- Can you make a Video Game in 1 hour?
- Surely not 1 as satisfying as you’d imagine.
- Or at least, not on the 1st run.
- But making a Game is a Game of its own.
- And this Game has the highest level of Replayability.
Summary – How to make a Video Game in 1 Hour?
- Find or Create the Assets you need
- Graphics
- Sound
- Make a Level
- Put fun things in this Level
- Put a Character
- Make a Platformer
- Make a 1st Person Shooter
- Make a 3rd Person Shooter
- The Following procedure is applicable to any type of game, namely Table top & Card games.
- This article will focus on Video Games because on the same Time period & level of Complexity they are the most resource consuming.
Find your Assets
- Just find them, it’s Easier
- If you want to Focus on the Code & Algorithmic you’ll pass the Asset creation.
- Use the Full hour to make the clearest, most Satisfying game possible.
- In 1 hour design 1 level.
- 1 to 3 types of enemies.
- 1 Character with 1 skill per enemy type.
- Just make them, it’s more Personal
- In the Beginning focus on the Game.
- If you have 1 hour focus on the Game.
- Alright…
- But you may already have your Own Story.
- You may also have some World building elements.
- And therefore you may want to create your own assets.
- You can.
- Do you have a couple of hours to spend on it?
- Open software suite & Iteration
- Blender
- Modelling & Sculpting a Character on Blender will take you from 20′ to 90′.
- Depending on the level of detail you want.
- Modelling a piece of Natural Environment can take you from 3′ (rock) to 10′ (tree).
- Buildings may take you around 20′, if they are not accessible.
- Make use of the Randomization modifiers & other procedural tools to create different elements faster.
- Krita/Gimp
- If you have some drawing experience Sprites may take you between 10′ – 15′.
- Make use of the Layers & opacity options to trace over your precedent Sprites if you want to go even faster.
- You can also use Blender’s Grease Pencil over a 3d model & edit the image in Krita.
- Or even create a 3d render.
- Godot
- You can also directly use Godot.
- There are many Terrain generation plug-ins.
- Animation.
- In most cases you won’t have time to fully animate a Character/Setting in 1 Hour.
- Either find another moment or skip this phase.
- What do you need?
- 1 Level, so most of the time, a box.
- Around 10 pieces of props.
- 1 to 3 Enemies.
- 1 or 3 Characters.
- You can also create 3 to 6 Character and change their Role in each different Game.
- Use these assets as many time as possible.
- Sound assets, such as Character/Setting Themes & Sound effects will be treated in details in a different Article.
Where is the Fun?
- Hand-Eye coordination
- Using your Hands is fun.
- Using your Eyes is fun.
- What about both?
- In tandem?
- Making use of sense inside the game will enhance the experience.
- Using different & usual dimensions of vision will spark interest for the Game.
- Don’t hesitate to use Outlandish.
- The Strangest a game mechanic the higher the chance Players will remember it.
- All’s left is to make it work.
- Numbers
- Numbers are fun.
- …
- They are.
- Level-Up, High Score, Critical Hit.
- Gauges filling & emptying
- All of that is Good for the Brain.
- Make use of Numbers.
- Display them in big, when they need to be big.
- Problem Solving & Danger
- Want to make Problem Solving fun?
- Kill the Players.
- Almost… kills the Players.
- If there’s a Menace the Players are more likely to focus on the Problem.
- Danger creates Focus whatever the amplitude or the immediacy.
- Color & Forms
- That’s the easiest.
- Go crazy…
If you want to know more about being a Funnier Storyteller.
Your 1st Level
- A level you will Reuse
- This level will be the Base for all your other levels.
- Keep it simple.
- Just make it a box, or a cylinder.
- You can change its form latter.
- According to the type of Game you want to test.
- According to the type of Characters & their Skills.
- According to the type of Story.
- This 1st level will contain all the Game core Mechanics.
- Tutorial
- It’s easier to start with a Small space.
- Especially if it is Isolated from the rest of the game.
- Your 1st goal is to make is Clear.
- Your 2nd goal is to make it Memorable.
- This should be a Special place.
- How will you make it Special?
- For whom?
- How will the Player relate to it?
- How will it create a Sense of belonging?
- Which feelings will it convey?
- How can you create Nostalgia through it?
- Iteration & Cloning the Level
- The Starting Area contain 1 Objective.
- 1 Clear Objective.
- Give the player 1 to 2 simple rule(s) to follow.
- In Level 2, add a new rule.
- It can be represented by a new type of Enemy.
- A new skill.
- Or a new reward.
- In Level 3 to 4, leave the Player adapt to the Rule.
- In Level 5, add another rule.
- In Level 6 to 7, leave the Player adapt to the Rule.
- Then continue.
If you want to know how to find Level Ideas.
Make a Platformer?
- Why Start with a Platformer?
- That’s the Simplest type of Game.
- It’s also the Cleanest.
- You can Customize faster than any other.
- Since a Platformer can be of any genre, you can adapt any type of Storyline to it.
- Therefore you Can turn it into any other type of Game.
- Becoming Proficient faster
- The Simplest games will allow you to progress faster.
- Along this 1 Hour increase your Efficiency.
- Become more Proficient in terms of Tool Use.
- Coding language.
- Algorithms.
- Assets.
- Become more Familiar with the Engine’s Interface.
- And ultimately Enjoy the process faster.
- Because that’s what matters most.
- Simplest AI
- What does a Platformer AI need to do?
- Detect Obstacles.
- Detect the Player.
- And Track her, in the most efficient way.
- They have the Simplest Design.
- They can literally be a Sphere.
- As always, Go for Simple Shapes/Forms.
- Use minimal Graphic & Sound Design.
If you want to know more about making Games fast.
And then, Shooters.
- 1st Person Shooter
- Why 1st Person 1st?
- You don’t have to model the Character.
- You don’t have to animate the Character.
- It has lots of impact on Physics management.
- Namely Gravity.
- It also ensures that you have more latitude if your character passes through the floor.
- But only if it’s slightly.
- 3rd Person Shooter
- Same as the 1st person.
- Only with more Physics Issues to manage.
- And of course, Camera issues.
- You may even want to make a game where the Player can manage her own Camera change.
- Camera change is simple to implement.
- But, even at a high-level, it can affect other Camera parameters.
- Also it may force you to revise your User Interface.
- Shooter AI
- What does a Shooter AI need to do?
- Detect Obstacles.
- Detect the Player.
- And Track her, in the most efficient way.
- And Aim.
- And detect that the target is acquired.
- And shoot.
- And manage her clip.
- If you have limited ammunition.
- Eventually hide, if she needs to reload her weapon.
- As you’ll add an Item management system, you may want to give the AI a way to regenerate herself.
- It may be a simple Power-Up system.
- Or something more complex like a set of syringes & other accessories.
- It can even be incorporated in the Armor or the Gun.