- What makes Science Fiction?
- What makes Fantasy?
- What are the Differences?
- How do they overlap?
- How do we merge both?
Summary – How to Create a World through a Fantasy/SF frame?
- Define the Common Traits.
- Define the Differences.
- Establish how you will make use of Commonalities through an Action-Adventure frame.
- Create a Simple world in this order:
- Organizations
- Characters
- Environments
- Choose a 2ndary Genre:
- Comedy
- Horror
- Drama
- Implement the element of the 2ndary Genre in this World.
- Every Genre & every Frame has Peculiarities.
- These Peculiarities need to be emphasize to create Immersive worlds.
- How do you articulate these Peculiarities to create Immersive worlds?
Common Traits
Fantasy & Science Fiction share 3 main traits.
- Quests
- As we are in presence of Stories.
- And Stories which are often depicted as epic stories, the Characters will be in need of a quest.
- Starts rather easily in a fairly friendly place.
- Develops as the Story presents new Environments & Characters.
- And Climaxes with a bursting Final.
- Sagas
- Fantasies & Fictions are also stories of Many characters.
- Diversity is a crucial element.
- Note that most stories cast almost exclusively humans or humanoids creatures.
- These stories present Large cast.
- Not necessarily complex Characters.
- Most 2ndary & 3rtiary Characters can be simple.
- And finally Organizations.
- These extended worlds revolve around Organizations.
- And these Organizations administrate them.
- Mankind
- Humans Win.
- Humans defeat the Alien threat.
- Or prevent the World’s end.
- In most cases humans need to end the menace.
- If you’re doing Horror or Drama, it mayn’t end this way.
- Transhumanism is a central Theme in most of the best Science Fictions.
- Is it as true for Fantasy?
- Stories would gain from interrogating the Definition of Human.
- Defining what makes 1 Human.
- Questioning the Human Identity.
- And the limits of Humanity.
- …
- Should Humans win?
How to Emphasize the differences?
- The Essence of Science Fiction : Innovation
- The main difficulty in Writing is being Innovative while remaining consistent.
- This is particularly true for Science Fiction.
- In all Settings, you want to be as consistent as possible.
- If only, for an optimal user experience.
- In any other Setting, you do not need to be Innovative & generally you won’t be.
- The 2nd difficulty is to explain the functioning of your new Tool.
- Note that this applies to Alien species as well.
- The Public will need a frame of reference.
- The 3rd, and maybe foremost, difficulty will be to create enticement.
- Enticement is common to all forms of entertainment.
- However, in the case of Science-Fiction, you’re marketing an Invention.
- You are intended to deliver a disruptive Product.
- We already have Instant communication, the capacity to travel to most places & Ever accessible Entertainment.
- Most of the basic Human needs have been satisfied.
- What else can you bring to the Table?
- Humans will always want more Convenience.
- Deliver Convenience.
- The Essence of Fantasy : Fable
- Every Fable is a Fantasy.
- Fantasy is both the Deepest & the Simplest setting.
- For it is the setting which makes best use of Icons & Allegories.
- Fantasy taps into the collective unconscious.
- It solicits the collective visual library to create Fables.
- Seemingly new Fables.
- Why you’ll need to research?
- It will be quite difficult to create ground breaking Inventions if you have no basics in Engineering & Design.
- In the same manner, it will be difficult to deal with Living beings without basics of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology or Ecology.
- On another touch, History, Economics, Geopolitics & Linguistics are 4 essential subjects to create States & other Organizations.
- Also, you’ll want to build interesting settlements you may want to learn about Urbanism & Architecture.
- Finally, diverse Characters mean diverse Profile.
- So, Profiling & Social Psychology may help.
- Especially if you’re interested in developing your own Archetypes.
If you want to know more about emphasizing Diversity.
Synergy & Conversion
- Species
- Species from Fantasy & Science-Fiction are seldomly different.
- Monsters & Aliens don’t display much differences.
- They are often aggressive, often hideous or at least inappropriately cartooned.
- Some of them are often only Hybrids & Chimeras.
- And it’s not an issue.
- The Appearance is only half of a Species.
- Defining the Species Behavior makes it just as memorable.
- How do they Behave?
- Are they feral?
- Are they offensive?
- Do they grow in the Wilds?
- How do they Survive?
- How do they Sleep?
- How do they ensure their Sustenance?
- Their Safety?
- Their Reproduction?
- Do they regroup?
- Are there Clans or Tribes?
- Do they make Use of tools?
- Do they Use of Heat & Electricity?
- Do they Use of other Energies?
- Do they Craft their tools?
- Do they produce Arts?
If you want to know more about Species.
- Cities, Settlements & other Locations
- Whichever Genre & Frame you choose some Locations are Crucial.
- These Locations, often Landmarks, make for a Clear Map.
- Wherever it is Megalopolises or Extra-planetary stations, populations needs to be grouped to be administrated.
- These Settlements need Different Blocks & sub-Cities.
- They need Diverse layout & Architecture.
- They need to be different From each other & on the Inside.
- The conversion from Metropolis to City-State is simple to make.
- Scale up & down.
- Organizations & Federations will administrate your Worlds.
- Display the Relationships between Organizations.
- Guilds & Professional associations are essential if you have Classes & Professions.
- Therefore if you don’t have a Specialized labor system they may not be necessary.
If you want to know more about Settlements.
- Planes & Planets
- Worlds as well need to be diverse.
- Even if there are no Sentient Species to organize them.
- You could create self-organizing worlds.
- Or make use of Sentient Planets.
- Diversity is displayed in the Atmosphere & the Landscape.
- Make use of Elevation.
- Display Traces of ancient Civilizations.
- Or Traces of actual Civilizations.
- Or no Traces of Civilizations at all.
- Create Situations.
- Create Events.
- Environments are filled with elements which are occasions to create Action.
If you want to know more about creating Worlds.
Magic & Technology
- Magic as a Technology
- Many Magic Systems have procedure.
- Wherever they are called Rituals or Spells.
- This knowledge is preserved on a support.
- It’s only Information.
- As any other type of Information it can be processed, treated & corrupted.
- Magic Systems need to be Systematic.
- In most fiction they lack consistency or a difficult to navigate through.
- Because they are not systems.
- Systems allow little exceptions.
- Limit them.
- There may be erratic consequences, as it is the case in most Experimental context.
- Even these consequences must present a part of Predictability.
- Science will always have Unknown domains
- What makes Magic, magic is the Incomprehension.
- The incapability to Explain fully the domain of a spell or a school.
- Science, if you want to consider that Magic isn’t Science, suffers from the same issue.
- Procedure needs to be updated.
- Innovation have to appear.
- And Disruption is inevitable.
- Therefore, Science will never be fixed or fully understood.
- If you ever create Planets, think about new, unknown or undetectable Elements.
- Combining Technology & Magic to create Original Tools
- Your Species will have peculiar Anatomies.
- Theses Anatomic features can be reproduced, enhanced or merged.
- Wherever it is through Transgenesis or Hybridization features can be combined.
- It a feature is not innately present on a Species a Prothesis can be created.
- Here are some domains where Magic & Technology can be merged:
- Security & Weapons
- Utilities
- Accommodations & Housing
- Vehicles & Transportation
- Sleep & Sex
- Metabolism & Prolongated Life
- Some Aliens have Powers
- When we think about Magic we really think about skills a regular human wouldn’t have.
- Alien species have superhuman capabilities.
- Just like Animals have superhuman capabilities.
- And when you consider it this way, The Human Brain is a superior artefact in its own right.
- Allowing us to create all these Ideas & process all this Information.
- Most Alien will have powers akin to Magic.
- And it will be quite difficult to explain them.
- Except if the Species anatomy is already known & transcribed in a codex.
- Otherwise, something will need to be done to transcribe this Anatomy.
If you want to know more about Items & Tech.