How to Design a Ship?


  • Materials
  • What materials are use to build the Ship?
  • What materials are use to build the Main/Weather Deck?
  • What materials are use to build the Sails?
  • What materials are use to build the Masts?
  • What materials are use to build the Steering Oar?
  • What materials are use to build the Seats?
  • What materials are use to build the Figurehead?
  • Dimensions & Shape
  • How large is the ship?
  • How long is the ship?
  • How many decks are there?
  • How aerodynamic is the ship?
  • How broad is it?
  • How is it Shaped?
  • How high is it?
  • Propulsion system
  • Does the ship has Sails?
  • Does it have Motors?
  • Is it moved by Oars?
  • Speed
  • How light are the material used?
  • How dense are the material used?
  • In which situation is it coursing at maximum speed?
  • Are there special devices created to fasten it?
  • Endurance
  • Is the ship Protected?
  • Does it have shields?
  • How durable are the material used?
  • Comfort
  • Are there Beds?
  • Are there Hammock?
  • How cramped is the ship?
  • How much space every people on board possesses?
  • How does the crew live?
  • How do the officers live?
  • How different are their lifestyle?


  • Sailors & Navigators
  • How many of them are there?
  • How long is their day?
  • What’s their schedule?
  • When do the shifts happen?
  • On which part of the Ship are they working?
  • What are they doing?
  • Mechanics & Engineers
  • How many of them are there?
  • How long is their day?
  • What’s their schedule?
  • When do the shifts happen?
  • Which part of the ship are they supposed to maintain?
  • How do they upkeep the ship?
  • With which tools/technology?
  • Resource Managers, Medics & Cooks
  • How many of them are there?
  • How long is their day?
  • What’s their schedule?
  • When do the shifts happen?
  • Who manages the resources?
  • Who has access to the Magazines?
  • Who has access to the Drug storage?
  • Who has access to the Kitchen?


  • Water
  • How is Drinkable water conditioned?
  • How much water per person is available every day?
  • How much water is used for Cooking?
  • Where is water stored?
  • Is there a filtering system?
  • Is there a recycling system?
  • How much water is attributed to Hygiene?
  • Where are the showers?
  • Food
  • Is Essential food delivered on board?
  • Are nutritional macros met?
  • How is food conditioned?
  • Where is food stored?
  • Is food fished?
  • Is there fishing Equipment on the ship?
  • Is there Pleasure food on board?
  • How is it supplied?
  • Are recreative Drugs allowed?
  • Space
  • How much space is allowed to the crew?
  • How much space is considered Essential?
  • What is considered Comfort?


  • Source
  • Does the ship use Hydrocarbures?
  • Does it use Biomass?
  • Does it use Solar energy?
  • Does it use Wind?
  • Does it use Hydropower/Tidal?
  • Does it use Geothermal energy?
  • Does it use another type of resource?
  • Motor & Consumption
  • How is the motor built?
  • How does it optimize energy consumption?
  • How does it coolen?
  • How much time does it need to coolen?
  • Light
  • How is light produced on board?
  • How is light used?
  • How much light is used?
  • Where is light critical?
  • Heat
  • How is heat produced on board?
  • How is heat used?
  • How is water heat?
  • How are the rooms heated?
  • How much heat is used?
  • Where is heat critical?
  • How is heat evacuated?
  • Are there fire hazards?

Pleasure Ship

  • Goal
  • What kind of Pleasure ship is it?
  • Is it focused on Food?
  • Is it focused on Travel?
  • Is it focused on Art?
  • Is it focused on Sports & Games?
  • Is it focused on Relaxation & Salons?
  • Destination
  • What’s the Ship’s itinerary?
  • Is the destination unique?
  • What makes it unique?
  • Is the destination the goal of the passengers?
  • Harbors
  • Where will the ship stop?
  • What’s interesting there?
  • What is there to visit?
  • What is there to enjoy?
  • What is there to buy?
  • Do the passengers stop at every harbor?
  • Do they stay on board?
  • Special Personnel
  • What kind of Specialized Cooks are on board?
  • How are the Waiter/Waitresses?
  • How are the Barmen/Barwomen?
  • How is the personnel of the gallery?
  • How is the personnel of the museum?
  • Are there gym instructors?
  • How is the personnel of the Casino?
  • Security
  • How is the security ensured on board?
  • Is there a special security division?
  • Is an extern company employed to ensure security?
  • Accommodations
  • How are the Cabins?
  • How are they decorated?
  • What color are they?
  • How large are they?
  • What are the different types of cabin?
  • Do they all have windows?
  • How are the doors?
  • How are the beds?
  • How is the furniture?
  • Entertainment
  • For every attractions:
    • How many people can they accommodate?
    • What is the schedule?
    • Where are exits?
    • How is the level of comfort?
  • How are the Cinemas/Theatres?
    • What movies are projected?
    • Are there snacks distributed?
  • How is the Pool?
    • How many pools are there?
    • How deep are there?
    • What types of pools are there?
  • Are there Casinos?
    • How many?
    • Is alcohol served in?
    • Is alcohol allowed?
    • How are the chips?
    • What type of credits are used?
    • How are the tables?
  • How is the Gym?
    • What type of machine are displayed?
  • How is Golf, Tennis & others?
    • What sports are practiced?
  • Games
    • What type of games are on display?
    • Is there a bowling?
    • Are there Arcades?
    • Is there a pool?
  • Clubs
    • When do the clubs open?
    • Who is allowed?
    • How is it decorated?
    • What kind of club is it?
    • What’s the public like?
  • Salons
    • How are the Salons decorated?
    • What formula do they propose?
  • Museums & Galleries
    • Which art period is mostly displayed?
    • How is the art curated?
    • Are there tours?
  • Library
    • What type of Books are available?
    • How are the clerks?
    • How is the ambiance?
  • Chapel
    • Can you pray easily?
    • Can you marry someone?
    • How are is the personnel?
  • Food
  • Restaurants
    • How many restaurants are there?
    • What are the Specialties?
    • How is the frame?
  • Cafes & Bars
    • How is the Light?
    • How is the Atmosphere?
    • How are the drinks?
  • Snack Bars
    • Are they continuously open?
    • What kind of fast-food do they serve?

Commercial Ship

  • Goal
  • Is is a public transportation ship?
  • Is it a cargo ship?
  • Destination
  • Where does the ship go?
  • Is the destination known to all the crew?
  • Harbors
  • To which harbors does the ship stops?
  • What cargo is left?
  • Special Personnel
  • Are there Financial professionals?
  • Are there IT specialists?
  • What kind of Traders & merchants are on board?
  • Are there Bankers?
  • Security
  • How is the security ensured on board?
  • Is there a special security division?
  • Is an extern company employed to ensure security?
  • Are there armed guards?
  • Are there explosives on board?
  • Personnel
  • How is the personnel Entertained?
  • How is the personnel Fed?
  • Are there special recreative foods reserved to certain members?
  • How are the Cabins?
  • Public Transportation
  • What kind of Public is the ship transporting?
  • How expensive is the ticket?
  • Does it correlate with the level of comfort?
  • How long is the travel?
  • Cargo
  • What Type of Cargo is it transporting?
  • Is it Dry Cargo?
  • Is it Liquid Cargo?
  • Is it Fragile?
  • Is it Precious?
  • Is it Alive?
  • Is the ship transporting heavy-cargo?
  • Attacks
  • Would the ship be assaulted for its cargo?
  • By which kind of assailants?
  • In which zones?
  • How often do the attacks occur?

Military & Service Ship

  • Goal
  • Where is the Ship aim to?
  • What’s its Destination?
  • Why was it position here?
  • Bu whom?
  • To which organization does the ship belong?
  • Which Harbors does this organization control?
  • Special Personnel
  • What type of Soldiers are on board?
  • What type of Explorers are on board?
  • Are there Firefighters?
  • Are there Naval Engineers?
  • Weaponry
  • What is the weaponry used?
  • What weaponry is equipped to the ship?
  • How many cannons are there?
  • What type of cannons are these?
  • What on-hand weaponry is available?
  • Are there explosives?
  • Who has access to the magazine?
  • Personnel
  • How is the personnel Entertained?
  • How is the personnel Fed?
  • Are there special recreative foods reserved to certain members?
  • How are the Cabins?
  • War
  • Who give order to engage a conflict?
  • What types of enemy the ship is equipped to face?
  • What are the main warzones the ship in engaged in?
  • How are the shifts organized?
  • Exploration
  • Where is the ship aiming to?
  • Is it equipped to perform field analysis?
  • Is it equipped to build basic accommodations off-ship?
  • Is it equipped to perform landscaping?
  • Colonization
  • Is there a prison system on the ship?
  • Does the ship have a Brig?
  • What doctrines are brought?
  • What resources are sought after?
  • Racing
  • How fast is the ship?
  • Can it handle a run against smaller ones?
  • Can it escape a fleet?


