- What’s this Cult’s Name?
- What information does it give you?
- Where was it created?
- Who has created it?
- What was its original purpose?
- Banners
- Do they have a Flag?
- Do they have a Crest?
- Do they use Idols?
- Do they use Frescos?
- What does these Frescoes represent?
- Are there multiple Banners?
- Are there multiple Subdivisions?
- What level of Diversity is there inside the Cult?
- Tools
- What are the main Weapons of the Cult?
- Do they use Swords?
- Do they use Lances or Polearms?
- Are they ceremonial?
- What Catalysts are used?
- Are they used to Summon?
- Are they used during ceremonies?
- Summonings
- Do they have Avatars?
- What does these Avatars look like?
- Are they close to them?
- Do they Communicate with them?
- Through which means?
- Which Tools are used to Invoke?
- Which Rites are used to Invoke?
- How do the Avatars respond?
- Do they respond?
- How present are they in common life?
- Dogma
- Is this culture a Theocracy?
- What is the place of Cult in the culture?
- Are the people interested in Cults?
- Is is popular to be part of a Cult?
- Is is ill-view not to be part of a Cult?
- Are there conflicting view on Cults & their activities?
- Are foreign Cults authorized?
- Are foreign Cults tolerated?
- Principles
- What are their Sayings?
- What are their Slogans?
- What are their Teachings?
- How are the Higher-Ranking member seen?
- Are they seen as Lords?
- Are they seen as Teachers?
- Are they seen as Arbiters?
- How do they relate to individuals exterior to the Cult?
- How are they seen by leaders of foreign Cults?
- Fundamentals
- What are the Fundamental Rules of the Cult?
- Where are these Fundamental Rules exposed?
- Are they Written?
- Are they passed Orally?
- Are they kept away form the Public?
- Who has access to the Inner Workings of the Cult?
- Is Peace promoted?
- Is Faithfulness promoted?
- Is Order promoted?
- Is Wisdom promoted?
- Is Temperance promoted?
- Is Patience promoted?
- Rites
- What are the stages of the Entry process?
- Who supervises the process?
- Who decides which participant is qualified?
- Right to enter
- Who has the right to participate to the Entry process?
- How is the participant identity verified?
- Can 1 get access after passing a preliminary sub-Trial?
- What qualifications are required?
- Which persons are favored?
- Are there individuals entitled to entry?
- Are there individuals which can enter without passing a trial?
- Trial
- Are there Pilgrimages?
- Who is sent on Pilgrimages?
- Why are they sent?
- What are the different types of Trials?
- How is 1 sent on a specific Trial?
- According to which Criteria?
- Is there a multiplicity of Trials which 1 can choose from?
- Are the Trials displayed publicly?
- Are they conduced in secrecy?
- Can any person assist to the trials?
Organizers & Ordinators
- Hunters
- Who do they Pretend to serve?
- The cult?
- The followers?
- Do they Require sustained trust?
- Do they Favors Submission to the Symbols?
- Do they Place Obedience over faith?
- Do they Give Direction to the cultists?
- Do they Allow them to access a state of Order?
- Is Cruelty allowed for conversion?
- Is Cruelty allowed for retribution?
- Guides
- Do they Know the rules grant no physical tribute?
- Do they Preach Long term results & sustainability?
- Do the Favor Comprehension of the Symbols?
- Do they Place Wisdom over faith?
- Do they Give Hope to the cultists?
- Do they Allow them to access a state of Peace?
- Aries
- Are some members fiercely believing in the cult?
- Are they believing in the Rites?
- Do they defend the Avatars?
- Do they protect the Followers?
- Do they antagonize opponents to the Cult?
- Do they attempt to rally people exterior to the Cult?
- Status
- What is the status of monks & priests?
- What is the status of clerics?
- Do they act as Advisors?
- Do they act as Teachers?
- Do they act as Judges?
- Do they possess privileges?
- Do they wear specific Garments?
- Do they wear specific Head-dresses?
- Are they recognizable physically?
- Sections
- Is there a military order?
- Is it included to the Cult?
- Is it distinct?
- Are there healers & medics?
- Do they receive only cult members?
- Are there painters?
- Are there authors?
- Are there scribes?
- Are there archivists?
- How do they preserve the Principles of the cult?
- Verticality
- Is the Hierarchy purely Vertical?
- Is there a sense of Horizontality?
- Are certain places reserved to certain individuals?
- Is the Hierarchy Heteronormative?
- Is it regulated by Age?
- Is it regulated by Origin?
- Pantheon
- Does the Cultists Hierarchy reflects the Avatars Hierarchy’s?
- Are the followers distinctly categorized?
- Are they associated to Avatars?
- At which scale?
- Is there a World Hierarchy?
- Is there a Country Hierarchy?
- Is there a Local Hierarchy?
- How are displayed the Relationships between the avatars?
- How does these Relationships affect the Cultists?
- Do they create Subdivisions between the cultists?
- Structure
- How is the Architecture of the Shrine?
- Who built the Shrine?
- How ancient is it?
- What is the form of the Shrine?
- Access
- Can people exterior to the cult access the Shrines?
- What do you need to access the shrine?
- Do you need to bear a Brand?
- Do you need an authorization?
- Belonging
- Does it feel welcoming?
- Does it grant a sense of Peace?
- Does it grant a sense of Comfort?
- Does it compel Warmth?
- Does it entice Gregariousness?
- Altars
- How are the Altars?
- Are they multiple ones?
- Is it easy to gather around them?
- What do they display?
- Are they built around a figure?
- Manifestations
- Which manifestation can you assist to?
- Are there flames burning?
- Are there spheres of Light?
- Is the wind singing in the walls of the Shrine?
- Are there seismic manifestations?
- Does the water undulate?
- Procedures
- What are the inerrant procedures?
- What rites have been derived from?
- Who brought these modifications?
- Who confirmed their necessity?
- Do the procedures change according to the different subdivisions of the Cult?
- Freedom
- Are the Rituals mandatory?
- Who is allowed to participate?
- Who is obligated to participate?
- Which roles are essential to the execution of the ritual?
- Does it have to happen in the same place at all time?
- Can it be practiced freely?
- Schedule
- When do the Rituals happen?
- Is there a preferred time?
- Why this time?
- Are there multiple occurrences of the same ritual during a defined day?
- Are they held by different people?
- Participants
- Who participate to the Rituals?
- How many Participants are required for a defined rite?
- Which Item do they use?
- Who has the role of Organizer?
- Who assists her?