How to read more Books & learn more?

Summary – 2 steps to Learning Faster

  • Do you have 1 hour/day?
    1. Read for 40′
    2. Update the Map in 20′
  • Do you have 30’/day?
    1. Read for 20′
    2. Make the Map in 10′
  • Do you have 10’/day?
    1. Read for 6′
    2. Make the Map in 4′

Why do you want to Read?

  • Do you want to Learn about a new Topic?
  • Do you want to become an Author/Writer?
  • What do you want to Write on?
  • Which Questions do you want to Answer?
  • For whom?
  • For yourself?
  • If you don’t know what to write about, Read
  • Reading more would help you to get rid of Writer’s Block.
  • It would help you develop your World Building.
  • And more generally help you write more Stories.
  • And more Diverse Stories.

What do you want to Learn?

  • Which Topics Are you Interested in?
  • Which Topics spark you Interest?
  • When did you start getting interested by them?
  • What develop your Interest?
  • Which event?
  • Which person?
  • Which Books will you choose to learn about this Topic?
  • How do these Books look to you?
  • Do you want to read them?
  • Do you need to find others?
  • Which books are enjoyable to read?
  • Which books are difficult to read?
  • What will it bring to you?
  • Why do you want to read about this Topic?
  • Be as Specific as possible.
  • This answer will serve as a Basis for your future note-taking.
  • Note down all the Questions you want to be able to Answer.
  • All the Issues you want to be able to Solve.

What do you need to Read?

  • The Target Question
  • Have a Target Question in mind to Start.
  • It will help you to evolve faster.
  • This Question will drive your progress towards its resolution.
  • Because it’s an Issue.
  • For now you do not have the data to solve this Issue.
  • But, the more you’ll read & write…
  • …the more you’ll memorize.
  • 3-4 Books in your Target Topic
  • What are the best Books you can find in your Topic?
  • Take 3.
  • Read the Tables.
  • Read them.
  • 1st Example – Natural Sciences
  • Target Question: How is an Atmosphere created?
  • Ecology
    • Evolution of Biomass
    • Impact on the Composition of the Atmosphere
  • Numerical Ecology
    • Probabilities & Entropy
    • Particles Behavior & Diffusion
  • Physics
    • 4 States of Mater
    • Interaction between Radioactivity, Electromagnetism & Gravity
  • Geology
    • Degradation of the sediment layers
    • Impact on the Composition of the Atmosphere
  • 2nd Example – Machine Learning & Deep Learning
  • Target Question: How to make a Chatbot in Python using Deep Learning?
  • Deep Learning
    • Structure of the Neural Network
    • 4 main types of Neural Networks
  • Artificial Intelligence
    • How to make a Chatbot
  • Game AI
    • Optimization of the AI Behavior in games
    • State Machines basics
  • Hacking
    • Security Issues of the Python, C++ & C Languages
    • Pseudo-Random numbers generation

Mind Maps

  • Why use Mind Maps?
  • To Read faster.
  • To Understand more easily.
  • To have a basic Information Structure.
  • To Memorize faster.
  • Central Theme/Topic
  • Take a piece of paper Horizontally.
  • Write Your Main Idea in the middle.
  • It could be the Title of the most important Book.
  • It could be your Target Question.
  • 4 main Themes/Topics
  • Around this Main Idea add 4 more.
  • These will be the 4 main Themes of the Books you’re reading.
  • They can be 4 additional Questions emerging from the Main 1.
  • They could be 4 Answers to this Question.
  • 12 Sub Themes
  • Around each of these 4 Ideas add 3.
  • Each of these 3 Subthemes will refine your perception of the 4 Topics.
  • Afterwards, you can refine as much as you want.
  • Each time by writing down 3 new words around the last 1.

Routine & Plan

  • How many Books can I read in a Year?
  • How many Books do you really Need to read?
  • How many Books do you really Want to read?
  • What may Delay you?
  • What may help you read more?
  • What’s the book’s level of difficulty?
  • What’s the number of pages?
  • How interested are you in this topic?
  • How much time do you have?
  • From 12 to 52
  • Can I read 12 Books a Year? – the Habit
  • You’ll start with 1 book a month?
  • This may be the best choice for the 1st year.
  • You want to make it as Easy as possible.
  • And as Comfortable as possible.
  • It also offers you more time to make maps.
  • And more time to remember.
  • Can I read 52 Books a Year? – the Research
  • Now we can read a book a week?
  • What for?
  • Reading more, and faster, will allow you to go through more material.
  • The more Information you may process the better.
  • It allows you to get in depths into the Issue.
  • At this point you’ll have a substantial amount of data to elaborate an answer to you target Question.
  • And you’ll want more.
  • 52 books is a nice Cap.
  • You won’t need to read more books.
  • You may want to Write some.
  • Daily Routine
  • Do you have an 1 hour/day?
    • Read for 40′
    • Update the Map in 20′
  • Do you have an 30’/day?
    • Read for 20′
    • Make the Map in 10′
  • Do you have an 10’/day?
    • Read for 6′
    • Make the Map in 4′
  • If you have more than 60’/day adapt the schedule proportionally.
  • If your available time cannot be adapted proportionally, spend a little more time Updating the Map.
    • Writing is always more important than Reading.
    • Producing is always more important than Consuming.



