Magic is used to Characterize
- Magic is an accessory.
- It is attached to objects you create.
- The color, the form, the Behavior of Magic characterizes the object.
- If the object is made to fly Magic displays its aerodynamic capabilities.
- Magic display the evolutionary state of every living being.
- It’s abilities to adapt to its environment.
- Magic becomes the core of every living & inert being.
- How is Magic related to the Character’s goal?
- How does it help your character to evolve?
- Does she use it for her work?
- Does she use it for her entertainment or other’s?
- How does it display her behavior traits?
- Are her spells Powerful & Brutal?
- Is she impatient?
- Are they Slow & Lingering?
- Is she sly?
- Does she have any Destruction spells?
- Is she altruistic?
- Does she practice Alchemy or any Creative craft?
- Is she benevolent?
- Are spells Limited to her Bloodline?
- Are spells Limited to her ennemies/allies Bloodlines?
- Is she the only one able to use a Critical spell?
- Is the use of this Spell limited to 1 character?
- The antagonist
- An allies
- A 3rd party character
- Color & Form of the spells reveal the nature of the Character.
- What’s the Color’s Meaning?
- Red = ?
- Green = ?
- Blue = ?
- Purple = ?
- What is the form of the spell?
- Is it a ball?
- A Ray
- A Discus
- What are the body/face Shapes of the Character?
- How does magic affect the Character’s Body?
- Is there an aura around the character?
- At all times?
- When a certain emotion is displayed?
- Does she need to wear certain type of clothes?
- Of accessories?
- Dynamics & Flow
- What is the Rhythm of the spell?
- What’s its Speed?
- What is the Area of Effect?
- Which Direction do they go?
- What Volume do they fill?
- Are there any Trail, Particles or Effects once the spell is cast?
- Are the spell’s effects instantaneous?
- Do the effects stay?
- For how long?
- Do they diffuse/dissipate?
- How does the Character’s magic affects Atmosphere & Senses?
- Can she alter the Weather?
- Can she affect the Earth?
- The Water?
- How does her magic Stimulate her self?
- Others?
- What Senses are concerned by the spells?
- Rituals
- How are her spells casts?
- Instantly?
- With delay?
- Which Formula does she pronounce?
- Which Gestures does she make?
- Does she perform a dance?
- How long does it take?
- How many Participants are needed?
- Does the character use Catalysts?
- Does she use Scepter/Staff?
- Does she bear Magic Weapons?
Organizations & Settlements
- How is the City affected?
- How are the Cities built?
- Are there any magical Origins to the City?
- Are all the citizen Humans?
- How does magic affect Daily life?
- Food
- Sleep
- Relationships
- How are the Resources produced?
- How are the Resources distributed?
- Is production dependent of the Magic flow?
- How much does it affect Consumers behavior?
- Institutions
- How many Academies & Schools are there?
- What type of Guilds & Corporations are there?
- Is the Police equipped against Magic use?
- What is the nature of the Authorities regulating the use?
- Are there Codexes & Charters?
- Are there Compacts?
- What’s forbidden?
- Are spells Limited to Guilds/Classes?
- What are the Internal Regulations regarding Magic?
- Are there Age-Limited spells?
- Are there Other Discriminations to spell use?
Environments & Landscapes
- What’s the difference between Civilized & Wild Magic?
- Magic has shaped the Landscapes.
- Magic has transformed all living beings.
- Animals & Vegetal interact because of Magic.
- Magic is Evolution, Change & Mutation.
- It is Diversity & Disparity.
- Color & Form
- What are the Colors of the World?
- Plains
- Mountains
- Seas
- Forests
- Will you keep the traditional colors?
- Swap for the opposite color?
- Add complementary colors?
- Which Unnatural Form & Shapes does Magic create?
- Are there animated objects that should be inert?
- How does Magic change the nature of Life?
- Dynamics & Flow
- Rhythm Speed
- Direction
- Area of Effect
- Volume
- How does magic affect the geological Dynamics?
- How does it create currents?
- Are there invisible Creatures controlling the World’s Flow?
- Atmosphere & Senses
- What living being influence the Weather?
- Are there animals/vegetals pushing the Earth?
- Are there creatures orienting Water’s flow?
- Stimulation
- How is Magic perceived by Wild Creatures?
- How does it affect their Senses?
- How do they react when a Day/Night Cycle has been perturbated?
- How Does Magic affect the Skies?
- How are there changed?
- Are there any Trails, any Particles, any Disruption in the Skies?
- What are the Effects of Civilized magic on the Environment?
- How sustainable is Wild magic compared to Civilized one?
- What’s the influence on Territories & Predation?
- Do some species have access to spell other don’t?
- What superiority does it create?
- Do certain animals/vegetals stop to act as a species once they acquired a certain spell?
- Do they develop individual/humanoid tendencies?
- How do Wild Rituals differ from Civilized ones?
- How long does the casting take?
- Days?
- Month?
- Year?
- Imagine an entire Species casting a spell constantly to maintain the gravity of a planet?
- How are spells casts by Animals & Vegetals?
- Are there Formula & Gestures?
- Are there Screams & Body modifications?
- What are the Impossible spells of your Story?
- What isn’t allowed by the Story?
- Not only by Regulations.
- Impossible.
- Which Magic is so ancient that it could never be retrieved?
- If Arcanes are retrieved, can they be Used?
- Are they so distant that none can understand them?
- Imagine Formulas that don’t even look like scriptures.
- Are there any Foreign Entity?
- One that cannot be reached by Characters?
- One evolving off of the Visible Story?
- Are there many of these?
- Are there all the same species?
- Do they Interact?
- How Vague & Distant are they from living beings?
- How Vague & Distant are they from each other?
- How Vague & Distant are they from themselves?
- Color & Form
- What is the Color of the 1st Scene?
- What is the Color of the Last Scene?
- What are the Dominant Forms of your Story?
- What are the Symbols of your Story?
- Dynamics & Flow
- How does magic affect the Tempo of your Story?
- How does it modify the rhythm of your Story?
- What is the Atmosphere like?
- What’s the Genre of the Story?
- What’s the Setting?
- If there are no Magic in this Settings how will you substitute?
- Do you choose to substitute?
- Will you integrate Magic in this system?