How to help new writers to create Characters?

What do you want?

  • 12 Ideas
  • What maters the Most to you?
  • What Influences you the Most?
  • Which Decisions are the most important according to you?
  • What Guides you?
  • What Motivates you?
  • What Excites you?
  • What Comforts you?
  • What Calms you?
  • When do you feel Supported?
  • When do you feel Moved?
  • When do you feel Sad?
  • When do you feel Angry?
  • 12 Characters
  • How can you turn these 12 Ideas into 12 Characters?
  • How will you name these Ideas?
  • Giving a Name to a Concept Humanizes it.
  • That’s how we create Allegories.
  • Each of your Characters will eventually turn into an Allegory.
  • A vision of a Concept.
  • Your Definition of this Concept.
  • These 12 Characters will eventually grow into a Fraction of you.
  • Your Definition of the World.
  • Reusing the Characters
  • Should you reuse the same Characters?
  • Can you reuse them?
  • Depending on your definition of Imagination, you may come to the conclusion that it is fairly limited.
  • Can you create 12 unique Characters?
  • This shouldn’t be too hard.
  • Can you create 18, 20, 30 unique Characters?
  • Could be done.
  • Do you want to do it?
  • Having these 12 character Models ready will accelerate your Writing.
  • And in the Beginning all you need is Velocity.
  • Expanding the world
  • Your Characters define the Limits of your World.
  • They are Extending or Restraining them.
  • Your Characters are the Fundamental Vectors of your World.
  • And you are Creating them.

What does your Character want?

  • Goal
  • What does the Character aim for?
  • What does she think about most of the time?
  • What should she accomplish?
  • Which kind of ambition does she display?
  • Towards what?
  • When did it come to her?
  • When did this goal became fundamental to her?
  • Needs
  • What does the Character needs most?
  • What is lacking of?
  • When does she become distressed?
  • What makes her feel better?
  • When do her state of mind change?
  • What does she crave?
  • Why?
  • Was it always the case?
  • Which resource does she need the most?
  • When did she begin needing this?
  • What is is?
  • Enjoy
  • What does she enjoy?
  • What does she spend most of the time doing?
  • What are her favorite activities?
  • What’s her favorite dish?
  • What’s her favorite beverage?
  • What’s her favorite animal?
  • Does she like animals?
  • Does she have a Totem?
  • What’s her favorite dish?
  • Does she have a favorite accessory?
  • Does she always hold onto it?
  • Dislike
  • What angers her?
  • What frightens her?
  • What saddens her?
  • When does she need to be reassured?
  • When does she need assistance?
  • From whom?
  • Who doesn’t she want to interact with?
  • How does she limit these interactions?
  • How does she act when she’s distressed?
  • Can you identify the source of her Anxiety?

Your relationships with your Characters

You’ll create different type of Characters.

How would you interact with them?

  • Ideal
  • What is your Ideal person looking for?
  • What would be her Goal?
  • What would be her Interests?
  • What defines this Person?
  • Which other Goal would you like to pursue but can’t?
  • Will you look for a person who pursue this Goal?
  • How would she be like?
  • What does your ideal person look like?
  • Which Hairstyles would she have?
  • Which Weapons would she use?
  • Which Physique would she have?
  • How’s her body?
  • How’s her face?
  • What does she Wear?
  • How does she Behave?
  • Friends
  • Who do you feel comfortable with?
  • Which people make you grow?
  • How do they make you grow?
  • Why do you need them?
  • Why do they need you?
  • Why are you attached to them?
  • What creates a sense of Belonging between you?
  • Who are they?
  • What defines them?
  • What makes them Unique?
  • What makes them Likable?
  • What makes them Relatable?
  • What makes them Memorable?
  • Which Environment Defines them?
  • Dislike
  • Why do you dislike someone?
  • What makes that person Annoying?
  • Is she Rigid?
  • Is she Stubborn?
  • Is she Fickle?
  • Is she Entitled?
  • Is she Authoritative?
  • Is she Dismissive?
  • Is she Unhelpful?
  • Is she Unsupportive?
  • Is she Overbearing?
  • What makes her Unhelpful?
  • Why does she behave this?
  • Can you relate to her?
  • What are her Goals?
  • What are her Quirks?
  • What are her Strengths?
  • What are her Weaknesses?
  • Enemies
  • What is Unacceptable for you?
  • Which Behavior traits reviles you?
  • What do you loathe?
  • Why do you loathe it?
  • Do you need this type of Character in your Story?
  • How does the Story benefit from it?
  • Why would you integrate horrendous individuals to your stories?
  • What kind of Contrast does it create?
  • Which type of Character ruin everyone else’s time?
  • What do they create this horrible sensation?
  • Why would you want the Public to have a horrible time?
  • What are your limits?
  • What triggers you?

Your Characters, You & the Story

  • Role
  • Is your Character part of a Team?
  • What are the Character skills?
  • How would she contribute to a Team?
  • Does she want to be part of a Team?
  • Is she Gregarious?
  • Is she Aloof?
  • Why does she isolate herself?
  • Where does she go where she needs peace?
  • Can she share this place with others?
  • Function
  • Who do you want your Character to be?
  • Should she be the Protagonist?
  • Should she be the Antagonist?
  • Should she be a Main Character?
  • How should she contribute to the Story?
  • Which Interactions does she need to have?
  • Who does she need to meet?
  • Which group does she need to join?
  • Class & Profession
  • What’s the Character’s Class?
  • Is there a Class system in your Story?
  • What’s the Character’s Profession?
  • Why did the Character begin exercising this Profession?
  • Who inspired her to work in this domain?
  • Who was her model?
  • Did she choose this Profession because it was easy to work through?
  • Is it because it is lucrative?
  • Does she have the Education required to exercise this Profession?
  • Who did she get it from?
  • Is this Profession popular?
  • Is she looking for a certain Status?
  • Another Story
  • Could this Character fit another Story?
  • Could she fit another Role?
  • What Defines your Story?
  • What makes your Story Unique?
  • What makes your Character Unique?
  • How does your Character grow in this Story?
  • Does she understand this World?
  • Does she want to understand this World?
  • What are the main Features of this World?
  • Which Organizations administrate this World?
  • Which natural Phenomena model this World?
  • Should she be in Another Story?
  • Would she feel more comfortable in another Story?
  • Can she tell you?

How to Create 12 Characters fast?

Themes/CharactersGoalNeedsBehaviorQuirksRelationshipsRoleFunctionClassWorldStory 1Story 2Story 3
Character 1
Character 2
Character 3
Character 4
Character 5
Character 6
Character 7
Character 8
Character 9
Character 10
Character 11
Character 12



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