How to display Consequences? Character’s Evolution

Characters strive for Progress.
The clearest indicator of this Progress is their Goal.
You can quantify this Progress through the acquisition of Skills & the Character’s change in Behavior.

How do you depict it?

Summary – 5 steps to your Character’s Evolution

  1. Define the Theme translating your Character’s Goal.
  2. Introduce the Character with a Unique Scene.
  3. Define which Skills she needs to Acquire.
  4. Display how her Relationships will Change her.
  5. Give her a place to Ponder.

Your Character is an Individual.
The more you draw your character, the more memorable she becomes.

How to write the Character’s Growth?

Characters may be seen as Ideals.
You want to make them feel real, for other Characters, for the Public & for yourself.
The 1st person you want to consult when it comes to Character’s evolution, is the Character herself.

  • With the Character
  • What does the Character want?
  • What does she need to do?
  • What’s the most efficient way to grow for her?
  • What is she skilled with?
  • How should she develop this Skill?
  • Which other Skill does she need?
  • How does she perceive herself?
  • What are the defining Behavior traits?
  • How do they help her to grow?
  • How do they hinder her Grow?
  • Would she change them?
  • How would she change them?
  • How should she Change?
  • With your Team
  • How does your Team relate to the Character?
  • Do they find her Likeable?
  • Do they find her Memorable?
  • What would they change to make her more Memorable?
  • What would they change to make her more Relatable?
  • What would they change to make her more Likeable?
  • Could they give her new Quirks?
  • How would they make her Behavior evolve?
  • Which Relationships would she need to develop?
  • Which Relationships should she avoid?
  • How would they change her Appearance?
  • What would they remove?
  • What would the Character Lose through her Growth?
  • What would they add?
  • What would the Character Gain through her Growth?
  • With the Story
  • What does writing with the Story mean?
  • How does the Story defines the Character’s evolution?
  • How does the Story orients the Character’s actions?
  • Where did the Story beget the Character?
  • Which Function did she gave her?
  • Which Role did she gave her?
  • Which Appearance did she gave her?
  • How does the Story treat the Character?
  • How does the Story catalyze the Character’s Growth?
  • Should the Story change her?
  • Should she change of Story?
  • In which other Story would she fit?
  • Would the Story change for her?

The Goal

Your Character’s Goal is the Indicator of her Evolution.
To reach it she will need new Skills & Behavior.
Her Goal will evolve.

  • Flexibility
  • How can the Character’s Goal be reached?
  • How many ways are they to reach it?
  • How many of these ways is the Character willing to go through?
  • Why did they prefer this way?
  • How did they
  • How can she adapt her Journey?
  • How does she envision her Journey?
  • How predictable is her Journey?
  • How much Control does she have onto it?
  • Does she need to change at each step?
  • Or does her Environment needs to change?
  • How does she change her Plan?
  • How can she tell she changed her Plan?
  • Distance
  • Where is the Character’s Goal?
  • How far from her Goal is she?
  • What’s the Road she should take to reach her Goal?
  • How many Ways does she have to reach the end Goal?
  • What’s the Middle of Way?
  • What are the optimal Ways?
  • How difficult is her Goal to reach?
  • How shunning is it to pursue this Goal?
  • Would this Goal better suit another Character?
  • How can the Character turn into this other Character?
  • Ambition
  • What is the Character’s Obsession?
  • What is the Character’s initial Ambition?
  • How does this manifest?
  • How is this Ambition Displayed?
  • Through which acts?
  • Through which words?
  • In which Situations?
  • At which Moments?
  • What were the Emotions conveyed by the Character?
  • What were the Emotions felt by the Character?
  • When did she feel Deceived?
  • What’s the origin of this Deception?
  • What was her greatest Disappointment?
  • What does she consider to be a Betrayal?
  • Does she wish to develop her Greatness?
  • How would she become Great?
  • How does she intent to Differentiate herself?

Relationships & Change

The Relationships formed by the Character are supposed to Modify her Behavior.
They will lead her to create new Habits.
In some cases, they will affect her Identity.

  • Supporters
  • Who is Needed?
  • Who are the Character’s Supporters?
  • What do they Want?
  • What gathers them?
  • Why does the Character needs them?
  • What are their skills?
  • What’s their Goal?
  • Why do they attach themselves to the Character?
  • How will they push her?
  • How will they Catalyze her?
  • Hindrances
  • What does the Character Hate?
  • What’s unacceptable to the Character?
  • What should the Character never do?
  • What should the Avoid?
  • What Repulses the Character?
  • What Enrages the Character?
  • What Hurts the Character?
  • With whom will the Character never associate?
  • Why wouldn’t they associate with these ones?
  • What do they represent?
  • What do they cause?
  • How do they act?
  • How do they behave?
  • Opponents
  • Who can Help the Character to Grow?
  • What should be changed in the Character?
  • How do the Character’s Opponents assist her in her Change?
  • Who are these Opponents?
  • What is their Initial relationship with the Character?
  • How does this Relationship evolve?
  • How does this Relationship end?
  • On which point do they oppose?
  • Do they engage in a long-term relationship?
  • Do they do it voluntarily?
  • Does someone introduce them to each other?
  • Which kind of Character makes the Character Doubt?
  • What causes this Doubt?

The Way

Your Character needs to ponder on her Evolution.
She will need a place dedicated to this.
She needs to review the Crucial Elements of her Life.

  • Settings of Rest
  • What is Peace?
  • How can the Character develop a sense of Peace?
  • How can the Character develop a sense of Satisfaction?
  • Will she ever be Desiring?
  • Can she become Desireless?
  • What is a Source of Satisfaction?
  • What is a Source of Mystery?
  • How does she develop her Curiosity?
  • When does she question her Curiosity?
  • Where can she hope to find answers?
  • Where can she hope to find contradiction?
  • How can she reach Acceptance?
  • Destination
  • What is the Character going through?
  • Where is the Character going to?
  • Does she try to change her Status?
  • What is this Status?
  • How does it transcribe?
  • How does it define her?
  • What is she Questioning?
  • What is she Defending?
  • What is she Doubting?
  • Does she intend to change this Perception?
  • How does she intend to change this Perception?
  • How should this Perception evolve?
  • Crisis
  • What matters the most to the Character?
  • Can she Renounce to it?
  • What will be the Worst day of the Character?
  • What will be the Worst period of the Character?
  • What can she never afford to lose?
  • What would become of her if she lost it?
  • How does she intend to recover it?
  • Can she?
  • When does she feel Abandoned?
  • How does she react to Loss?
  • When does she Grief?
  • How does Grief Impact he development?
  • Does she need to meet New Characters?



