How to make an RPG? The Easy Way.

  • Do you want to offer your Public the greatest Experience?
  • Do you want to Provide Fantasy to your Public?
  • An Alien World?
  • Memorable Characters & Environments?
  • Here we go.

Summary – 6 Elements to make an RPG

  1. Fun, Most RPG take themselves too seriously.
  2. Balance, Replayability & Customization options.
  3. Classes which deliver a sense of Identity.
  4. An Adventure, where you start as nobody & grow to Fame.
    • Or the other way around.
  5. Choices that Matter.
  6. Interconnected Quests.
  • All Games & Stories need to offer a Balance between Diversity & Consistency.
  • Even more so when it comes to Role Playing Games.
  • They need ample time to Unfold.
  • Progressiveness is key to install a Coherency between the Elements of your Game.

The Greatest source of Entertainment

  • Balance
  • The Players always need to Succeed.
  • It is a prerequisite in order to progress in the Game.
  • It is why Success shouldn’t be handed.
  • Give Players a high chance to Survive.
  • Not a high chance to Succeed.
  • Success should rarely have desirable Outcome.
  • Only a Necessary one.
  • Players need to use their Resources efficiently to Succeed.
  • And it should almost never be Comfortable.
    • You’ll give the Players some easy victories for the sake of Diversity.
  • Fun & Replayability
  • Simple Rules are the Best Rules.
    • Organic Rules which unfold as you play.
    • Oriented towards Fun.
    • Allowing the Players to Learn & Develop.
  • Rules should be oriented towards Player Satisfaction.
  • Wherever it is when they Triumph over the Game.
  • Or when they look for a way to Beat a System.
  • Players will break your Game.
  • Provide them the Rules to do so.
  • Customization & UI
  • Design your UI as an Interactive Character Sheet.
  • Display the core Information on same Screen:
    • Status
      • Afflictions/Alterations
      • Class/Role/Statistics
      • Skills – Combat & Exploration
    • Inventory
      • Key Items
      • Equipment
    • Core Rules
      • Map/Mini-Map (if you need 1)
      • Active Quests
  • Then you can have Sub-Menus for each Category.
  • You can even display the synergy between these pieces of Information.
    • e.g.: Indicating which piece of equipment enhances/decreases which statistic.

If you want to know more about creating Games easily.


  • Characters make a Story Real
  • Diversity make Characters feel real.
  • Some of them will have Likeability factor.
  • They’ll display Friendliness.
  • And be particularly Helpful.
  • Some will be more Relatable.
  • They’ll mirror the Players through their Weaknesses.
  • And the Players will want to solve their Issues.
  • Other will be more Memorable.
  • The Memorable factor comes from Quirks.
  • Why Quirks?
  • Which one do you remember best?
    • The Character which Threatens the Region you’re trying to save?
    • Or the one with the funny hat which uses this stupid catchphrase each time you meet her?
  • Exploration
  • Role Playing Games are Discovery.
  • We play these games to experience diversity.
  • Diverse Environments, diverse Settings & diverse Quests.
  • Multiple Questlines is an essential part of RPGs.
  • And a Hierarchy of Questlines is an easy way to organize the Game progression.
  • Players can then, Follow it or Ignore it.
  • The Escapism is even more essential.
  • Players should be able to enjoy an RPG without finishing the Main Questline.
  • These games transport them Out of the Mundane.
  • They offer them New Possibilities.
  • They shouldn’t be relented by unnecessary constrains.
  • Growth & Immersion
  • Let your Character grow as the Story unfolds.
  • Start as an simple Character.
  • Someone unimportant.
  • And from there, Grow.
  • Have your 1st Achievement.
  • Gain some popularity.
  • Most people will doubt your claims.
  • Have your 2nd Achievement.
    • a.k.a.: Defeat a larger Threat.
  • Gain some Approval from the reigning Authority.
  • Many People may still question your value.
  • Have your 3rd Achievement.
  • This time make it so that everyone will Recognize you.
  • Beat the Menace.
  • Get Renown from all over the World.
  • Gain new enemies, new followers & so on.
  • Immersion is key to Roleplay.
  • You want to let this Consistency of Immersion unfold progressively.

If you want to know more about Improvising Adventures.


  • Balance
  • Balancing Classes…
  • Some games don’t offer a class system because Classes are Inherently Unbalanced.
  • Specific Classes will be adapted to specific Situations.
  • Focus on always giving the Player 1 preferred Option.
  • And allow her to find others.
  • You need to balance the Experience as a whole.
  • Not each part.
  • For a similar reason most Games won’t provide a satisfying Magic system.
    • This and… physics.
  • There are multiple Difficulties when it comes to balance a Magic system.
  • And 1 plausible Solution.
  • Don’t balance it by limiting the effects of Spells.
  • Balance it, by Give spells to everyone.
  • When it comes to Single player games, prioritize Fun over Balance.
  • Games with a more Complex & Versatile Magic system would be appreciated.
  • Customization
  • The Class System is the foremost tool of Customization.
  • It induces a sense of Identity.
  • It should factor 3 individual criteria :
    • Origins
    • Behavior
    • Equipment
  • You can improve on it by including a Backstory system.
  • You may want to Combine it with Species system.
  • And finally introduce a restrictive system of Equipment.
    • For simplicity purpose include Spells in Equipment.
  • From options for Armor sets to Armor slots availability.
  • Define specific Weapons for each classes.
  • Replayability
  • Classes are a Main reason most Players will replay a Game.
  • Even so, new game should offer a Replayability factor even if the Player doesn’t want to change of class.
  • By proposing a flexible class system you increase the game’s Replayability.
  • Offer Hybrid Classes.
  • Allow the Players to Develop their Character in a different manner.
  • By offering them new Items which develop the World.
  • Or by offering a Different Story.
  • Guilds & Organizations
  • Class should open the Player new Relationships.
  • Relationships which will help the Player grow faster.
  • Organization ensure your World’s administration.
  • Therefore choosing a specific class should have an effect on your World’s balance.
  • Choosing a specific Class may also have effects on the Organization members.
  • Organizations are always Heterogenous to some degree.
  • Which opens a possibility for conflict & cooperation.
  • You can increase the consistency of your game by developing Interdependences between these Organizations.

If you want to know more about Classes.

Roleplay & Choices

  • Impersonation
  • Impersonation is the Core of Roleplay.
  • When it comes to Impersonation there are 3 Main cases:
    • Impersonating the Main Character as Interpreted.
    • Play yourself.
    • Try all the Options because you want to 100% the game.
  • You can try Silly Dialogue options.
  • Shocking Phrases.
  • You also want some Mundane & Boring lines.
    • For diversity.
  • Narration & Anticipation
  • You’ll want to implement a Diversity of Quests.
  • Some Serious ones.
  • Some not so Serious ones.
  • Why?
  • Diversity help to provide a Narrative Structure.
  • A Narrative Structure allows to deliver Predictability & Anticipation.
  • You may even want to have some Bad quests.
  • Especially if that makes them Memorable.
  • The Main Quest may have an impact on all other Quests.
  • It is not a necessity.
  • Players need a Common reference Point in order to predict the next event.
  • To predict a Crisis.
  • And, if you allow it, prevent this Crisis.
  • Choices that matter
  • Players need a way to make Choices.
  • Choices which, at least, seem to matter.
  • Namely, you need to be able to see the Consequences.
  • How Can you tell that the Choices you make Matter?
  • There are 4 Criteria.
  • These Choices:
    • Affect your Reputation.
    • Should be directly Acknowledged by the person you helped.
    • Allow you to develop new Relationships.
    • Allow you to Solicit these Relationships.
  • Branched Options & Consistency
  • There’s an easy way to introduce Clarity in Branched options: Colors.
  • Use Color code for your Options.
  • Give the Player 3 Options max.
  • A Color code & limited Choices help the players to decide efficiently.
  • It hints to the outcome a due Choice would lead to.
  • You can go for Good, Neutral, Bad or Order, Neutral, Chaos alignment systems.
    • If you design a Universal alignment system give Players a frame of reference.
  • There are other options:
    • The Efficient option. (most objective approach)
    • The Fun option. (most subjective approach)
    • The Balanced/Reasonable option.
    • The Dramatic/Exaggerated option.
    • The Compassionate option.
    • The Hateful option.
      • Here, Compassionate & Hateful are different from Good & Bad as they are specific to the Character your choices apply to.

If you want to know more about Choices & Consequences.



