How to dialogue with your Characters?

  • Who is your Character?
  • You may define her Origins.
  • But her Identity will unfold through the Story.

Summary – 5 steps to Dialogue with your Characters

  1. Decide how much time you want to Consecrate to this Character.
  2. Review your Character’s Goals together.
  3. Relate her Goals to her Issues & Interests.
  4. Ask her how her Issues push her to form Relationships.
  5. Ask her how her Interests allow her to form Relationships.
  • Depending on how important a Character is for you, you’ll be more flexible.
  • Allow more changes in the Story.
  • And let the Character modify this Story.

Can the Story be changed? 

  • Are you Resilient?
  • Are you Adaptable?
  • How do you Define these terms?
  • What is your level of Flexibility?
  • What does the Character want?
  • What does she need?
  • Conversation
  • Can you speak with your characters?
  • Can you ask her how she lives?
  • Can you answer her questions?
  • Can you listen to her suggestions?
  • Can you listen to her needs?
  • How would you change for her?
  • Can you address her casually?
  • Can she address you casually?
  • Is there a formal discussion between you?
  • Do you question them alone or as a group?

Character’s Goal

  • You sound passionate by [goal].
  • How would you define your goal?
    • I’m not sure.
    • I think I’d like to be listened to.
    • Some form of appreciation.
  • Are you reaching this goal?
    • Generally, people don’t take me seriously.
    • I don’t think so.
  • Are you developing new habits?
    • I take courses of [topic].
    • I try to speak louder.
  • How do you train?
    • I recite formula.
    • I speak to myself.
  • How would you move toward this goal?
    • I would try to be calmer.
    • I would run & walk, and then run and then walk again…
      I need to become more flexible.
  • How are you Evolving?
  • It looks like it matters more than [other goal].
  • When did you first hear about [goal]?
    • I was at a seminar & there was this woman…
    • I wanted to be fun & smart, like her.
  • What attracted you to this?
    • Same
  • How can you reach this state faster?
    • You need to find a model & imitate.
  • What troubles you the most when you are awake?
    • I’ve got a scar.
    • I wonder if people can see it.
  • What do you enjoy the most when you go through your day?
    • A cup of hot cocoa…
    • With a cherry on top of the cream.
  • Who would you change for?
  • How could you help a person which matters to you?
    • By imitating her.
  • What would you do for her?
    • I would create a model of Ultra-Hygienic Public Toilet.
    • Toilet where people would feel like home.
  • Would you support her in her goal?
    • Absolutely.
  • To which extent?
    • To all extents.
  • To which level of pain?
    • A diet.


  • Weaknesses
  • It sounds painful.
  • It feels like it gave you a lot trouble.
  • Do you feel rejected often?
    • Absolutely.
  • What’s the reason?
    • I feel like no one tries to understand me.
  • Where do you suffer the most?
    • When I make mistakes.
  • Why do you suffer?
    • She pays no attention to me.
  • Which people make you feel insecure?
    • People who know more than me about nutrition.
  • Character’s questions
  • Why am I small?
  • Why am I tall?
  • Why do I wear these clothes?
  • What’s the problem with being [issue]?
  • Problems
  • Do you have greasy hair?
    • No.
  • Do you need to match your colors?
    • Absolutely.
  • What trials are you facing?
    • I lose too much hair.
  • Do you feel punished by the story?
    • I don’t understand the question.
  • Do you feel pressured to move on?
    • Sometimes.
  • Do you want to stop?
    • Stop?
  • Do you want to continue to exist in this World?
    • I don’t understand the question.
  • You know there are no breaks.
  • You feel exhausted.
  • Character’s questions
  • Why can’t I be [trait]?
  • Why shouldn’t I love this?
  • Is there a possibility for me to change without pain?
  • Crisis
  • It changed you.
  • This situation is harmful to you.
  • How were you before the Story began?
    • I wondered if eggs were a good choice.
  • How were you after it occurred?
    • When you realize you’re not that important…
    • You’re only a part of a whole.
  • Why do you continue to support [character]?
    • She is able to do things I am unable to.
  • How did you know when to act?
    • This thing was the most important.
    • And I understood I couldn’t have it.
  • What was the biggest challenge you were facing?
    • Take care of my orphan brothers & sisters.
  • How did you solve it?
    • I needed to build a home for them.
  • What if you lost your arms now?
    • It doesn’t seem related to the last question…
  • Character’s questions
  • Why should this happen?
  • Is it necessary?
  • Is there an alternative?
  • Why should I go through this?


  • Strengths
  • You seem to prefer [action].
  • Is there anyone who has used this solution?
    • Everyone does.
    • But it doesn’t work.
  • What did you achieve in this domain?
    • I organized a seminar.
    • Which will be the starting point of my campaign.
  • What did you contributed to?
    • I organized it.
    • Do you listen?
  • What is your most useful skill?
    • Being organized.
  • What is the use of this skill?
    • I’m not answering this question…
  • Do people ask you for advice?
    • It happens.
  • Do people ask you for help?
    • Not really.
  • Function & Obligation
  • You sound bored often.
  • What do you do?
    • I’m an ambassador.
  • How is your typical day?
    • I follow important people.
  • What do you do out of your job that is job-related?
    • I follow important people.
  • What are your other activities?
    • Camouflage.
  • How much time do you spend on chores?
    • None.
    • I enjoy most of the things I do.
  • Enjoyment
  • You look like you’re into [interest].
  • Did you find something you like in this Story?
    • You know the answer…
  • Would you prefer to be in a different one?
    • I would like to be the main character next time.
  • What would you like to eat tonight?
    • Pastas.
  • Can you eat it even if it cold?
    • Are you an idiot?
  • You sound comfortable with this idea.
  • Do you enjoy vegetables?
    • Tomatoes & mushrooms on my pasta.
    • Pronto.
  • Did you find a new friend?
    • Maybe…
  • What’s her name?
    • Everyone loves her.
  • You’re not answering the question.


  • How do you see me?
  • You arrived here.
  • What’s this place you’re born in?
    • It’s my home.
    • Very tidy.
  • How would you name me?
    • You.
  • What do you think my goal is?
    • You want friends.
  • How should I dress?
    • In Blue.
    • Blue suits everybody.
  • What’s your definition of Friendship?
    • We’re attached by the liver.
  • What’s your definition of Family?
    • We’re attached by the TV.
  • How do you see [name]?
  • Do you enjoy her company?
    • Yes, she’s serene.
  • Do you prefer to stay away from her?
    • No.
  • Did she do something you despise?
    • I don’t think she can do things like this.
  • Are you infatuated with her?
    • I don’t think so.
  • Why can’t you tell her?
    • Stop.
  • Are you indifferent with this person?
    • It doesn’t make sense.
  • Do you perceive the effect she has on others?
    • Completely.
    • It’s to change from Absolutely.
  • Are there other people you’d prefer to interact with?
    • I think so.
    • She is adorable.
  • Team
  • They sound important to you.
  • Do you remember the first time you met them?
    • It was at a dinner.
  • What did you do?
    • I hid inside a tree.
  • How did they react?
    • Well…
  • Did they knew each other beforehand?
    • Some of them did.
    • Most of them didn’t.
  • What are their peculiarities?
    • They’re all different.
  • Do you see each other enough?
    • I see some of them.
  • Do you eat together?
    • Only once.
  • Do you regret not seeing them enough?
    • I wish I could.
  • Why should others choose to support you?
    • I know people who dream.
    • I know people who would like to realize these dreams.
  • What have you learned about [interest/person]?
    • It is a great preoccupation of our People.
  • What was most surprising to you about [interest/person]?
    • I didn’t know we spent so much time in there.
  • What was their life like before they began working with you?
    • It didn’t change much.
    • they’re still as determined as they were.
    • I know them better know.
  • Which outcome do they perceive?
    • They put their trust in me.
  • Empathy
  • You sound perceptive.
  • Do you perceive their neediness?
    • I don’t think they are needy.
    • Maybe I’m not the best to see it in others.
  • Do you understand their needs?
    • Of course.
    • What kind of leader would I be?
  • Are there conflict often?
    • Every day is a busy day.
  • Can you anticipate them?
    • It’s every day.
    • I make a plan in the eve.
    • It doesn’t always work.
  • Are they content with each other’s company?
    • They care for each other.
    • That’s why they argue.
  • Do you dislike people who speak during movies?
    • I’m not watching a movie with you.


