How to display Consequences?

When we say Realistic, we mean Coherent

  • Consistent & Coherent.
  • We are not looking for Realism in Stories.
  • If we were we’d need expertise in many domains.
  • A lot of time to do a lot of research.
  • And we don’t do that.
  • If we think a decisions was dumbfounded or ill-justified it is as is.
  • Ill-justified.
  • When you write you only need to think about your next move.
  • What triggered the Story?
  • What’s the Outcome of each Crisis?
  • How will you end a character?
  • How do you keep the pace higher after each Crisis?
  • We want contingency.
  • As the Story unfolds the Characters will develop.
  • We rarely accept unchanging characters, but they have their uses.
  • Harsh consequences, death and the sort, need to bring continuity.
  • Contingency is Continuity.
  • Causality is too important of a rule in every world.
  • It is always expected.
  • These words are crucial to the Story.
  • To learn them, you’ll need to experiement.

Start with a 1-shot.

  • The Golden Rule is Experimentation.
  1. Write a 10-15 pages chapter.
  2. Read it.
  3. What would you keep?
  4. What would you remove?
  5. Give it to your team members.
  6. What would she change?
  7. Do we need to change the characters?
  8. Do we need to change the setting?
  9. Should we reuse existing characters in a different setting?
  10. Re read it together.
  11. Is it Global enough?
  12. Is it Inclusive enough?
  13. Are the characters relatable?
  14. Do you want to follow this character?
  15. Does the Public want to follow this character?
  16. Do you want to follow the Story?
  • Why write 1-shots?
  • To introduce the Public to a new system/world/character.
  • To take a break from a long series of books.
  • To present your Core World Rules.
    • See if they are understood.
    • See if they are liked.

Why do I need to be Global?

  • If you want to show consequences you have to display as many elements as necessary.
  • There’s been a war.
  • How did it affect the Planet?
  • How did it affect the People?
  • How did it affect the Wildlife?
  • Being Global is being Diverse.
  • Why did the War took place?
    • What Triggered it?
  • What were the stakes?
    • That’s a different question
    • What one would have won from it?
  • Who were the stakeholders?
    • Warmongers, Profiteers & Pacifists
  • How did they engage into this war?
    • Resources, Material & Tools
  • What was the aftermath in term of Alliances?
    • Affinity can evolve through the course of the conflict
  • Diversity holds the World together.
  • Your World will have Adorable parts.
    • Where does the little Cloudian Shrubbery live?
    • Why are they so fluffy & muffy?
  • Your World will have Horrendous parts.
    • Where does the Crimson Mandrake live?
    • Why does it puncture animals’ spine to drink their essence?
  • Parts of the World represent Serenity.
    • Where is the Grand Sanctuary?
    • What is the Grand Sanctuary?
  • Parts of the World represent Dissension.
    • Where is the Gallery of Treaties?
    • What is the Gallery of Treaties?

Why do I need to be Inclusive?

  • The Characters evolve according to each other.
  • They Evolve with & for one another.
  • Wherever we’re dealing with a friendly or an adversarial relationship.
  • The Protagonist runs after the Antagonist & the Antagonist runs further & faster.
  • The supporters of both sides will hinder the other party.
  • A team of character needs to be held together to show consequences.
  • If there’s a separation it needs to be explained.
    • Or not be explained if you wish to create frustration, but there needs to be elements of preparation & conjecture
  • Why did a character quit?
  • Did she bring anyone with her?
  • Who/What caused the separation?
  • What are your Characters quirks?
  • Is one of them Thievy & Sneaky?
    • Prepare an Infiltration or an Impersonation sequence
  • Is one Strong & Agile?
    • Prepare a Fight or a Survival sequence
  • Is one Cunning & Brilliant?
    • Prepare an Enigma or a Negotiation sequence
  • Have some Cake for everybody.
  • Do the characters know each other previous to the beginning of the story?
  • How did they meet?
  • Where did they meet?
  • Are they relatives/friends/colleagues?
  • Were they strangers beforehand?
    • If they are strangers, cause an event that will force them to reveal their intentions fast
  • Prepare some support characters.
  • How do they support the protagonist?
  • What do they provide?
  • What’s their interest in doing so?
  • Use Encounters.
  • Who’s meeting who?
  • What do both parties want?
  • What’s their mean of transaction?
  • Will they use brute force/financial influence?

What is expected?

  • What has been established?
  • How has it been established?
  • By who?
  • How early in the Story?
  • What’s the main Crisis?
  • What’s the visible Crisis?
  • What’s the hidden Crisis?
  • Display Consequences through Common Knowledge.
  • Display fundamental elements early.
  • What are the main Dangers of your World?
    • What is perceived as a Threat?
    • What is the Pain Scale of your World?
    • What are the main Crisis in the World’s history?
  • What is Common Knowledge in your World?
    • Does everyone knows what a Plane is?
    • Is everyone afraid of Planes?
  • Changing the core of Natural rules makes your World Different.
  • How is Gravity in your world?
    • What is the effect of other Forces?
    • How does it affect settlements?
    • How does it affect species?
    • How does it affect Evolution?
    • How does it affect settlements?
  • What are the effects of Radioactivity?
    • How does it affect settlements?
    • How does it affect Genetics?
  • What are the effects of Electromagnetism?
    • Think about the light’s dynamics.
    • How is Electricity used?
    • Do animals use magnetoception?
  • How does Temperature & Weather articulate?
    • At the surface.
    • Underground.

Can I be as absurd as I want?

  • Creating Surprise is 1 of the most efficient ways to display consequences.
  • Events always follow each other.
  • I went out for a pizza & the house burned.
  • If I stayed home I could have caught the arsonist.
  • Or I would have died in the fire.
  • Either way I would have a place to stay.
  • I’m in a situation where I sleep on the floor.
  • And a major comes to me.
  • She asks questions about arson.
  • But I don’t really care anymore.
  • I sleep on the floor.
  • She asks if I want to sleep on a comfy bed & earn loads of money?
  • Here comes the Conflict.
  • All that matters is to keep the Story Moving.
  • Be fast.
  • Be short.
  • Love interruptions.
  • Put a lot of interruptions.
  • A lot of entertaining interruptions.
  • Conflict creates Contrast, Contrast creates Interest.

Can I do whatever I want?

  • Always.
  • And that’s why you need to be clear in your intentions since the beginning.
  • If you need to break a rule you’ve established, be clear about the reason.
  • Always be fair to the Characters & the Story
  • Diverse Outcomes is the clearest way to display consequences.
  • Branched narration is essential if your story grows over a certain scale.
    • 2-3 different outcomes for each Crisis (chapters 3, 6 & 9) is enough
    • 1 good outcome, 1 bad outcome & 1 surprising outcome
  • Multiple endings is also a clear way to show consequences.
    • How desirable the outcome is
    • Where did the character failed/succeed
    • What should they have done instead
  • What’s the Climax of the story?
  • Will your character find the Arsonist?
  • Will there be a new War after a tensed Peace?
  • Was there a hidden cause?
  • What’s that monster at the end?
    • Was it responsible for the arson?
    • Was it the 1st cause of the War?
  • The 2 plots that seemed unconnected were.
  • Where you preparing a sequel all along?

Can I undo things?

  • No.
  • But you can do new things.
  • Be flexible.
  • That’s the best way to have fun.
  • Play with expectations.
  • That includes your own.
  • Let the Story surprise you & you’ll surprise everybody.
  • Prepare Back-ups & Layers.
  • That’s the easiest way to be flexible.
  • If you give your 1-shot to your team and they ask you to review the whole structure, you’ll have another one.
  • If they don’t enjoy the 2nd structure either combine 1 & 2 to create a 3rd structure.
  • If they still don’t want to go through the 3rd structure, synthesize the best ideas of the 3 structure into a 4th one.
  • This 4th structure should include most elements of the previous versions that enticed your team mates.


