How to design Clothes & Accessories?


  • Daily Life
  • What does the character wear on a daily basis?
  • How often does her accessories change?
  • How do they display a sense of Mundane?
  • How ordinary are they?
  • Do they seem out of place?
  • Do they seem appropriate?
  • How do they integrate in the Character’s Environment?
  • How coherent are they with her Environment?
  • Ceremony
  • Do the Clothing evoke Solemnity?
  • Are they Appropriate?
  • Are they part of the ceremony’s decorum?
  • Are they Obligatory?
  • How do they relate to the Ceremony?
  • Celebration
  • How is the Clothing designed?
  • How do they relate to the Celebration?
  • What sort of Celebration is it?
  • How does it evoke Merriment?
  • How does it evoke Joy?
  • How Colorful is it?
  • How Ostentatious is it?


  • Clothing
  • How do the Colors define the character?
  • How is the Textile chosen?
  • On which criteria?
  • Which Textures are used?
  • Are there Strips?
  • How Thick are they?
  • How Thin are they?
  • Are there metallic parts?
  • Chains maybe?
  • Are there other Extras?
  • Synergy with Physical Features
  • How do the accessories reveal the Character’s Features?
  • Does she wear Bracelets?
  • Does she wear Necklaces?
  • Does she wear a collar?
  • Does she wear chains?
  • Where?
  • How do her clothes reveal the shape of her chest?
  • How do her clothes reveal the shape of her shoulders?
  • How do her clothes reveal the shape of her hips?
  • Silhouette
  • How does it enhance the Character’s silhouette?
  • How does it amplify the Character’s shape?
  • How is her waist?
  • How does a belt underline her waist?
  • How Thin is the Character?
  • How Thick is the Character?
  • Is she Slender?
  • Is she Muscular?
  • Is she Petite?
  • Is she Busty?


  • Legacy
  • What accessory has been passed onto the Character?
  • Which precious object has been passed onto her?
  • Is it an Heirloom?
  • How is this part of an Heritage?
  • From whom does it come from?
  • Is it a Mirror?
  • Is it a Cup?
  • Is it a piece of silverware/tableware?
  • Is it a piece of Crockery?
  • Is it a piece of clothing?
  • Is it a Medal?
  • Is it a Title?
  • Is it a mark of Distinction?
  • Weapons
  • Is the character bearing a Sword?
  • Is she bearing a Lance?
  • Does she have a Scepter/Staff?
  • Does she have a Bow?
  • Does she have a Gun?
  • Does she use it?
  • How is the Weapon decorated?
  • Does she expose it?
  • Is she proud of it?
  • Is it only ornamental?
  • Animals & Totems
  • Does the Character identify herself to a living being?
  • Which living being?
  • How does it relate to the Character?
  • How is it transcribe into the Clothes?
  • Are there horns?
  • Are there bones?
  • Is there Fur?
  • Is the character part of a Cult?
  • Is she part of an Organization?
  • Does she bear their brand on her clothes?
  • Jewels
  • Does the character wear Amulets?
  • Does she wear Rings?
  • Does she wear Chains?
  • How does she wear them?
  • Does she hide her jewels?
  • Does she reveal them?
  • Does she keep them in a pocket?
    • Always onto her, but never worn.


  • Goal
  • How do the Accessories display her Interest?
  • Do they reveal an Obsession?
  • How do they transcribe her Occupation?
  • How do they display her desires?
  • How do they relate to her Profession?
  • How do they reveal the Activities she practices?
  • Behavior
  • How is her clothing related to her Strengths?
  • How does it reveal her Weaknesses?
  • How does it show her Engagement?
  • To which Ideal?
  • Is she Inclusive?
  • Is she Individualist?
  • Is she Resilient?
  • Do they reveal her Attachment to the other group members?
  • Origins
  • How do her clothes display her Status?
  • How do they relate to her Class?
  • Are they specific to her Species?
  • Do they contrast with her Physical traits?
  • Do they Embellish her?

What’s needed?

  • Survival
  • What’s necessary immediately?
  • Are we in trouble?
  • Are we in an hostile environment?
  • What’s required to create heat?
  • What’s required to create a shelter?
  • What needed to make food?
  • Is there an emergency?
  • What’s available immediately?
  • What do we need now?
  • Technology
  • What sort of accessory is available?
  • Which Material is used to create them?
  • What type of fabric is used to create them?
  • How has been created?
  • With which tools?
  • Through which processes?
  • Fight
  • What’s the character’s weapon like?
  • What are its dimensions?
  • What are its dimensions?
  • How much does it weight?
  • Role & Function
  • Is the Character the Protagonist?
  • Is she the Antagonist?
  • Who is she aligned with?
  • What is her Role in the group?
  • Is she geared properly?
  • Does she have all the accessories she need?
  • In which situation may she be lacking some resources?

Imagine the same Character Differently

  • Imagine her
  • With different Clothes.
  • With different Hair.
  • With different Weapons.
  • In a different Vehicle.
  • Perception
  • Do you enjoy watching this character?
  • Would you talk to this character?
  • Would you work with this character?
  • Would you date this character?
  • Would you have a relationship with this character?
  • Would you fight this character?
  • Would you fight for this character?
  • How do her clothes define the Era she’s in?
  • How do they contrast with actual Era?
  • How do they create a sense of Alien?
  • Iterative Drawing
  • Draw the same accessory different designs.
  • Change the shape.
  • Change the color.
  • Cut a hole in it.
  • Change the hole’s shape.
  • Cut another hole.
  • Cover it with a band of cloth.
  • Pin something on it.
  • Cover it with foil.
  • Cover it with another texture.
  • Change the Material.
  • Change the Size.
  • Change the Position on the Body.



