How to make a Setting Compelling?

  • Every Setting has Peculiarities.
  • Since Settings are intangible, it’s essential to materialize them.
  • As much as it is essential to allow the Public & the Character to relate to them.
  • Relatability creates Attraction.

Summary – 5 steps to a Compelling Setting

  1. Present the Setting as a Character.
  2. Present the Environment.
  3. Present its Inhabitants.
  4. Present the Atmosphere through Senses.
  5. Tell the Story.
  • Stories are Anthropocentric.
  • Therefore, present the Setting as a Character.
  • What makes the Setting Enjoyable?
  • What makes the Familiar?
  • What makes it Memorable?
  • How do you create a Place where the Public wants to return?

Present the Setting as if it was a Character

  • Purpose
  • Define the Origins of the Setting.
  • Who build it?
  • What for?
  • What is the Goal of this Environment?
  • What are its Strengths?
  • What are its Weaknesses?
  • What are its Quirks?
  • What defines this Environment?
  • Diversity & Consistency
  • Present the Environment through Multiple Point of View.
  • 4 Characters should be enough.
  • What makes the Environment Diverse?
  • How is this Diversity displayed?
  • Can multiple people live in this Environment?
  • How diverse would these people be?
  • Can they live there peacefully?
  • Do they need to live in separate places?
  • Which kind of places?
  • What makes them satisfying?
  • It is all a matter of Scale.
  • The Setting can be Closed or Open.
  • It may be as large as you see fit.
  • A living Entity
  • How Unified is this Environment?
  • How does it gather life?
  • How does it Shelter living beings?
  • How is Life represented on its Surface?
  • How is underground Life?
  • Do they live in Conjunction?
  • Do they live in Synergy?
  • How does the Environment evolve?
  • How does it change?
  • Attachment
  • Link the Characters & the Environment.
  • Create a bond between the Characters & the Environment.
  • Integrate the Characters in this Environment.
  • Link them through the Story.
  • Create a Story for each Character or for the Group in order to display their progressive attachment.
  • You can Present the Environment as:
    • A New Character
    • A Returning Character
  • How we identify ourselves to other characters.
  • Project the Character’s Identity through the Environment.
  • Develop Non-human Characters.
  • And integrate them to a specific Environment in which they need to live.
  • Use Anthropomorphism.
  • Let the Characters be triggered.
  • Let them display immediate reactions.
  • Let the Short Term matter, in order to create an attachment in the Long Term.

Where are we?

  • Atmosphere
  • How is the Atmosphere?
  • What are the dominant Colors?
  • How does it Evolve?
  • How Progressive is its evolution?
  • What are the Available Gazes?
  • How can they be used?
  • Is the Air Breathable?
  • What are the Atmosphere’s Properties?
    • Acidity/Alkalinity
    • Corrosiveness
    • Toxicity
    • Other
  • Temperature
  • How Dry in the Environment?
  • How Wet is it?
  • How many zones are there in this World?
  • What are the Variations between these zones?
  • What’s the Relationship between Temperature & Climate?
  • What’s the Relationship between Weather & Climate?
  • Water
  • How much Water is Available?
  • What is the Water’s composition?
  • How does it evolve from 1 part of the world to the next?
  • In this State is it?
    • Solid
    • Liquid
    • Gaseous
    • Other?
  • Are there Landmasses?
  • What is the relationship Land/Sea?
  • Landscapes & Landmarks
  • How are the Landscapes?
  • Which kind of Landscape can be found?
    • Mountains
    • Seas
    • Meadows
    • Forests
    • Marshlands
  • Are there Landmarks?
  • How are these Landmarks?
  • Were they Built?
  • Make use of Elevation in order to create Depth.

If you want to know more about how tell Stories through a Setting.

Who lives here?

  • Living Beings
  • Your Characters are meant to encounter Creatures.
  • With different level of Intelligence.
  • With different Customs.
  • With different Structures.
  • Are there Living beings?
  • Are there Animals?
  • Are there Vegetals?
  • How does life develop?
  • Are there areas?
  • How are they defined?
  • How can they be identified?
  • How do they look like?
  • You can create a lot of diversity just by tweaking 3 elements :
    • Size
    • Form
    • Color
  • Are they Humanoid?
  • Are they Human-like?
  • Are there only animals?
  • Are there hybrids?
  • How did the hybridization happened?
  • How do they Adapt to the World?
  • How is their Body?
  • How did they Externally adapted?
  • How did they Internally adapted?
  • How do they behave?
  • Creatures are meant to have alien behavior.
  • Behavior different from your Characters.
  • In this manner, they should react to your Characters.
  • How do they act?
  • Which Behavior do they display?
  • Are they hostile?
  • Are they welcoming?
  • What makes them a Community?
  • What creates a sense of Belonging?
  • What creates a sense of Unity?
  • Do they regroup?
  • Do they live in Communities?
  • Are they gregarious?
  • How do they Organize?
  • Which Organizations populate this world?
  • Organizations are meant to administrate a due Environment.
  • To manage its resources according to its population’s needs.
  • What’s their Goal?
  • What are their Symbols?
  • Which Resources are they looking for?
  • How do they use it?
  • How is their Hierarchy?
  • How do they Administrate their territory?
  • Which Technology did they build?
  • What kind of Technology scares them?
  • What kind of Technology amazes them?
  • What kind of Technology interests them?

If you want to know more about Cultures.

Sound, Senses & Stimulation

Embodying your Characters helps you to create more Affect.

  • Which kind of Sound can you hear?
  • Sound is prevalent in most Settings.
  • The Nature of the Noises greatly variates from 1 setting to the next.
  • Do people Speak?
  • Can you hear their voices?
  • What do they evoke to you?
  • How do they feel?
  • How do they sound?
  • Is there Chatter?
  • What do people speak about?
  • What interests them?
  • How do they speak?
  • Which kind of Music can you hear?
  • Other than Noises, your Characters may hear Music.
  • Is it enjoyable?
  • Is it loud?
  • How are your senses Stimulated?
  • What are you attracted by?
  • How do the ambient noise articulate with the Music?
  • Are they muffled by the Music?
  • Is the Music smothered by the Noises?
  • Do they cancel each other?
  • Do they complement each other?
  • Where do you imagine you are?
  • Using some degree of Abstraction helps to reinforce Concrete objects.
  • Look for contrast.
  • Which image can you see?
  • Which form does it take?
  • Is it an Ethereal Message?
  • Is it a Voice?
  • Which Sensation does it convey?
  • Where does it bring you?
  • Where do you want to go?
  • What do you want to do?
  • Other Senses
  • Other sense than hearing should be stimulated.
  • Sight is the most obvious.
  • But the Setting itself can have a poor luminosity.
  • Smell is another.
  • Think about how entrancing odors can be.
  • Or about the complete lack of odor.
  • Think about the relationship between odor & taste.
  • Which kind of Molecules are released through the Atmosphere?
  • Consider that your Character may not be able to perceive all sensations in this Setting.
  • She may require the help of its inhabitant.


  • Mystery
  • Stories are Based on Information Deficit.
  • What are the Characters looking for?
  • What disappeared?
  • What Information do they need?
  • Which Hidden information are they looking for?
  • Where can they find it?
  • How can they find it?
  • How do they face the Unknown?
    • With Excitement?
    • Fear?
  • How do they manage Randomness?
  • Discovery
  • Which place will the Characters Visit?
  • What is their Goal?
  • What do the Characters look for?
  • What do they intend to find?
  • What do they find?
  • What makes it Incredible?
  • What makes it Foreign?
  • What makes it Memorable?
    • Creature
    • Location
    • Song or Tale
  • Why would 1 be Visiting this Place?
  • How do the Characters access the environment?
  • Can they access it?
  • Should they penetrate it?
  • Recovery
  • What is the Characters’ Mission?
  • Who do they need to Rescue?
  • What do they need to Recover?
  • Which Dangers could they face?
  • Which Dangers can they handle?
  • Which Hazardous conditions should they compose with?
  • How is the Atmosphere?
    • What’s its composition?
    • How adapted to the Characters is it?
    • What damages can it cause them?
    • Does it enhance their Capabilities?
  • How’s the Fauna?
  • How’s the Flora?
  • Refuge
  • Where can the Characters Hide?
  • Which place represents Safety?
  • What makes it Safe?
  • What is the original use of this place?
  • How can it be used as a Shelter?
  • Should it be rearranged?
  • How?
  • Are there any sources of danger nearby?
  • Could the Characters be Living there?
  • Consider that the Character may not flee and therefore be forced to live in this Environment.

If you want to know more about Adventure types.



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