How to Improvise? Atmosphere

The Emotion

• Enticement & Excitement
• Are you writing an Adventure?
• Where does it happen?
• In which kind of Setting?
• How distant is this Setting?
• How different is this Setting?
• How compelling is it?
• What makes it Compelling?
• Would the Public want to travel therein?
• How Unusual is it for the Characters?
• How new does it feel to them?

• Courage & Anger
• Do you write Action?
• What are the Characters aiming for?
• Which weapons do the Characters use?
• When do they use violence?
• Would the Public want to participate to the Action?
• Why would they want to be part of it?
• What triggers the Characters?
• What causes Impulsion?
• Where does their Rage come from?
• What creates Intensity?
• Why do they start fighting?

• Fear & Disgust
• Are you writing Horror?
• Which fears do you expose?
• Which behaviors do you expose?
• How do you expose them?
• How are they displayed by the Characters?
• Who are these Characters?
• What triggers Dread?
• What are they Awed by?
• What are they Repulsed by?
• What are they Attracted by?
• What are they Obsessed by?
• Would the Public condemn the Characters?
• Would the Public hate the Characters?
• Would the Public despise the Characters?

• Sadness & Grief
• Do you write Drama?
• Which Drama are you writing?
• What is this Tragedy?
• Are the Characters Exalted?
• Are the Characters Bruised?
• Are the Characters Scarred?
• Which kind of Aesthetics does this Story use?
• Which environment are the characters going through?
• How enchanting are these environments?
• How superb are they?
• Would the Public want to help the Characters?
• How would they help them?

• Joy & Happiness
• Do you want to write Comedy?
• Why do you want to write Comedy?
• How hard is it for you to make jokes?
• What makes the Settings humorous?
• What makes the Characters fun?
• Where does the Humor come from?
• What make the Public happy?
• Would they like to meet the Characters?
• Would they like to discuss with them?
• What would they discuss?
• How would they interact with them?


  • Light, Colors & Forms
  • Where are you?
  • What are the dominant Colors?
  • How do they complement each other?
  • What are the most common forms?
  • What is their Color?
  • How do they define the Environment?
  • How does light lifts the Colors?
  • How does light alter Forms?
  • How does light affect Behaviors?
  • How do Colors affect Behaviors?
  • How do forms affect the perception of the Environment?
  • Climate, Weather & Temperature
  • How’s the Weather?
  • How’s the sky?
  • Is it typical?
  • Is it a peculiar state?
  • How unusual is it?
  • How does the Temperature fluctuate?
  • How does Pressure fluctuate?
  • How do Precipitations fluctuate?
  • How does it affect the Weather?
  • How does the Weather affect the Populations?
  • How does the Temperature affect the Populations?
  • How sudden are these changes?
  • How harsh are they?
  • What did the Populations elaborate to prevent these changes?
  • What did the Populations elaborate to minimize these changes?
  • Sound & Music
  • How does the Wild sound like?
  • Which noises do you hear?
  • Are these noise typical?
  • What makes them usual?
  • What makes them unusual?
  • Are you supposed to find them in this location?
  • Where else can you find them?
  • How does the Settlement sound like?
  • Which kind of Music do you hear?
  • Is it enjoyable?
  • Is it loud?
  • Is it melodious?
  • What chatter is there?
  • Are people loquacious?
  • Are they discreet?
  • Are there domesticated animals?
  • Are there non-animal living beings?
  • Do the Plants make sounds?
  • Which kind of sound?


  • Relationships
  • Who are the Main Characters of this Story?
  • Who are the 2ndary Characters of this Story?
  • Who are the Protagonists?
  • Who are the Antagonists?
  • How do they relate to each other?
  • How do they oppose each other?
  • How do they assist each other?
  • On which occasions?
  • How do the Relationships define the Characters?
  • How do these Relationships evolve?
  • Typical Behavior
  • Who are the Characters we follow the most?
  • Who are the Characters we follow the least?
  • How much information do you have on these Characters?
  • How do you classify this information?
  • What do you prioritize?
  • How do they behave?
  • What are their Strengths?
  • What are their Weaknesses?
  • Which Setting are they the most familiar with?
  • Which Setting are they the least familiar with?
  • How do they act in these Settings?
  • How differently do they act?
  • What causes these change?
  • Reactions
  • What triggers the Characters?
  • What makes them uncomfortable?
  • What makes them comfortable?
  • Who do they associate with?
  • Who do they loath?
  • What excites them?
  • What disgusts them?
  • What enrages them?
  • What pleases them?
  • What amuses them?


  • Semantic Field
  • What are the main Themes of the Story?
  • Who deals with them?
  • Do all the Characters deal with them?
  • Do they have an interest for them?
  • How do they manifest this interest?
  • Through which formula?
  • Through which figures?
  • Through which expressions?
  • Through which words?
  • Language Level
  • How differently do the Characters speak?
  • Do some Character change of Language level?
  • In which context?
  • Who do they address in this context?
  • Are they Formal?
  • Are they Informal?
  • Are they Casual?
  • Are they Vulgar?
  • How does they Language level relate to their appearance?
  • How does it relate to their Role?
  • How does it relate to their Goal?
  • Symbolism
  • Which Images are used during the Story?
  • Who uses them?
  • To what aim?
  • What Ideals do they defend?
  • Which Symbols do they bear?
  • Do they use Icons?
  • What are the Most used words in the Story?
  • Are they Shared by multiple Characters?
  • Who uses these words?
  • How do they convey a sense of Belonging?
  • How do they create a sense of Identity?
  • How do they adorn the story?

Would you like to save the world?
Here’s Your Team

  • The Exuberant
  • Who brings joy to your Story?
  • Which Characters make everyone smile when they enter the frame?
  • Who’s Charming?
  • Who’s Sparkling?
  • Who’s Dazzling?
  • Who’s Petulant?
  • Who’s Enthusiastic?
  • Who is this Character?
  • Why does she behave this way?
  • What does she want to achieve?
  • Is she Bubbly?
  • The Reasonable
  • What does person want?
  • What does she want for her Team?
  • How does she manages it
  • Is she Credible?
  • Is her reasoning Plausible?
  • Is she Sane?
  • Is she Moderate?
  • Is she Authoritative?
  • Is she Demanding?
  • Is she Resilient?
  • The Exalted
  • What is our Story?
  • What is our Purpose?
  • What is our Identity
  • Who is the Sensible character?
  • Is she Affectionate?
  • Is she Fair?
  • What is she Attached to?
  • Is she Lofty?
  • In her words?
  • In her behavior?
  • Is she Ample?
  • In her appearance?
  • In her thoughts?
  • The Otherworldly
  • What does the world has to offer?
  • How do we observe it?
  • Do we try to understand it?
  • How do we do?
  • Who looks for Alternatives?
  • Who looks for Solution?
  • Who’s Judicious?
  • Who’s Observant?
  • Who is this person who tries to solve problems?
  • How does she solve them?
  • Does she sound Insane?
  • Is she?
  • Is she looking for another possibility?
  • How unusual does this possibility look?


