How to make a Game in a Week?

Day 1 – Core Rules

  • Core Rules
  • What are the Fundamental Aspects of this Game?
  • Why are they Fundamental?
  • What are the Win conditions?
  • What are the Loss conditions?
  • How can you design rules to be inherently Fun?
  • How will they create Engagement?
  • Who will they Appeal?
  • How will you transcribe these Rules into a Story?
  • How will you transcribe these Rules into a World?
  • How will you display these Rules through the Characters?
  • Main Themes
  • What are the Themes of your Game?
  • How do they transcribe its Rules?
  • How are they implemented in the Story?
  • How are they implemented in the World?
  • How do they become game mechanics?
  • Characters
  • Who are your Characters?
  • What are their Goal?
  • Which Skills do they possess?
  • How can they use them?
  • When can they use them?
  • Under which Conditions?
  • Which Items do they need?

Day 2 – Character Models/Sprites

  • 6 Basic Profiles
  • You’ll want to define 6 base Profiles.
  • Having 6 Profiles will help you balance Diversity & Consistency.
  • It’s also enough for you to create intermediate/hybrid characters.
  • Roles
  • Leader
    • Is your Character Dedicated?
    • Is she strategic?
    • Is she caring?
  • Solver
    • Is your Character Focused?
    • Is she knowledgeable?
    • Is she persistent?
  • Protector
    • Is your Character Reliable?
    • Is she dependable?
    • Is she sturdy?
  • Sponsor
    • Is your Character Entrepreneurial?
    • Is she resilient?
    • Is she parsimonious?
  • Advisor
    • Is your Character Benevolent?
    • Is she calm?
    • Is she empathetic?
  • Enticer
    • Is your Character Fun?
    • Is she enthusiastic?
    • Is she fervid?
  • Physical
  • If you’re modelling the bodies yourself the easiest way is to Start with the Thickest body and to Sculpt the 5 others out of it.
  • Once you’ve got your base mesh you can scale the base proportions to Stretch or Shrink it.
  • Any physique can go with any Role.
    • Petit
    • Muscular
    • Busty
    • Slender
    • Slim
    • Curvaceous
  • Behavior & Environment
  • What are the Core Rules regarding the Characters?
  • How should they React?
  • According to which Criteria?
    • Class & Profession
    • Relationships
    • Events
    • Other Characters
    • Rewards

If you want to know more on Character Profiles.

Day 3 – Environment Models/Sprites

  • 3 of everything
  • Depending on the Scale of your Game you may not be able to create 3 models of every type of asset.
  • It’s better to start with a small scale project, especially if you’re going for 3D.
  • Maybe consider starting with a 1-Room game.
  • Or a House.
  • Regarding Natural environment, you’ll generally use procedural generation for efficiency purposes.
  • It can be used for Humanoid environments as well.
  • Depending of the parameters of your Program & the level of Erraticness of your Settings.
  • Multiple modifiers allow you to define the appropriate level of randomness you want to work with.
  • Nature
  • Which Landscapes define your Game?
  • Which Aspect of the Game do you want to display through the Landscapes?
  • How would their Atmosphere be?
  • How would the Wildlife be?
  • Civilization
  • What are the Landmarks of your World?
  • How do they define the dynamics of this World?
  • Where are the Settlements?
  • What kind of Settlements are they?
  • Are there Capitals?
  • Which Organizations administrate your World?
  • What are their Rules?
  • What are their Symbols?
  • What are their Items?
  • Which Accessories do they use?
  • Which Accessories do they look for?
  • Which Accessories do they grant to the Players?

Day 4 – Characters’ Behavior

  • Non Playable Characters
  • What Types of Non Playable Characters can the Players meet?
  • What are their Roles?
  • What are their Functions?
  • Do you have a Class system?
  • What is their Class?
    • Do they have multiple Classes?
  • What is their Profession?
    • Do they have multiple Professions?
  • What’s their main Goal?
    • Do they have other Goals?
  • What are their Behavior traits?
    • What are their Strengths?
    • What are their Weaknesses?
  • What are their Quirks?
  • Where can you find them?
  • Are their actions Location-specific?
  • How are they specific to the location?
  • Behavior
  • How are their Behavior affected by their Environment?
  • How do you design your Non Playable Characters’ Intelligence?
  • What’s the structure of their Behavior tree?
  • What’s the structure of their State Machine?
  • How many types of Behavior do you need?
  • What should they be able to do?
  • Which States can they adopt?
  • How do they move?
  • How do they interact with their Environment?
  • What’s the most efficient way for them to Move?
  • What’s the most efficient way for them to Act?
  • What’s the most appropriate way to Act?
  • How do you create a Coherent Behavior through their Actions?
  • How do you parameter their Behavior?
  • How efficient should they be?
  • Character Controllers
  • What are the Core Rules in term of Movement?
  • What are the Core Rules in term of Combat?
  • How do the Character’s Possibilities evolve through the Story?
  • How does the Environment limit the Characters?
    • Physics
    • Opponents
    • Resources
    • Status
  • Which Characters can perform which Action?
  • Which Skills is associated with which Command?
  • How do you use Items?
  • What are the Core Controls?
    • How Clear are they?
    • How Ergonomic are they?
    • Are they easy to memorize?
  • How do you build additional Controls on top of them?

Day 5 – Combats

  • Quest Board
  • Did you build an Arena?
  • Can you be a Mercenary?
  • Can you perform Assassinations?
  • Can you sponsor Assassinations?
  • Are there Wars?
  • Are there Battles?
  • Can you engage in the Military?
  • Can you contract with the Military?
  • Diversity of Fights
  • Are they Usual enemies?
  • What makes them Unusual?
  • Is there a Multitude of enemy?
    • How mix is it?
    • Did multiple enemies form an Alliance?
  • Is there a Stronger 1 in their group?
  • Do they display an Unusual Behavior?
    • Are they Normally Pacific?
    • Do they use a Different way to Fight?
  • How do you make a Fight Fun?
  • How do you make it Interesting?
  • What are the Stakes?
  • How do you make them Clear?
  • What are the different Options?
  • How do the Fighters relate to each other?
  • What are the origins of these relationships?
  • How do they link the Combatants?
  • How does the Players win?
  • What are the handicaps?
  • What are the rewards?
  • What are the Core Rules of Combat?
  • How do you pace an Action sequence?
  • What defines an Enemy?
  • What’s an Aggression?
  • How do you gauge Hostility?
  • Is there a Neutrality situation?
  • Do some Characters have a sense of Justice?
  • Can you ask for Assistance?
  • How does Combat rhythm the Story?
  • How frequent is it in your World?
  • How does it define your Characters?
  • What are the core combat Skills?
  • Which Items are necessary for a Fight?
  • What are the main Controls?

Day 6 – Exploration

  • Enticement
  • How do you create an Adventure?
  • How do you use Action to pace Exploration?
  • How do you upkeep the feeling of Discovery?
  • How can the Player feel freedom?
  • How do you create a sense of Free movement?
  • Where would the Players Want to go?
  • Where would the Players Need to go?
  • How many types of Environment should your Game contain?
  • What makes them Unique?
  • Why would your Players want to visit them?
  • What do they expect from this World?
  • Quest Board
  • How is your Board Organized?
  • When do new quests become available?
  • Do they depend on the Main quest?
  • Which sort of contract can you find?
  • Which Items are put on the Board?
  • Can you go on an Artifact recovery?
  • Or a Collect?
  • Can you go Racing?
  • Can you solve Mysteries?
  • Can you escort people?
  • Which kind of people?
  • How does it help you discover the World?
  • Would the Players find it amusing?
  • How do you preserve the novelty?
  • Diversity of Encounters
  • How many types of Environment does your Game contain?
  • What are the specificities of each Environment?
  • What makes them Unique?
  • Why would your Players want to visit them?
  • What can they find in them?
  • What do they expect from this World?
  • How do you respond to these Expectations?
  • Through which decisions?
  • With which Creatures?

Day 7 – User Interface

  • Simplicity
  • You want to have the Core Information on 1 page.
    • Status
      • Afflictions/Alterations
      • Class/Role/Statistics
      • Skills – Combat & Exploration
    • Inventory
      • Items
      • Equipment
    • Core Rules
      • Map/Mini-Map (if you need 1)
      • Active Quests
        • other Quests available
  • Then you can have Sub-Menus for each Category.
  • Enjoyment
  • How do you make it Visually pleasing?
  • How do you develop a sense of Aesthetic?
    • Which Kind?
  • How do you Design it?
    • Which genre is your Game?
    • Which Setting did you choose?
  • Does it look Reassuring?
  • Does it feel Comforting?
  • Does it exude a sense of Peace?
  • Are there No danger in your menu?
  • How do you create a sense of Flavor through the Interface?
  • How do you display elements of the Story in the Interface?
    • Which elements?
    • How do they help the Story to unfold?
    • How do they help the Player to understand the Story?
  • How can you integrate your Interface in the World?
  • Customization
  • Create Blocks of Information.
  • Movable Blocks.
  • Of Different Size.
  • Of Different Colors.
  • All of them will be Specific to the Block’s function.
  • A Customizable Interface creates a sense of Character.
  • It helps the Player to appropriate herself the Game.

Alternative, Daily Plan

  • If you’d like a more Progressive Process.
  • Which is implementable on a daily basis.
  • The Estimate time is 5 hours.
  • Story & Game Design – 1h 30min
  • Characters
  • Environment
  • Core Rules & Storyline
  • User Interface
  • Arts – 1h
  • 2D
  • Characters sprites
  • Environment sprites
  • User Interface
    • Text Boxes
  • 3D
  • Characters models
  • Environment models
  • Programming – 2h
    • If it is not a video Game
      • add 40′ to Story/Game Design
      • 60′ to Art
      • 20′ to Music
  • Characters
    • Physics
    • Controls
    • AI
  • Environment
    • Physics
    • Interactivity
  • Core Rules & Storyline
    • Levels
  • User Interface
  • Music – 30min
  • Characters’ Themes
  • Environments’ Atmosphere
  • Core Rules & Storyline
    • Scenes’ Themes
    • General Rhythm
  • User Interface ?

Extra time – Game testing

If you can put more time into your Project, here’s what you can do.

You’ll need a group of testers.

  • This is a Collective Game
  • Who are you testing your Game with?
  • Are they willing to play this Game?
  • What do they expect?
  • When did they start playing?
  • Is it their 1st Game?
  • Do they seem to understand the Core mechanism?
  • Do they accept them?
  • How do they react to the Trails you propose them?
  • Which Trails do you propose them?
  • Would you enjoy them?
  • Their Suggestions
  • How can your Players help you enhance the Game?
  • What do they enjoy?
  • What do they dislike?
  • What confuses them?
  • What enthusiasms them?
    • Even if they can’t tell why.
  • What would they like more of?
  • What would they Modify?
  • How would they modify it?
  • Ask them for Procedures.
  • How would they implement these Procedures?
  • How detailed can they be?



