How to create Diverse Characters?


  • Protagonist
  • Who’s the Protagonist?
  • Why is this Character the Protagonist?
  • Is it the right Function for her?
  • Could she be the Antagonist?
  • Why is she not?
  • What does she Accomplish?
  • What does she Achieve?
  • Who does she surrounds herself with?
  • Does she do any good?
  • How does she do Good?
  • What makes her a Remarkable Protagonist?
  • Antagonist
  • Who’s the Antagonist?
  • Could she be the Protagonist?
  • Why is she not?
  • What’s her Goal?
  • How does it make the Story advance?
  • Does she Harm people?
  • Who does she chose to Harm?
  • How Coherent is it with her Goal?
  • How Legitimate is it?
  • Who does she Associate with?
  • How do you Distinguish her from other Antagonist in the Story?
  • Can you swap the Protagonist & the Antagonist?
  • Can you put them in another Story?
  • Would they still have the same Function?
  • Support
  • What’s a Support Character?
  • How do you make her Unique?
  • How do you detach her from the Character she Supports?
  • How is she Complementary to this Character?
  • How could she Hinder this Character?
  • Should she separate herself from this Character?
  • Is their Relationship satisfying?
  • How does she catalyze this Relationship?
  • What’s her Role in this Relationship?


  • Story
  • How does the Character helps the Story to advance?
  • Which Crucial decisions does she Take?
  • How does she influence the Unfolding of the Story?
  • How does she influence the Rhythm of the Story?
  • Is she Striving to advance through the Story?
  • Does she Smoothly evolve though the Story?
  • How does she impact this Story?
  • What if she was in another Story?
  • Would she have the same Influence?
  • Team
  • How does she Hold the team together?
  • How does she catalyze the Growth of the team?
  • How does she Protect the team?
  • How does she Create new opportunities for the team?
  • How do her Team members treat her?
  • Is she Satisfied with her Role within the Team?
  • Does she want to change it?
  • How does she impact this Team?
  • What if she was in another Team?
  • Would she have the same Influence?
  • Self
  • How does she view herself?
  • Does she treat herself well?
  • Does she take care of herself?
  • What are her Ambitions?
  • How does she want to Evolve?
  • What does she want to Become?
  • Is she Satisfied with her Role?
  • Does she want to change?

Roles Table

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Individual Traits

  • Quirks
  • What makes 1 Memorable?
  • What are the Fundamental traits of a Person?
    • What makes her Unique?
  • What are the most Mundane traits of a Person?
    • What makes her Realistic?
  • What are the most Ridiculous traits of a Person?
    • What makes her Remarkable?
  • What are the most Stupid habits you can think of?
  • Which gestures & Behavior create instant laughter?
  • Which gestures & Behavior create instant disgust?
  • Which gestures & Behavior create instant attraction?
  • How can you make a Character instantly likable?
  • How can you make a Character instantly unlikable?
  • How do you use her Silhouette to make her Memorable?
  • Strengths
  • What are the Character’s Strengths?
  • How do her strengths make her Likable?
  • Would you want to be part of her Team?
  • Can we see this Strength immediately?
  • Can we see this Strength easily?
  • How do her Strength manifest during crisis?
  • Is she Reliable?
  • Is she Protective?
  • Is she Funny?
  • Weaknesses
  • What are the Character’s Weaknesses?
  • How do her strengths make her Relatable?
  • Would you want to be part of her Team?
  • Can we see this Weakness immediately?
  • Can we see this Weakness easily?
  • How do her Weakness manifest during crisis?
  • Is she Complaining?
  • Is she Recluse?
  • Is she Blunt?
  • Name, Goal & Alignment
  • Why does the Character bear her Name?
  • Who gave her this Name?
  • How does her Name define her goal?
  • What’s her Goal?
  • How does her Goal orient her decisions?
  • How does her Goal orient her Alignments?
  • Who does she Align with?
  • What does the Character want?
  • What will she do to achieve her Goal?
  • Origins
  • Where is she born?
  • How is this environment like?
  • Who raised her?
  • Who did she grew up with?
  • Are these people alive?
  • Can she return to this place?
  • Does she want to?

The Relationships Web

  • 3 Main Characters
  • Who’s the Protagonist?
  • Who’s the Antagonist?
  • Who’s the Support?
  • Who does she Support?
  • Could she change Alignment?
  • Why?
  • What are the Relationships between these 3 Main Characters?
  • Do you need more than 3 Main Characters?
  • Which other fundamental Idea do you need to develop?
  • 12 Secondary Characters
  • What are their Roles?
  • What are their Individual Goals?
  • Are they part of an Organization?
  • What are their Archetypes?
  • What are their Skills?
  • Who do they Support?
  • Why did they ally with this specific character?
  • Do you need more than 12 Secondary Characters?
  • Do you need to create additional Stories?
  • Relationships between Main & 2ndary
  • How do they meet?
  • During which Event?
  • Was it during a Crisis?
  • Was it in a resting place?
  • How did they interact?
  • How do the Characters
  • What came out of this interaction?
  • Do the Characters ally with each other?
  • Which kind of alliance do they form?
  • Which 2ndary Character is linked to which Main Character?
  • How?
  • For how long?



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