How to display Consequences?

The Characters & The Story

  • Bind the Characters & the Story
  • How do you create a Bond between the Characters & the Story?
  • What is the nature of this Bond?
  • Why do these Characters belong to this Story?
  • Could these Character appear in another Story?
  • Would they be different?
  • How different?
  • Why would they be?
  • How does this Story impact them?
  • Characters Origins & the Story
  • Where are the Characters born?
  • Where do they come from?
  • Where are they going?
  • How do the Characters’ origins relate to the Story?
  • How does it impact the Story’s advancement?
  • Characters Choices
  • What are the Characters doing Before the Story?
  • What are the Characters doing During the Story?
  • What are the Characters doing After the Story?
  • What will the Characters be doing Before an Event?
  • What will the Characters be doing During an Event?
  • What will the Characters be doing After an Event?
  • Do the Characters wish to participate to every Event?
  • Do they refuse?
  • Do they want to participate to events they do not have access to?
  • How do the Characters’ choices make them free?
  • Do they procure them satisfaction?
  • Which kind of Satisfaction?
  • Do they generate Regret?
  • Story Evolution
  • How does the Story unfold independently from the Characters?
  • Do they lose themselves in the Story?
  • Do they enjoy the unfolding?
  • Are they confused by the Story?
  • Does the Story shock them?
  • Is the Story too fast for them?
  • Would they like to escape the Story?
  • On which event do they lack control?
  • How do they lack of control?

World’s Evolution

  • Main Events
  • When does a New Organization emerge?
  • Why is it needed?
  • Why was the Last Organization faulty?
  • When did its flaws begin to appear?
  • When does a Revolution occur?
  • Why does it occur?
  • When does a Catastrophes occur?
  • Which imbalance caused it?
  • What were the greatest Crisis?
  • What are the Crisis to come?
  • Which events caused most Awe?
  • Which events caused most Fear?
  • Which events caused most Disgust?
  • Which events caused most Sadness?
  • Which events caused most Rage?
  • People
  • How do you use Quirks?
  • What makes the People of this World memorable?
  • What makes them Different?
  • How do you use Exaggeration?
  • Do you Exaggerate enough?
  • What are their Reactions?
  • To which Actions?
  • Why do they React?
  • How is this World Populated?
  • Who are these Populations?
  • What makes each part of the World specific?
  • What Separates them?
  • How’s their Daily life?
  • What do they do differently every day?
  • World Maps
  • Can you Draw a Map of this World?
  • What are the Main Territories?
  • How will they Evolve?
  • What are the Points of Interests?
  • What are the Landmarks?
  • What are the Limits of this World?
  • Where can the Resources be found?
  • Where can the Important People be found?
  • Where can the Main Organizations be found?
  • How does the Transportation system works?
  • Do the Characters often get lost?
  • Do they lose themselves in the World?
  • The End?
  • How should this World End?
  • How do you want it to End?
  • How do these 2 answers match?
  • Do they overlap?
  • Do they contradict each other?
  • What is the most predictable Ending?
  • What is the most surprising Ending?
  • Which 1 should be favored?


  • Awareness
  • What is a Sentient Being?
  • How is it defined?
  • Who can pretend to this qualification?
  • How is Responsibility define?
  • How is Accountability define?
  • What is Common Sense?
  • What is Accepted?
  • What is considered Ridiculous?
  • What is considered Inappropriate?
  • What is Discouraged?
  • What is Encouraged?
  • Rules
  • How are People influenced?
  • What Traumatizes People?
  • How is this World administrated?
  • How do resources fluctuate?
  • Where are they processed?
  • Which tolls & taxes exist?
  • How do they affect individual behaviors?
  • How do they affect collective behaviors?
  • How do they affect the Environment?
  • How do they Unveil future Crisis?
  • How are Species forced to live together?
  • Natural Laws
  • How does Time flow?
  • How is the Atmosphere peculiar?
  • What are the defining rules of Planets?
  • How is Diversity displayed?
  • What are the Different Species of this World?
  • How do they interact?
  • What are the main Discoveries?
  • How did they enhance people’s lives?
  • How did they hinder people’s existence?
  • When do disasters occur?
  • How often should they occur?
  • Technological Level
  • What’s the Advancement of Communication?
  • What’s the Advancement of Information?
  • What’s the Advancement of Transportation?
  • What kind of Specialization is privileged?
  • Which Disrupting Technology appear?
  • In Which Fields?
  • What’s the Impact on competition?
  • How do Companies reconvert themselves?
  • What are the main Customers?
  • What is Forbidden?
  • How strong is the demand for Forbidden goods?
  • Definitive
  • When comes Destruction?
  • How is Loss displayed?
  • How is Loss perceived?
  • What creates Attachment to a Person?
  • What creates Attachment to a Place?
  • What comes of the World when this Place/Person disappears?
  • What causes the Disappearance of an important Person?
  • Why was this Person important?
  • Who was she important for?
  • Why did she disappear?
  • Is there some Continency?
  • Is there possibility to Replace this Person/Place?
  • Is there an Alternative?


  • Beforehand Agreement
  • Do you make Charts?
  • Does your World have a clear Frame?
  • For You?
  • For the Characters?
  • For the Public?
  • What are the Limits of the Story/Stories which occur in this World?
  • How do you Pre-establish consequences?
  • How do you Announce an Event?
  • What seems Predictable within this Frame?
  • Is Predictability an Issue?
  • Does it seem Repetitive?
  • Is Repetition an Issue?
  • Does it procure Stability?
  • Is this Frame too Rigid?
  • Hindrance
  • What is considerate a Punishment?
  • What is felt as a Punishment?
  • How does Sanction work on the Characters?
  • Does it act as a Catalyst?
  • Does it act as an Inhibitor?
  • How does it Impede the Characters?
  • When does a Sanction become Necessary?
  • What is Sanctioned?
  • Why is it Sanctioned?
  • What is protected by this Sanction?
  • Rewards
  • What procures Satisfaction?
  • To whom?
  • To the Characters?
  • To the Public?
  • To You?
  • What’s the effect of a Gift?
  • How is it a Gift?
  • Is it Useful?
  • Does it create a sense of Unity between the individuals?
  • Does it permit Self-Renewal?
  • Does it allow the individual to Evolve?
  • Does it Enhance the Character’s life?
  • Randomness
  • Why use Randomness?
  • Do you need to add a new element?
  • How Unpredictable should this element be?
  • How much Flexibility do you need?
  • Do you fear the Lack of control?
  • When use Randomness?
  • Would Randomness be Confusing for the Characters?
  • Would it be Confusing for the Public?
  • Does Randomness increase Fairness?
  • Does Randomness reduce Fairness?



