How to create Humanoid Species?

What is Humanoid?

  • What is Human?
  • How Human should 1 be to be considered Humanoid?
  • What makes a Human?
  • Which Acts?
  • Which Behaviors?
  • Which Behaviors are inherently Human?
  • Which Behaviors are common to all Mammals?
  • Which Behaviors are common to all Animals?
  • Which Behaviors are common to all Living beings?
  • Is there a Human Identity?
  • What is Alien?
  • What is a Monster?
  • What is Different?
  • What makes 1 Undesirable?
  • Are there Repulsive living being?
  • What makes them Repulsive?
  • What makes them Frightening?
  • What makes them Awful?
  • How do you translate Xenophobia?
  • How do you display it?
  • How do Characters react?
  • How do you display Horror?
  • How do you display Attraction?
  • Appearance
  • What do these Creature look like?
  • Do they look like Animals?
  • Which sort of Animals?
  • Do they look like Plants?
  • Which sort of Plants?
  • Are they Hybrids?
  • Do they need to be Human-like?
  • Which part of their bodies are Human-like?
  • How’s their Outer appearance?
  • Sentience
  • What can they perceive?
  • Can they speak?
  • How do they communicate?
  • What can they recognize?
  • What can they identify?
  • Which sensors do they possess?
  • What’s Awareness?
  • What are they aware of?
  • What’s Sentience?
  • Which Thoughts can they produce?
  • How’s their Consciousness?
  • Do they possess 1?
  • Do they use it?
  • Is it useful to them?
  • Do they consider it to be a limit?

If you want to know more about how to design Monsters.


  • What are the essential component of Species?
  • How do we define Species?
  • What makes Species uniform?
  • What makes Species diverse?
  • What define this Species?
  • What’s their Ancestry?
  • What are its Origins?
  • Are there any Parent Species?
  • What were its Characteristics?
  • How did they evolve?
  • Alive or Inert
  • Is this Species Alive?
  • What makes them Alive?
  • How do they define Life?
  • How do they define Inertia?
  • Are they Inert?
  • Are they None?
  • Biological Functions
  • Do they Sleep?
  • How many hours?
  • Do they need to?
  • Do they stay aware while sleeping?
  • Are they in a state of partial paralysis?
  • What are their Nutritional requirements?
  • Do they need to eat?
  • How often?
  • What do they need to eat?
  • Are they made of the same material they need to consume?
  • Which food do they favor?
  • Which food do they consume in time of necessity?
  • Reproduction
  • Do they want to Live?
  • Do they want to Exist?
  • Do they have The will to multiply?
  • Do they have The will to proliferate?
  • Do they have genders?
  • Do they multiple genders?
  • How many?
  • Are there none?
  • Do they have sex?
  • How do they have sex?
  • Do they feel Pleasure?
  • Which kind of Pleasure?
  • What’s the source of it?
  • Do they feel Excitement?
  • How?
  • Why?
  • How’s their Reproductive cycle?
  • How do their children develop?
  • How are they birth?
  • Are they Ovipara?
  • Are they Vivipara?

If you want to know how to design non-Humanoid Species.


  • Superiority to Humans
  • How did the 1st Contact happen?
  • Why did it happen?
  • On whose initiative?
  • What Relationships do they have with Humans?
  • Do Humans exist at all?
  • Which Classifications do they make?
  • Where are they positioned in this Classification?
  • What’s their Relation to other Species?
  • Are their Superior & Inferior Species?
  • Technologies
  • How advanced are they?
  • What did they Create?
  • What did they discover?
  • What are their most common means of Transportation?
  • What are their most unusual means of Transportation?
  • What are their most expansive means of Transportation?
  • What are their rarest means of Transportation?
  • How do they manage Energy?
  • What are their most common source of Energy?
  • What are their cheapest source of Energy?
  • What are their most expansive source of Energy?
  • Which Materials do they use?
  • Do they import them?
  • Do they export them?
  • Which materials have they Discovered?
  • Did they Invent any materials?
  • Education
  • What is the Goal of their Education system?
  • Do they promote Labor?
  • Do they promote Cohesion?
  • Do they promote Competition?
  • Do they promote Risk?
  • Do they promote Relentlessness?
  • Do they promote Resilience?
  • How do they treat Animals?
  • What’s they insight on Consumption?
  • What’s they insight on Sustainability?
  • Concepts
  • Do they have Rights?
  • Do they believe in the concept of Rights?
  • How do they teach Respect?
  • Do they teach Respect?
  • Do they teach Reverence?
  • Do they teach Pride?
  • Do they teach Integrity?
  • Do they teach Calm?
  • Do they teach Patience?
  • Do they teach Benevolence?
  • Which Concepts do they reject?

Culture & Civilisation

  • Hierarchy
  • How is their Inner System?
  • How are decisions taken?
  • Do they have a Participative system?
  • Is their system Consociative?
  • Is their system Directive?
  • Do they have Elections?
  • How are organized their Elections?
  • Do they use a Designation system?
  • Do they trust Heredity?
  • Do they have a Colleges of Representatives?
  • Do they have Assemblies?
  • Services & Administration
  • How are the Cities built?
  • Where are the Cities built?
  • How are they designed?
  • On which principles?
  • How is the Urbanism?
  • How is the Architecture?
  • How are Cities Administrated?
  • How is the Administration organized?
  • Is it Decentralized?
  • How Efficient is it?
  • How Adaptable is it?
  • Entertainment
  • What are their most popular Games?
  • How do they see Amusement?
  • Is it Necessary?
  • Is it Undesirable?
  • Does it impact Productivity?
  • How so?
  • Does it enhance it?
  • Does it inhibit it?
  • Do they look for Comfort?
  • How do they define Comfort?
  • How do they define Rest?
  • How do they find Satisfaction?
  • How do they develop their Interest for something?
  • How do they cultivate Enticement?
  • Arts
  • Which kind of Art do they produce?
  • If any kind?
  • Is it Audio?
  • Is it Visual?
  • Can it be touched?
  • Which effects does it have on the Public?
  • Is it 2 dimensional?
  • Is it 3 dimensional?
  • How does it affect perception of forms?
  • How does it affect perception of shapes?
  • Is it based on Light & Color?
  • Are there Other types of Arts?
  • Specific to their senses?
  • Senses that no other species possess?

If you want to know more about Cultures.



