How to make a Game in a Month? User Interface

Is the User Interface the Fundamental part of a Game?
What makes it Fundamental?
How do you make it the Core Feature of your Game?

  • Make it:
    • Simple
    • Clear
    • Enjoyable
    • Customizable


  • Simplify the gameplay
  • How do you access the Interface?
    • Through which controls?
    • Are there shortcuts?
    • Which pages do they give you access to?
  • Is it easy?
  • Is it instantaneous?
    • Do you need to wait for the interface to load?
    • Does an animation play?
    • How long is it?
    • Is it necessary?
  • Where are the Gauges?
  • Are they systematically visible?
  • Do they disappear?
  • Are they placed on the Character?
  • Do you have a scoring system?
  • How is it displayed?
  • How discreet is it?
  • Is it on On Play-Screen?
  • Is it over the Character’s head?
  • Does it follow the Character?
  • Is it Fixed?
  • 1 Page
  • You want to have the Core Information on 1 page.
  • Status
    • Afflictions/Alterations
    • Class/Function/Role/Statistics
    • Skills – Combat & Exploration
  • Inventory
    • Active slots
    • Items
      • Consumable
      • Reusable
    • Equipment
    • Spells
  • Core Rules
    • Can I use this interface without having to read instructions?
  • Map/Mini-Map (if you need 1)
    • Can you zoom on the Map?
    • How clear is it?
    • Which Icons do you use?
    • How clear are your Icons?
  • Active Quest
    • Main Quest
    • Guilds/Factions Quests
    • other Quests available
  • Then you can have Sub-Menus for each Category.
  • Team
  • If you have a Team of Character, you’ll also want to display their data on 1 page.
  • This allows to visualize Relationships more easily.


  • What is Clarity?
  • Which parts of the Interface Clarify the gameplay?
  • Which parts of the Interface Obscure the gameplay?
  • What are the dominant its Colors?
  • What do they indicate?
  • Does this interface tell me what I need to know right now?
  • Keeping it to the Minimum.
  • At each stage ask:
    • What can be shorten?
    • What can be removed?
  • What is Crucial right now?
  • What is Fundamental in general?
  • How easy is it to find?
  • Where should I look for?
  • How deep are the menus?
  • Do they hide Information?
  • Is it necessary?
  • How do I display this Information?
  • Clarity in Context
  • Which are the most prominent Situations in your Game?
  • How do they affect the Interface?
  • Does the Interface Change?
    • In a Fight?
    • When the Character is in Danger?
    • When the Character Rests?
  • How does the Interface help the Player?
    • While Tracking an Objective?
    • Does it display the Way to this Objective?
    • Is it displayed clearly?


  • Aesthetics
  • How do you make it Visually pleasing?
  • How do you develop a sense of Aesthetic?
    • Which Kind?
  • How do you Design it?
    • Which genre is your Game?
    • Which Setting did you choose?
  • How do you decorate your Interface?
  • Which Motives do you use?
  • Which Scriptures?
  • What do they represent?
  • Which language is it?
  • What does it tell you about the Game’s Story?
  • Which images do you use?
    • Which Drawings?
    • Which Paintings?
  • Is it a 3-Dimensional Interface?
    • Which Sculptures do you use?
  • Which Embellishments?
  • How’s is your Iconography?
    • How Clear is it?
    • How Attractive is it?
    • What does it References?
    • What’s hidden in it?
  • Haven
  • What is the most Enjoyable Place?
  • Where do you feel Rested?
  • Where do you allow yourself to Rest?
  • Where do you feel the Safest?
  • Does it look Reassuring?
  • Does it feel Comforting?
  • Does it exude a sense of Peace?
  • Are there No danger in your menu?
  • How do you create a sense of Peace through the Interface?
  • How do you display elements of the Story in the Interface?
    • Which elements?
    • How do they help the Story to unfold?
    • How do they help the Player to understand the Story?
  • Which Symbol represent this Interface?
  • How is this Symbol represented?
  • How does it convey agreeable feelings?
  • Which feelings?
  • Why do you want to return to this Place?
  • Integrated Interface
  • How do you create an Intrinsic Interface?
  • How do you create a Discrete Interface?
  • How do you create a sense of Flavor through the Interface?
  • How can you integrate your Interface in the World?
  • Is it accessible from a Specific Setting?
  • Is it a Setting itself?
  • Is it Story Driven?
  • Which Story elements do you integrate in the interface?
  • Where are they?
  • Are they hidden?
  • Is it Environment Driven?
  • Which Environmental elements do you integrate in the interface?
  • Are they Visual?
  • Are they Auditive?
  • Do they stimulate other Senses?


  • Blocks
  • Create Blocks of Information.
  • Movable Blocks.
  • Of Different Size.
  • Of Different Colors.
  • All of them will be Specific to the Block’s function.
  • Puzzle
  • Is your Interface complete?
  • Since the Beginning?
  • How can you complete it?
  • Is your Interface a Puzzle?
  • Does it need to be completed?
  • Where are the pieces?
  • Where can they be found?
  • What should the Players not be able to do?
  • Remove essential information.
    • The Map.
    • The Inventory.
    • And Status Information.
  • All this Information should be locked to the Interface.
  • Their position could be changed.
  • Without being removed.
  • Appropriation & Individuation
  • A Customizable Interface creates a sense of Character.
  • It helps the Player to appropriate herself the Game.
  • Why would you want this?
  • Attachment enhances the Replayability of your Game.


