How to Create Cultures? Police & Justice

Rules & Crime

  • What are the Main Rules?
  • What are the Rules regarding Individuals?
  • What are the Rules regarding Families & Groups?
  • What are the Rules regarding Property?
  • What are the Rules regarding Contracts?
  • What are the Rules regarding Financial activities?
  • What are the Rules regarding Organizations?
  • What are the Rules regarding Corporation?
  • What are the Rules regarding Trade?
  • What are the Rules regarding Foreign Relationships?
  • Criminal Rule
  • What defines the Criminal Rule?
  • How does it differ from the Civil Rule?
  • Are special rules applied to Officials?
  • Are special rules applied to Representatives?
  • Are special rules applied to Nobles?
  • Are special rules applied to Civil Servants?
  • Categories
  • What are the categories of Crime?
  • What are the categories of Infraction?
  • What is considered Illegal?
  • How is it sanctioned?
  • Why is it sanctioned?
  • How did it originated?
  • Did it come from a previous conflict?
  • From a war?
  • When was it incriminated?
  • What was precedingly considered a crime and isn’t anymore?
  • Why?


  • Why would 1 join the Police?
  • Is it Promoted?
  • How is the Police depicted?
  • Is it a way to access Citizenship?
  • Which rights are you granted as a Police officer?
  • Are Police officers privileged?
  • Why would 1 join a specific division?
  • Why would 1 join a specific squad?
  • How does it related to their goal?
  • What are the Prerequisites to be a Police officer?
  • Martial Arts
  • Team Sports & Team Dynamics
  • Strategic Reasoning
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Forensics
  • Biochemistry
  • Criminal Psychology
  • Communication & Public Relationships
  • Criminal Law
  • Civil Law
  • How does one become a Judge?
  • Is it Hereditary?
  • Are there families of Judges?
  • Are they Elected?
  • By whom?
  • Through which process?
  • Are there reserved seats?
  • How is the population represented?
  • How does one enter the Judicial order?
  • Do you need to be a judicial professional?
  • Do you need to enter a Judicial school?
  • How does one Advance in the Judicial order?
  • Are there assistant Judges?
  • Are there trainee Judges?
  • How are they promoted?
  • What are the Prerequisites to be a Judge?
  • Advanced Mathematical Reasoning
  • Advanced Economics
  • Basic Natural Sciences
  • Strategic Reasoning
  • Fundamental Rights
  • Science of Equity
  • Contract Law
  • Financial Law
  • Environmental Law
  • Legistics & Procedure


  • How is the Hierarchy in the Police?
  • How does the Accountability system functions?
  • Who is Responsible for the mistakes?
  • Who is Responsible for the faults?
  • Is there an Overseer?
  • Are there Commanders?
  • Are there Captains?
  • What type of Guards are there?
  • Are there only Watches under a single Chief?
  • Are there only Watches under a group of officers?
  • What are the Specialized Police types?
  • Hygiene & Salubriousness?
  • Health?
  • Criminal?
  • High Street?
  • Transportation?
  • Foreigners?
  • How many Police departments are there?
  • Are there Unions?
  • Is there a Judicial Hierarchy?
  • Are there superior Judges?
  • Is there a Horizontal Hierarchy?
  • How do they relate to each other?
  • Are there colleges?
  • Are there Syndicates?
  • How do they collaborate with the Police forces?
  • Are there Specialized Judges?
  • Contracts & Procedure?
  • Financial & Corporate?
  • Biology & Health?
  • Physics & Environment?
  • How is the Order organized?
  • What’s the place of Corporatism in Instances?


  • Stability & Fundamentals
  • How is organized the Access to the Judge?
  • What is the Due Process of Law?
  • Does the concept exist?
  • How is The Rule itself perceive?
  • How is it understood?
  • How Complex is it?
  • How Accessible is it?
  • How Readable is it?
  • How are the effects of a Rule managed through time?
  • Are the Rules written to be Sustainable?
  • How Predictable are their effects?
  • What about Retroactivity?
  • How Efficient are they?
  • Defend Oneself
  • How is Representation ensured?
  • Is there a necessity to be represented by another?
  • Who can represent you?
  • Is it an Adversarial system?
  • Is it an Inquisitorial system?
  • Are there Juries?
  • How is the Jury composed?
  • What are the defendant’s options?
  • How is she heard by the court?
  • How independent is the court?
  • How are evidences presented?
  • How do witnesses intervene?
  • How can the defendant contest?
  • Are there alternative means of defense?
    • Fights?
    • Contests?
    • Games?
    • Gambles?
  • Guilt
  • What is the level of Trust in the Order?
  • What is the definition of Guilt?
  • What is the definition of Infringement?
  • What is the definition of Damage?
  • What is a Culprit?
  • How different is it from a Defendant?
  • What is the difference between Culprit & Guilty?
  • How is Responsibility defined?
  • How is Accountability defined?
  • How is Solvability defined?
  • Interrogations
  • How are Interrogations conducted?
  • In the Presence of an Advisor?
  • Is it mandatory?
  • Is the Physical state observed by a Medic?
  • What’s the Length of the Interrogation?
  • What’s the Length of the Isolation?
  • What’s the Length of the Incarceration?
  • How are Clues collected?
  • How are Testimonies collected?
  • How is the Independence ensured?
  • By a high Salary?
  • By other privileges?
  • By an anti-corruption organ?
  • By the segmentation of the Judges in small Individual Corps?
  • Are judge always External to the Conflict?
  • Are there Traveling Judges?
  • Are Foreign Judges called to judge crucial internal conflicts?
  • Are judges authorized to have Families?
  • Are they Isolated from the population?
  • Is the Independence effective?
  • Is it doubted?


  • Corruption
  • Is Money a source of Corruption?
  • Is Bribery a widespread issue?
  • How much does it impact the relationship between the parties to a Trial?
  • How does it impact the issue of trials?
  • What Advantages are proposed as bribes?
  • How do the Judges regard the people?
  • What the Regard of the Police on the people?
  • What the Vision of the Official on Criminals?
  • Are they Hardened?
  • Are they Jaded?
  • Are they pursuing an Inquisition?
  • What is their vision of Order?
  • What’s the Cult’s Influence on the Judges?
  • What’s the Cult’s Influence on the Police?
  • Extent
  • What’s the Reach of the Law?
  • What’s Tolerated?
  • What’s Disregarded?
  • Who has the Privilege to not be judged?
  • Who is Protected from the Law?
  • Why?
  • Get out of Prison?
  • Can you pay a Fine?
  • Do you have to get into a Fights?
  • Are you thrown in a pit?
  • Can you roll Dices?
  • Are you sent on Dangerous missions?
  • Are you sent on Pilgrimages?
  • Are you used to Gather resources?
  • Discriminations
  • How is Xenophobia defined in this Nation?
  • What is considered a Justified discrimination?
  • What is considered an Unjustified discrimination?
  • Are Foreigners discriminated?
  • How are Outsiders perceive?
  • Are they welcomed?
  • Are they discriminated Arbitrarily?

Serve & Protect

  • What’s their relation to the Population?
  • What’s the Police view on the Population?
  • Are there zones they do not want to be affected to?
  • Are there blocks where the response is slower?
  • Are some zones left unprotected?
  • Which zones are Controlled by the State?
  • Which Surveillance Technology is used?
  • What is their behavior towards the Population?
  • Are they Nihilistic?
  • Are they Cynical?
  • Are they Skeptical?
  • Are they Utilitarian?
  • Are they Benevolent?
  • Are they Devoted?
  • Are they Sacrificial?
  • Why?
  • In which context?
  • Towards whom?
  • Faithfulness
  • Do the People have Faith in Justice?
  • Do the Judges have the Trust of the People?
  • Are there Exemplar?
  • Are there Public speech from them?
  • How is their Responsibility displayed?
  • How are they held Accountable?
  • Does the population Trust the Police?
  • Do they command their Work?
  • Who do they trust more between the Police & the Army?
  • Is there any Defiance?
  • Is there Police-assisted suicide?
  • Are there Abuses?
  • What are the Justice Symbols?
  • How are the Judges Represented?
  • How is the Police Represented?
  • Do they have special Accessories?
  • Are they associated with special Animals?
  • Is Justice, as a concept, represented at all?
  • Does she have Statues?
  • Are there Fundamental Quotes?
  • Are their Symbolic Weapons?
  • Are the judges armed?

Special Sections

  • What are the Scales of each police type?
  • Is there a State Police?
  • Are there Local Police forces?
  • Are there Militia?
  • Are there Community Guards?
  • Jurisdictions
  • Are there Territorial limits?
  • Are there different Police forces?
  • 1 for each region?
  • Are there Specializations?
  • Are there Ranks?
  • Is there a Caste system?
  • Who can access the Police services?
  • Who can access the Court?
  • Are there Private Police forces?
  • Are there Leagues?
  • Are there armed groups?
  • Are they allowed?
  • Do they operate independently?
  • Are they Private detectives?
  • Troops
  • Are there Special Troops?
  • Is there a Political Police?
  • Is there a Terror Force?
  • Are people captured?
  • Are people interrogated at home?
  • Spies
  • Are there Spies?
  • Which kind of Information do they collect?
  • Are there organized Secret Services?
  • Which type of Surveillance do they operate?
  • Which part of the population is under Surveillance?
  • Is Torture practiced?



