reveal?
  • Does every Character represent a Theme?
  • Which Theme do they represent?
  • What does this Suggest?
  • The Story’s Pattern
  • 2 Introductory Scenes
    • New Character
    • New Environment
  • 3 Crisis Scene
    • New Issues
  • 3 Scene Rest & Ponder
    • resolution of the Crisis
  • 1 Conclusion

If you want to know how to learn to create Scenes.