How to create Cultures?


  • What’s this Culture’s Name?
  • What information does it give you?
    • Location
    • Origins
    • Diversity
  • Are there other names?
    • In Foreign languages
    • In the different languages of the Culture
  • Do they have a nickname?
  • What are the Origins of this species?
  • What is this Culture’s natural environment?
  • Daily Life
  • Can you draw typical life scenes of this culture?
  • Where do people go to eat?
  • Where to they sleep?
  • Can you draw a festival?
  • Can you draw a public speech?
  • What does a standard Town looks like?

Biological characteristics

  • Humanoid Species
  • If they are Humanoid how do they differ from humans?
  • Are they taller?
  • Are they thicker?
  • Do they have an usual form?
    • Multiple organs?
    • Internal/External organs?
    • The Whole body?
  • Non-Humanoid Species
  • How do you define Humanoid?
    • Is it Physical only?
    • Is it a matter of Behavior?
    • Which Behavior do you consider non-Humanoid?
  • If the species is non-Humanoid how do they look like?
  • Do they look like an Animal?
  • Do they look like multiple Animals merged together?
  • Do they look like a Vegetal?
  • Do they look like an Animal-Vegetal Hybrid?
  • Mineral Beings
  • If these creatures are partly or entirely mineral they may be free from organic needs.
  • Do they sleep?
    • Do they dream?
  • Do they eat?
    • Do they need to eat?
    • Do they find pleasure in food?
  • Do they reproduce?
  • Do they have sexual relationships?
  • Draw this Species
  • What’s their average Height?
  • What’s their average Weight?
  • What’s their average Lifespan?
  • How has this Species anatomy adapted to its environment?
    • Are they adapted to their environment?
    • Do they adapt the environment to their needs?
  • Genetics & Parentage
  • Are there any Related Species to this one?
  • What are its parent Species?
  • What Common characteristics do they present?
  • Anatomically?
  • Behaviorally?
  • Can you recognize different members of this species?
  • Through which Features?
  • Do their body have any usual features?
  • What are their physical particularities?
  • Do they have any peculiar ability?
  • Why is their skin so hard?
    • Because their predators have sharp fangs & claws
  • Why do they run to fast & have such a good vision?
    • Because they only eat camouflaged rabbits
  • Why does it have a proboscis?
    • Maybe they consumes blood
    • Maybe they can inject toxins or eggs into another animal/vegetal
  • Why are they Slender & Elongated?
    • Maybe because they fly
    • Maybe because they live in canopy
  • The Culture of Species is the byproduct of their Environment.
  • Species evolves to adapt to their surroundings.
  • The most fitting practices & customs are preserved.
  • Practices & Customs may create paradoxes with the Species original purposes.
  • Customs have 4 main purposes:
    • Feed easier & more pleasurably
    • Protect oneself & other members of the group
    • Reproduce & Pleasure oneself
    • Instruct & Educate

Hierarchy & Nations

  • What is their Regimen?
  • Are they a Monarchy?
  • Are they a Republic?
  • Are they a Democracy?
  • Are they an Anocracy?
  • Are they Totalitarian?
  • Are they an Anarchy?
  • What is their Scale?
  • Is it an Empire?
  • Is it a Country?
  • Is it a Megalopolis?
  • Is it a Metropolis?
  • Is it a City?
  • Is it a Town?
  • Is it a Village?
  • What are the Main Laws?
  • What are the Laws regarding Individuals?
  • What are the Laws regarding Families & Groups?
  • What are the Laws regarding Property?
  • What are the Laws regarding Contracts?
  • What are the Laws regarding Financial activities?
  • What are the Laws regarding Trade?
  • How is the Decision Process?
  • A Single head will make the decision process faster but less consensual.
  • An Assembly will make the decision process slower but more consensual.
  • An Assembly is also the way to represent the different Orientations & Species of your world.
  • How Sustainable the decision should be?
  • How Adaptable is the Organization?
  • How is the Administration?
  • Is it Decentralized?
  • How Efficient is it?
  • How Adaptable is it?
  • How Integrated is it?
  • How Innovative is it?
  • What Services are proposed?
  • Are there Martial organizations?
  • Is there a Police system?
  • Is there an Army?
  • Is there a Knighthood system?
  • Is Peace promoted?
  • Is War promoted?
  • Are Military privileged?
  • Are Foreigners discriminated?
  • How are Outsiders perceive?
  • Are they welcomed?


  • Dogma
  • Is this culture a Theocracy?
  • What is the place of Cult in the culture?
  • Are the people interested in Cults?
  • Is is popular to be part of a Cult?
  • Is is ill-view not to be part of a Cult?
  • Are there conflicting view on Cults & their activities?
  • Are foreign Cults authorized?
  • Organization
  • What is the status of monks & priests?
  • What is the status of clerics?
  • Is there a military order?
  • Are there healers & medics?
  • Do they possess privileges?
  • Words
  • What are their Sayings?
  • What are their Slogans?
  • What are their Teachings?
  • Is Peace promoted?
  • Is Faithfulness promoted?
  • Is Order promoted?
  • Is Wisdom promoted?
  • Is Temperance promoted?
  • Is Patience promoted?
  • Summoning
  • Do they have Avatars?
  • What does these Avatars look like?
  • Are they close to them?
  • Do they Communicate with them?
  • Through which means?
  • Which Tools are used to Invoke?
  • Which Rites are used to Invoke?


  • What is the Main Economic Orientation?
  • What are the Secondary Economic Orientations?
  • Capitalism
  • Liberalism
  • Socialism
  • Communism
  • How is Money perceived?
  • How is it produced?
  • Who can produce it?
  • Is there any form of Money?
  • What is the Form of Money?
    • Coins & Bills
    • Stones/Crystals
    • Shells
    • Computed
  • What are the Payment means?
  • Is there a Central Bank?
  • Is there a Central Reserve?
  • Are there Commercial Banks?
  • How do Bank Accounts function?
    • Opening/Closing
    • Operations
    • Fees
  • Trade & Customs
  • Are there non-monetary trades?
  • Are there non-financial trades?
  • How is the Commercial Balance?
  • How is the External Trade?
    • Preferred Partners
    • Default Partners
    • Competitors
  • How is the Customs system?
  • What the control process on Entry?
  • What the control process on Exit?
  • What’s the typical length of stay?
  • What’s the typical residence time?
  • What products are banned?
  • What products are limited?
  • Taxes & Behaviors
  • How is the Fiscal policy?
  • What is Taxed?
    • Income/Revenues/Profits/Pensions
    • Production & Innovation
    • Trade & Exchange
    • Property & Property Transfer
  • How does it influence Behaviors?
  • How do Fiscal policy & Monetary policy correlate?
  • What corporations are Targeted?
  • What corporations are Privileged?
  • What corporations are Discouraged?

Education & Intelligence

  • What’s the definition of Information?
  • What’s the definition of Knowledge?
  • What’s the definition of Intelligence?
  • Where is Information stored?
  • How is Information protected?
  • What is Information’s degree of Volatility?
  • How is this Species’ nervous system?
  • Is it Centralized?
  • Is it Decentralized?
  • Is it Shared?
  • Can you describe their Cognitive process?
  • How are they able to recognize Patterns?
  • What Sensors do they use?
  • What Emotions do they possess?
  • What Emotions do they recognize?
  • How are Books?
  • Do Books exist?
  • Are scrolls preferred to books?
  • Are there Material writings?
  • Is Information digitalized?
  • How are Writers & Authors perceived?
  • What Allegories are most used in stories?
  • How are the Libraries?
    • Accessibility
    • Personnel
    • Comfort
    • Services
  • What are Career paths studied?
  • What are the Domain studied?
  • Is there a proper Adéquation between Careers & Teachings?
  • What are the Diploma & Degrees delivered?
  • How pertinent are the Diploma & Degrees?
  • How do students qualify?
  • How are students examined?

Arts & Crafting

  • What’s the definition of Beauty?
  • What Symbols are used in Art?
  • What is their Idea of Truth?
  • What is their Idea of False?
  • What is their Idea of Happiness?
  • What is their Idea of Pain?
  • Architecture & Sculpture
  • What is the dominant Architectural style?
  • Are there multiple competing Styles?
  • What are their main characteristics?
  • Are the Cities decorated?
  • Are there Landmarks?
  • Which type of Landmarks?
  • What techniques are used to produces them?
  • Are the Sculpture integrated to the Buildings?
  • Craftsmanship & Markets
  • How does craftmanship develops?
  • Is there a Companionship system?
  • How are the Local Markets?
  • Are they large?
  • Are they plentiful?
  • Are they supported by the City/Town?
  • How is Agricultural know-how displayed?
  • Is Horticulture popular?
  • How are local Restaurants?
  • Is Fine cooking promoted?
  • Are Snack bars common?
  • Graphic Arts
  • How are Visual Artists considered?
  • Is it a popular Career path?
  • Which medium is most popular?
  • What media are used?
  • Are some media forbidden?
  • How are the Museums?
  • Theatre
  • How are Actors considered?
  • Is it a popular Career path?
  • Is it easy to fund a Production?
  • Is it easy to become a Director?
  • Which Technology is used?
  • Are there Popular Plays?
  • Is Picture used for National Propaganda?
  • Music
  • How are Musicians considered?
  • Is it a popular Career path?
  • Which Instruments are popular in this culture?
  • Which Instruments did this culture invented?
  • Are there Popular Songs?
  • Are there Hymns?
  • Are there Anthems?


  • What’s the definition of Fun?
  • What is considered Funny?
  • Are there Jokes?
  • Do people enjoy laughing?
  • Do children laugh?
  • What Games are Played?
  • Are there Puzzles?
  • Are there Riddles?
  • Are there Chases?
  • Are there Treasure Hunts?
  • What Sports are Practiced?
  • What Sports are Popular?
  • Are there Water Sports?
  • Are there Sky Sports?
  • Are there Underground Sports?
  • In Lava?
  • In Acid?
  • In Sand?
  • Are there Competitions?
  • Where did the sports originated from?
  • What Entertainments are available?
  • Are there Parks?
  • Are there Cinemas?
  • Are there Clubs?



