- Your Maps should look Coherent.
- The Position of each element should seem to be the product of multiple phenomena converging to the actual Structure.
- Synergy is Key.
Summary – 6 steps to a Nice Geography
- You need Mundane locations.
- You need to set up Surprising locations.
- You’ll want to tell the Story of your World by spreading Hints.
- All Essential locations should be visible.
- The Function of these Locations should be clear & linked to their Surroundings.
- The Map’s Limits should be clear.
- Your Maps intent is to be Immersive.
- Immersion is reached by balancing the Mundane & the Surprises.
- Let elements relate to each other to create a sense of Synergy.
Immersion & Expectations
- Balance between Mundane & Surprising
- Worlds need large extents of nothing.
- Or nothing noticeable.
- Special places tend to be rare.
- And concentrated.
- By Balancing space of relative normality with Special locations you give the Public & the Character more time to process the last found piece of Information.
- Wherever it is an Artifact, a Hint or the visit an Unusual Location.
- Familiarity
- The Public & the Characters need a minimum of Comfort.
- They need Familiar spaces.
- Known & Seemingly Understandable spaces.
- These spaces help to rhythm the Story.
- They allow you to create Expectations.
- Describe the Daily life of this World’s inhabitants.
- Wherever they are Sentient or not.
- Display their habits.
- Familiar spaces help to create empathy with the inhabitants of this World.
- Surprises
- Once you’ve established familiar spaces you can place Unusual locations.
- These places should feel Otherworldly.
- They allow you to break Expectation.
- This goes to the point where can you display seemingly impossible events.
- These location allow you to distort the World’s coherence.
- These location are meant to cause Confusion.
- Or Awe.
- They are meant to be memorable.
- What do the Characters intend to find in these Location?
- What does the Public intend to find in these Location?
- Why are they Unsettled?
If you want to know more about Immersive Worlds.
Coherence & Consistency
- Tales
- Your World needs Stories.
- And each noticeable location should be accompanied with Tales.
- Even if these Tales are lost.
- You want to imagine them in order to make each place more specific.
- They allow you to establish the Evolution of a due Location.
- Even unremarkable places will have some form of Narrative accompanying them.
- It could be more mundane.
- Or it could, on the contrary, hide the true nature of a Setting.
- These Tales rely on Imagery.
- Allowing Multiple explanations to coexist.
- Hints
- Place Clues in your environments.
- Make use of the Landscape to establish Hierarchies.
- Hierarchies between Settlements.
- Hierarchies between Populations.
- Hierarchies between Resources location.
- Hint on how the world was formed.
- Mountains & Rivers are supposed to form a continuous ensemble.
- In their vicinity you may found a basin, a lake or a valley.
- Clues Suggest certain outcomes rather than confirming them.
- They allow the Characters to conduct Investigations.
- And Research the Story of a Location.
- Not all clue should be mandatory.
- Some of them should be purely optional.
- Some of them hidden.
- Research should be a Game.
- Characters
- Characters along your World will serve different purposes.
- Their Role is defined by their Identity.
- Their Identity is defined by their Origins.
- The Characters’ Origins tend to define their Goals.
- By creating Specific locations you create Specific Characters.
- Each location’s Specificity may Influence the Character’s Identity.
- The place where they originate from may define their Relationships.
- Who they will Support.
- Who they will Oppose.
- Who they will be a Hindrance to.
- Origins influence each Character’s Functions & Roles.
If you want to know more about the goal of Coherence.
- Natural
- Each Location will have Limits.
- All natural Locations are finite.
- Forests have and may serve as limits.
- Particularly dense & old forests.
- So does Mountains.
- Mountains are some of the most common limits.
- Which makes them more predictable than others.
- Canyons are rarely used.
- Seas are more nuanced topic.
- If nautical travel exists in your World it will often be the preferred way.
- Certain types of Rivers may serve as barriers too.
- Artificial
- Walls are the most common limits.
- The level of equipment & weaponry available may vary.
- Cities may be created to block access to a certain territory.
- Artificial limits are more rigid & more controllable than natural ones.
- They allow Conditional blockage.
- Often they will take the form of Controlled Roads.
- Where passage will be allowed after paying Tolls &/or presenting Authorizations.
- Moving Limits
- Certain Threats limit access to the location they occupy.
- And potentially its Vicinity.
- Any type of Creature can be construed as a Threat.
- You only need to Explain why they populate their Region.
- Machines can also be positioned to defend Locations & Items.
If you want to know more about Limits as Storytelling tools.
Loci of Interest
- Cities & Settlements
- Settlements will be the most frequented Locations.
- They are the most look after Locations.
- They need to address the Characters basic needs.
- Be sure to expose their Core Issues.
- Which Organizations manage them.
- How is Urbanism organized.
- Show how the Settlements make use of their Environment.
- To ensure their Safety.
- To facilitate their access to Resources.
- How the cities make use of Elevation.
- And other Local Constraints in their construction process.
- They tend to be be built near abundant Sources of water.
- Landmarks
- Landmarks can be part of a Landscape.
- The Landscape itself.
- Or Monuments build as Standalones.
- They may only serve as Milestones.
- They may also have a Story.
- Monuments are build as Remembrance markers.
- A Landmark is remarkable & may be Used as place of gathering.
- Settlements may be created around Landmarks.
- They may have a touristic value.
- Resources
- All environments contain resources.
- They only diverge in terms of exploitability.
- Most Resources haven will be located by the beginning of the Story.
- Except if discovering them is the Story itself.
- These places will be often be controlled.
- Their access will be limited.
- And them may be difficult to find.
- Therefore Guides & other Enthusiasts may be necessary.
If you want to know more about defining essential Locations.