- Escalation & Expectation
- Where do we end?
- What happens therein?
- How did we arrive to this place?
- Which Events led us to this Ending?
- Could have it been any different?
- How is Rising Destruction displayed?
- Which Small Successes do the Characters go through?
- Which Large-Scale Failures do the Characters go through?
- How do they Structure the Story?
- Which Expectations do these events create?
- Which Narrative progression do they create?
- Plot Twists?
- How can you break this progression?
- Should you break this progression?
- How does surprise hinder the Conclusion?
- How does surprise benefit the Conclusion?
- Which degree of surprise is necessary?
- Which degree of surprise could be detrimental?
- What will be perceived as a Revelation?
- What will be perceived as a New element?
- What will be perceived as an Unexpected element?
- Should you clarify the pre-existing relationship between 2 characters?
- What effect would it have on the Public’s perception?
- What effect would it have on the Characters’ perception?
- Situation Reversal
- What would break the Characters’ moral?
- What would break the Public’s moral?
- What would cause the Fall?
- Which new piece of Information would your Perception of a Character?
- Which new piece of Information would your Perception of a Setting?
- Will a Character be in difficulty?
- Which kind of difficulty?
- Which support will she hope for?
- Which help can she hope to receive?
- Which help will she receive?
- When do the Characters receive assistance from an Enemy?
- What made the Enemy act on the Characters’ behalf?
- What made the Enemy change their Alignment?
- Did she change of Alignment?
- Was the Enemy forced to act against the Characters?
- By whom?
- Was the Enemy fooled by the Character’s Nemesis?
- How will their relationship evolve?
- Hidden Benefactor/Hindrance
- Is there a Character of which the Protagonist Ignores the identity?
- Or whose identity is hidden by a public façade?
- Why does this Character helps the Protagonist?
- Why does this Character hinders the Protagonist?
- Does the Protagonist Ignore the reason?
- Does she Ignore the stakes?
- Is the Protagonist incapable to understand the dynamics of her world?
- Why?
- Does she suffer from a condition?
- When does this Character appear?
- During which kind of Crisis?
- Who is she?
- Is she an Ally which was threatened by an Antagonist?
- Is she an Ally which was endangered by the Protagonist?
- Is she an Ally which was endangered by a Protagonist’s Relative?
- Is she an Ally which changed of Alignment?
- Why does she continue to Help the Protagonist?
- Why does she continue to Hinder the Protagonist?
- How does she relate to her?
- Is she waiting for a Retribution?
- Is there a Delayed Cost to her help?
- Goal Reached
- Who reached her Goal?
- The Protagonist?
- The Antagonist?
- Another Character?
- Who’s this Character?
- Does this open the way to a new Goal?
- Is the Character Satisfied?
- Why is she Satisfied?
- Does she regret to have pursued this Goal?
- How is her Regret displayed?
- How is her Satisfaction displayed?
- Ambition
- Why did she pursue this Goal?
- Who did she pursue it for?
- What was the extent of this Goal?
- What did she have to do to reach it?
- Which form of Self Satisfaction is visible onto her after having reached her goal?
- Does she consider her task accomplished?
- Which other Goal can she seek for?
- Is there any way for her to ever find fulfilment?
- Is her fulfilment the result of perpetual pursuit of a new goal?
- Causality
- What does the Story need to End?
- What makes the Story memorable?
- What makes the Story enjoyable?
- Which Climax should be chosen?
- Which Ending is preferable?
- How are Consequences depicted?
- How do you create a sense of Disorder?
- What is considered a Catastrophes?
- By whom?
- How does it impact the Characters?
- How does it impact the Environment?
- How does it lead Characters to a Conclusion?
- How can you make the Story faster?
- How can you make the Story shorter?
- Outcomes
- How does it end?
- Who Wins?
- Who Loses?
- What is won?
- What is lost?
- Is it a Partial Win?
- Is it a Partial Loss?
- What are they Rewards?
- Who are they for?
- Are they for everyone?
- Is there truly 1 winner?
- Is there a reason to Rejoice?
- Rest
- Can the Characters end their journey?
- Are they willing to?
- Should they stop?
- Where will they move?
- Where will they rest?
- Was the Menace Neutralized?
- How was it Neutralized?
- Are there no other Menaces?
- Are the Characters willing to face them?
- Are the Characters able to face them?
- The End
- Was the End Forced?
- Was it caused by External Factors?
- Was it accelerated by External Factors?
- Which Event ended the Story?
- What’s the Nature of this Event?
- Who’s responsible for this event?
- What is the Aftermath?
- Who is still present?
- What is about to happen?
- Which Character is still necessary?
- Which Environment is most suited to shelter the end of the Story?
- Premature Ending?
- Should you Shorten the Story?
- Did certain parts become unnecessary?
- Would they fit another Story better?
- How do you Give a Conclusion to this Story?
- How is this Conclusion fitting?
- What do you Prevent by ending the Story sooner?
- Can you prevent Loss of Interest & Disengagement?
- Can you prevent Meaningless involvement?
- Can you prevent Trampling over the Public’s Hope?
- Different Layers
- How many Layers does the Story have?
- How identifiable are the Themes?
- What is the Main Theme?
- What are the 2ndary Themes?
- Are there other Themes?
- How do the Main & 2ndary Stories Intertwine?
- How do the 2ndary & 3tiary Story Intertwine?
- Which Storylines overlap?
- How do they overlap?
- How can the Story be enjoyed?
- What are the different ways to enjoy the Story?
- Deception
- What is Missing?
- What seems to be missing?
- What seems to be misleading?
- What looks contradictory?
- What looks Paradoxal?
- How are these elements bound?
- How do they relate to each other?
- Is there still something missing?
- Continuity & Contingency
- Will you do a Sequel?
- Was the Ending Satisfying?
- Would a Sequel make the Story satisfying?
- How so?
- Which Character still needs development?
- Which Environment needs to be used?