- Pleasure, The greatest reward
- That’s your only objective.
- That’s what will Jumpstart the process.
- If you write for Pleasure, you will always return to the page.
- Write 4 Words
- 4 things you think about all the time.
- 4 things you’re absorbed by.
- What’s the 1st thing you think about in the morning?
- What’s the last thing you think about in the evening?
- Don’t like it?
- Think about something else
- Still not?
- Switch
- Not anymore?
- Try again
- There are no lower subjects.
- There are no stupid subjects.
- There are no boring subjects.
- They can be as Mundane as you wish.
- They can be as Extravagant as you wish.
- They are your words.
- Write your Words.
- Speak your Words.
- Writing for & with someone else
- What are you looking for in Writing?
- What is driving you forward?
- Who can help you accelerate?
- How can they catalyse your Stories?
- What does these persons want?
- Do they want to develop their skills?
- Do they want to be granted recognition?
- Do they want to start a project with you?
- Do Your Best, For Yourself.
- For your Co-Writers.
- For your Team.
- Focus onto Execution.
- And People will come.
- Action without motivation
- Take a sheet of paper horizontally.
- Write a word in the middle.
- Or draw a picture.
- A small Icon would do.
- But you can be as detailed as you want.
- Write 4 other Words around your central Word.
- Write them in 4 different Colors.
- Write 3 Words around each of these 4 Main Words.
- Continue to write 3 Words around each small Word.
- You can pursue until you are satisfied.
- You can Add Main Words around the Central word.
- You now have an Idea Board.
Making Habits Easy
- Short
- Always keep it short.
- What is the longest amount of time you can dedicate to your craft today?
- Cut it in half.
- Do you have 20′ to spare.
- Write during 10′.
- What do you do with the other 10′.
- You can write something else.
- You can also draw the scene you just wrote.
- You can compose a theme song for this scene.
- Fast
- Often move fast
- You may need more time to Write certain scenes.
- You may need to Draw slower to consider the flow of a scene.
- Or to integrate details you didn’t plan beforehand.
- Most of the time to want to be as fast as possible.
- In the beginning the Results do not matter.
- All that matter is the Process.
- Focus on the process.
- And repeat.
- Fast.
- Balanced
- You want to start with something easy.
- And you want to end with something easy.
- You’ll reach your peek in the middle.
- Progressively ascend this peek.
- And progressively descend this peek.
- This way you’ll have the right amount of difficulty every day.
- That’s how most Stories work…
- Here’s a weekly template which depicts this logic.
Procrastinating on the little things
- 3 main Activities
- List all the things you need to do.
- What are the 3 Activities that would add the most value to your life if you execute them everyday?
- How do they bring value to you?
- How would you feel if you could only do only this?
- What do these activities bring you?
- How would you feel if someone was preventing you to do any of them during a day?
- Can you feel how Fundamental they are?
- Growing with your Co-writers
- Always Propose.
- Never Impose.
- You will get more intense, more spontaneous responses.
- Writing with a team may be the best way to skim what’s less necessary.
- The group will always decide what’s the Essential.
- It’s also 1 of the best way to organize & dispatch the tasks.
- You’re always sure that someone is doing something.
- Be knowledgeable about your Team mates Interests.
- Be knowledgeable about their Time-wasters.
- If you help them to focus they will help you to.
- Skip anything that’s not vital
- There is only your Pleasure.
- Little else matters.
- Some activities feel pleasurable.
- But you realize quite quickly how useless they are.
- That’s how short-term works.
- And some short-term activities are Vital.
- How can you manage short-term?
- Of all these activities which ones are not Vital?
- Which activities are not oriented to your Project or your Survival?
- How do you identify these useless activities?
- For each activity on your list, wonder.
- Now I know the Result of this Activity, Would I do it again?
- In the case of working on your Project the answer would be Yes.
- Meaning that ought to continue on this Activity.
- For any of these activities, if the answer should be No, then you can stop doing it.
- Quit useless activities fast
- Select 1 Activity you can easily abandon today.
- Deliberately abandon it.
The Main Project
- The Main Story
- Take the aforementioned Idea Board.
- Redraw it.
- This time with 10 Words around your Central Idea.
- These will be your 10 Main Ideas.
- Write down 3 -6 Words around each of these 10 Main Ideas.
- This Main Themes Board will become the Touchstone of all your Stories.
- Designing Your Characters
- What would you ideal characters look like?
- On which Archetypes are they based?
- Make up to 12 Characters you can reuse.
- Give them each a Distinctive Quirk.
- Your Side Project
- Why have multiple Projects?
- How much time do you have?
- How many things do you want to do?
- Factor these 2 together, and you’ve got your answer.
- Limited Time
- Having less time to create your next project will force better results.
- Less time means less time to hesitate.
- Think crucial features through & implement.
- Between 90-120’/day for your main project.
- Between 10-20’/day for a side project.
- How much time should you spend on it?
- 10-15′ a day is fine for a Starter or a Side project.
- All your other Ideas
- You may have many other Story Ideas.
- Or just Ideas?
- How to integrate them to your Stories.
- Link them to Your Main Themes board.
- Focus all these other Ideas around the Main Themes.
- Link them to the Main Themes.
- Having a Pocket Journal on you
- You only need 2 things:
- A 4-Colored Pen.
- A 200 pages hardcover journal is enough.
- Have it in your pocket.
- Draw regularly, even if there’s no apparent story.
- As new Stories come to you, draw them.