- What system did this culture choose?
- When did this system came to be?
- Was it contested?
- Is it contested?
- By whom?
- Are there Secessions?
- Were there Secessions?
- Do people want to change of system?
- What unites people under the current system?
- What is the Regimen of this Culture?
- Are they a Monarchy?
- Are they a Republic?
- Are they a Democracy?
- Are they an Anocracy?
- Are they Totalitarian?
- Are they an Anarchy?
- Do they aim for Merit?
- Do they aim for Stability?
- Do they aim for Efficiency?
- Do they aim for Representativeness?
- Election
- What kind of Republic are they?
- Did they choose a Parliamentary Monarchy?
- How much power has the Parliament over the Executive?
- How long are the mandates?
- How is formed the Assembly?
- Who is represented in the Assembly?
- Are there reserved seats for minorities?
- What’s a political party?
- How do they function?
- How are the people engaged in governmental activities?
- Do they prefer to take decision?
- Designed
- Is the system a Feudal Monarchy?
- Is it a Meritocracy?
- What kind of individual is fit to rule?
- Do people prefer a Dictator?
- Do they engage themselves in Dictatorships?
- In crisis periods?
- Is a Totalitarian system adapted to them?
- Do they look for a simple & fast system?
- What happens when the Dictator becomes unfit?
- What is the Rule’s Scale?
- Is it a Continent-Scale?
- Is it a Country?
- Is it a Megalopolis?
- Is it a Metropolis?
- Is it a City?
- Is it a Town?
- Is it a Village?
- What are the Main Rules?
- What are the Rules regarding Individuals?
- What are the Rules regarding Families & Groups?
- What are the Rules regarding Property?
- What are the Rules regarding Contracts?
- What are the Rules regarding Financial activities?
- What are the Rules regarding Trade?
- How is the Decision Process?
- A Single head will make the decision process faster but less consensual.
- An Assembly will make the decision process slower but more consensual.
- An Assembly is also the way to represent the different Orientations & Species of your world.
- How many chambers does the assembly possess?
- How do the Government & the Assembly collaborate to edict Rules?
- How Sustainable the decision should be?
- How Adaptable is the Government?
- Inclusiveness
- Are the people consulted?
- Are they interrogated?
- Are there polls?
- Are the polls used?
- Are they properly established?
- Are the people invited to create Rules in certain domains?
- Are the people invited to create Rules in their Area?
- Is there a system of direct vote?
- What is the Country like?
- What are its Resources?
- What are its Exclusive Resources?
- How is its Geography?
- How does it protect it?
- How is its Atmosphere?
- How is the Climate?
- How many types of Climates are there?
- What are its natural Borders?
- What are its artificial Borders?
- What are Nation’s Symbols?
- How is the Ruler represented?
- Does this representation change regarding the Ruler?
- Sex
- Origin
- Age
- Alignment
- How is the Flag?
- Is it squared?
- What are its Colors?
- Is it recognizable?
- Do they have a Flag?
- Is it recognizable, even by foreigners?
- Do the nation have a Crest?
- How Mundane is it?
- How Fancy is it?
- What is their Hymn?
- What Tools & Weapons are associated with this Nation?
- Inviduation & Ownership
- What is the definition of Property in this Nation?
- How is property protected?
- What is the definition of Love?
- How are the people Protected by the State?
- How can they display their Passion?
- Can they exerce it freely?
- How is a Good Life defined?
- Can individual pursue desired Career Paths easily?
- Belonging
- What are the People?
- Who are the People?
- What is a Group?
- How does the Group protect the Individual?
- How does the Group abuse the Individual?
- Is there a definition Mutual Respect?
- How are they Represented?
- How effective is the Representation system?
- Is there a Pride linked to the Nation
- Is there a sense of Patriotism?
- Are there Nationalist movements?
Administrative Services
- How is the Administration?
- Is it Decentralized?
- How Efficient is it?
- How Adaptable is it?
- How Integrated is it?
- How Innovative is it?
- What Services are proposed?
- What Commercial Services are proposed?
- What products are sold by the Administration?
- What Services are delivered without fee?
- How are the civil servants payed?
- How is tax used to frame the economy?
- Does the administration control Public transportation?
- Does the administration control Public Communication?
- Does the administration control Energy?
- Does the administration control Water?
- Organization
- How can one enter the Administration?
- How is the progression system working?
- How many branches are there?
- How specialized these branches are?
- How is the Hierarchy?
- Is it Vertical?
- Is it Horizontal?
- Welfare
- How do social services work?
- How does the Healthcare system work?
- Are health workers conventioned?
- Are they organized in an order?
- Who has access to Welfare?
- What are the different level of benefits?
- How is the Army?
- Are there Specializations?
- Are there branches?
- Home Affairs?
- Are there foreign legions?
- Are there border patrols?
- Are there multiple corps?
- Is it a trained army?
- Is it a professional army?
- Are there Martial organizations?
- Is there a Martial system?
- Is there a Clerical system?
- Is there a Knighthood system?
- Is Peace promoted?
- Is War promoted?
- Are Military privileged?
- Are there Mercenaries?
- Are there Assassination Syndicates?
- How are they recruited?
- To which kind of mission are they sent?
- Are Personal Legions allowed?
- For which citizen?
- For Representatives only?
- For Government members only?
- For members of the Assembly?
- What is the Hierarchy like?
- Is there a Marechal?
- Are there Admirals?
- Are there Generals?
- Are there Captains?
- Are there Officers?
- Are there only Privates?
- What the quirks of each class?
- How are they attained?
- How does the Distinction system function?
- How do you Enter the Army?
- Can you get in of your Own Will?
- Is it forbidden to enter Voluntarily?
- Is it ill-viewed to enter Voluntarily?
- Are the soldiers Corralled to the Army corps?
- Are they Prisoners?
- Are they sent away before being able to join?
- Are they sent on foreign mission before being recruited for the inner defense?
- Military literacy
- Essential
- Strategy
- Martial Arts
- Team Sports
- Survival Arts
- 1st Aid
- Biochemistry
- Specialized
- Mechanical Engineering
- Sailing & Navigation
- Molecular Biology & Genetics
- Geopolitics
- Assassination Techniques & Camouflage
- Invasion Science
- What’s their relation to the Civilians?
- Do they Respect them?
- Is the respect mutual?
- Is there Fear?
- Are the Citizens afraid of the Army?
- Are the Foreigners afraid of the Army?
- What are their Symbols?
- How are the Officers represented?
- Is thee an inner banner?
- Are there Anthems?
- What Weapons are preferred?
- What are the Scales of each police type?
- Is there a State Police?
- Are there Local Police forces?
- Are there Militia?
- Are there Community Guards?
- What are the Specialized Police types?
- Hygiene & Salubrity?
- Criminal?
- High Street?
- Transportation?
- Foreigners?
- Are there Private Polices?
- Are there Leagues?
- Are there armed groups?
- Are they allowed?
- Do they operate independently?
- Are they Private detectives?
- What’s the Hierarchy like?
- How does the Accountability system functions?
- Is there an Overseer?
- What type of Guards are there?
- Are there only Watches under a single Chief?
- Are there only Watches under a group of officers?
- What’s their relation to the Population?
- What’s the Police view on the Population?
- What is their behavior towards the Population?
- Nihilistic
- Cynical
- Skeptical
- Utilitarian
- Benevolent
- Devoted
- Sacrificial
- Does the population Trust the Police?
- Do they command their Work?
- Who do they trust more between the Police & the Army?
- Is there a Defiance?
- Is there Police-assisted suicide?
- Are there Abuses?
- How is the Independence ensured?
- By a high Salary?
- By other privileges?
- By an anti-corruption organ?
- By the segmentation of the Judges in small Individual Corps?
- Are judge always External to the Conflict?
- Are there Traveling Judges?
- Are Foreign Judges called to judge crucial internal conflicts?
- Are judges authorized to have Families?
- Are they Isolated from the population?
- Is the Independence effective?
- Is it doubted?
- Is there a Hierarchy?
- Are there superior Judges?
- Is there a Horizontal Hierarchy?
- Are there Specialized Judges?
- Contracts & Procedure?
- Financial & Corporate?
- Biology & Health?
- Physics & Environment?
- How is the Order organized?
- What’s the place of Corporatism in Instances?
- Entry & Advancement
- How does one become a Judge?
- Is it by Heredity?
- Is it by Election?
- Are there assistant Judges?
- Are there trainee Judges?
- How are they promoted?
- What are the Prerequisites?
- Advanced Mathematical Reasoning
- Strategic Reasoning
- Fundamental Rights
- Science of Equity
- Contract Law
- Financial Law
- Legistics & Procedure
- What are the Justice Symbols?
- How are the Judges represented?
- Do they have special Accessories?
- Are they associated with special Animals?
- Is Justice as a concept represented at all?
- Does she have Statues?
- Are there Fundamental Quotes?
- Are their symbolic Weapons?
- Are the judges armed?
- Faithfulness
- Do the People have Faith in Justice?
- Do the Judges have the Trust of the People?
- Are there Exemplar?
- Are there Public speech from them?
- How is their Responsibility displayed?
- How are they held Accountable?
- Discriminations
- How is Xenophobia defined in this Nation?
- What is considered a Justified discrimination?
- What is considered an Unjustified discrimination?
- Are Foreigners discriminated?
- How are Outsiders perceive?
- Are they welcomed?