- Some Games miss Critical elements.
- But it is not always clear.
- What is missing?
- How do we feel that these Games are incomplete?
- They may be lacking Innovation.
Summary – Which Elements are Missing?
- What are the Core Things the Games you played Lacked?
- That’s the most important Question, and you could summarize this whole article to this.
- How do you create a Sense of Evolution?
- What should feel Familiar?
- How Much should you Innovate?
- How to make your World Clear?
- Which Accessories do you need?
- Your Games should offer Novelty.
- Now, what needs to Change?
- How do you bring Novelty?
- And how much?
A Sense of Evolution
- What most Series Lack the Most
- Most Series present Little to No Evolution.
- There is Nothing Noticeably New from the original to the last 1.
- Some Games may even regress.
- How do they Regress?
- Some series choose to Remove Essential Mechanics.
- Defining Features are sacrificed to Balance.
- Incompatibility & Implementation Issues are often invoked, but then…
- Are Added Useless Mechanics.
- As well as Unbalanced Mechanics.
- Your Game will be Unbalanced to some point.
- What matter is to create Unique Features.
- Progressive Innovation
- New Mechanics Implementation requires Patience.
- Which is why they should be different.
- They should be defining.
- And implemented incrementally.
- Uniqueness is essential to ensure a Series Sustainability.
- And Delivering novelty which each new episode is Critical.
- But not as much as Keeping the Essential Features.
- Detailed Feedback
- Ask for Criticism.
- Polls may be the most effective way to get it.
- Ensure that you are offering the Public enough Choices.
- As well as Diversified Choices.
- Think about updating the Choices for them to be in concordance with the Public’s needs.
- Polls are effective, they may lack precision & identity.
- A dedicated Group, Server or Page would be more appropriate for the Public to leave detailed Comments.
- Ask for Procedures.
- Ask the Public how they would correct the issue.
- Expose them what other issues their process would cause.
- Ask for Detailed Input.
- Simple Advices would be Useless.
- Likes & Don’t likes are Useless as well.
- You need Procedures.
If you want to know more about Creating Games Fast.
Familiar & New at the same time
- Some Things that are familiar
- Your Game will evoke Familiarity.
- A sense of Belonging is Critical.
- Players should want to return to your game.
- It should feel safe.
- Even if the game’s difficulty is High.
- Presenting Familiar Structures & Concepts under a New Form is often the way to go.
- Species
- Keep the usual Species.
- And modify then.
- You’ll need Insects.
- Arthropods more largely.
- You’ll need Fishes & Amphibians.
- You’ll need Birds & Reptiles.
- And You’ll need Mammals.
- You may modify them amply.
- You should also try to keep some of them as is.
- It’s quite rare to see regular animals in a Fantasy or Sci-Fi.
- Make use of the Context to define what’s Usual & what’s Otherworldly.
- Worlds & Adventures
- Same goes for the Environments & Stories.
- Your games needs some usual Storylines.
- Saving, Opposing, Collecting, Delivering or Investigating need to be part of your game.
- If that’s the level of diversity you’re looking for.
- Implement the same Story type in different environments.
- And the Story changes.
- Try different Rhythms.
- Different Menaces.
- Different Levels of Emergency.
- Place Danger in unexpected Environments.
If you want to know more about Familiarity & Novelty.
Focused Innovation
- Where should you Innovate?
- The Core Elements.
- What are the Core Elements?
- User Interface’s Accessibility & Clarity.
- Replayability & Player’s Experience.
- Core Rules.
- Characters.
- The Right level of Innovation
- The Right level of Innovation is more.
- Always look for Originality.
- As mention earlier, the only limit is to preserve defining Features.
- Which with time may erode.
- Don’t let this happen.
- You can Innovate by reinforcing your Core Values.
- Focus on creating an Original System.
- Transform something Critical, like Life points or Aiming.
- Focus on 1 or 2 Fundamental game mechanics.
- New Characters
- Create & Implement an Original Species.
- Focus your Attention on Characters.
- Clear & Contrasted Archetypes will your Game into a Story.
- Try a non-Humanoid Species.
- Try something truly Otherworldly.
- That may involve creating a Ridicule or Grotesque Creature.
- But it is not the only way to go.
- Any form of Exaggeration is valid.
If you want to know more about Testing Games.
A Clear World
- Contrasting Forms & Themes
- Try to Re-draw your World map.
- Add Contrast.
- Make Landmarks more visible.
- Make Essential cities more visible.
- Try to play your game without a Map.
- Make other test your Game without a Map.
- Get rid of the Plain when it is not needed.
- Focus on the Critical Forms.
- Create Settings that create Focus.
- Hide what needs to be hidden, Show what needs to be shown.
- Scale & Consistency.
- Diversity, Always.
- Large fields & Small Cities.
- You could have a Game which unfolds exclusively in an Urban environment.
- Balancing Diversity & Consistency will make your World Whole.
- Focal Points
- Define the essential Locations of your World.
- And Focalize the Public’s Attention on them.
- Create Landmarks that are visible that are visible from most Parts of your map.
- That will surely force you to redesign your map.
- Make use of Directional Lines & Perspective.
- Make use of Light.
- Of contrasting Colors.
- Use Graphic elements to Frame Destinations.
- Frame your Atmosphere.
- Different Levels
- Create a embossed World.
- Make use of Elevation.
- Place smalls location on Heights.
- And large locations Lower.
- Reverse this rule on another point of the Map.
- Place locations Underground.
- Go Upper.
- Make a Map you want to Explore.
If you want to know more about how to create compelling Settings.