How to Create Annoying Characters?

An Annoying Character… What for?

  • Why create an Annoying Character?
  • Do you want to annoy the Public?
  • To some extent.
  • Very few of your Characters will be purely Annoying.
  • Just as, very few of your Characters will be purely Enjoyable.
  • Annoyance brings Diversity.
  • Why do you need this type of Diversity?
  • Annoyance reminds the Public that even their favorite Character has issues.
  • Annoyance create a Diversity in Relationships.
  • Some Character will be Patient, some will be Resilient, and some will blow up whenever things don’t go their way.
  • That’s what we expect.
  • That’s something we need to see.
  • Annoyance create a Diversity of Situations.
  • 1 Character will have different reactions in different Situations.
  • The more diverse the Situations, the clearer the Story becomes.
  • You create Consistency & Coherence.
  • Annoyance create Relatability.
  • Any type of weakness creates Relatability.
  • What does the Public want to see in the Characters you create?
  • Which kind of Weakness do they want to see?
  • What is the Public’s limit?
  • What will trigger the Public?
  • How can you make them have a great time?
  • Which kind of Annoyance will make the Public Happy?
  • Which kind of Annoyance will make the Public Angry?
  • Which kind of Annoyance will make the Public Sad?
  • Why would you want to integrate horrendous scenes to your stories?
  • You can easily interest people into delving in these topics if you choose the theme properly.
  • In most situations, if you offer an Explanation and eventually a Solution or Hypothesis it should keep the Public interested.

The Problems that may not be Problems

  • Self-Centred, is it a problem?
  • Value yourself.
  • Characters should value themselves.
  • Otherwise the Story will be very short.
  • And probably not worth telling.
  • Would you rather have a Character which neglect herself for the whole Story?
  • That may be a very painful story to read.
  • Is it an issue to be Egoistic?
  • Selfishness & Survival are intertwined.
  • If a Character wants to Survive she has to identify her Interest.
  • If the Character has no Interest, she has no Goal.
  • How would you Write a Story without a pinch of Egoism?
  • How do you create a Character which has no Ego?
  • Is it an issue to be Greedy?
  • Greed is often construed as 1 of the worst Weaknesses.
  • Greed creates damages.
  • Does it always?
  • Could Greed create benefits.
  • Ambition, on the other side, is often a revered Strength.
  • Greed & Ambition are often overlapping.
  • They may be 1 quality.
  • How can your Character Evolve is she isn’t Greedy at all?
  • Does her Greed act as a catalyst?
  • Does it act as an inhibitor?
  • The Main issue is always Neglect.
  • Most Issues become issues when they are exacerbated.
  • The Balance of One’s interests & the ones of the Team is the basis of all Cooperation.
  • Neglecting Team mates is the issue.
  • How can your Characters balance their Interest with those of the other team members?
  • How can they temperate the impact of their Annoying factor?
  • How can they manage their own Issues?

The Common Traits

  • What makes a Character Annoying?
  • Is she Rigid?
  • Is she Entitled?
  • Is she Authoritative?
  • Is she Dismissive?
  • Is she Unhelpful?
  • Is she Unsupportive?
  • Is she Overbearing?
  • What are her reasons for behaving this way?
  • Can you identify why the Character behaves this way?
  • Should she behave this way?
  • What caused this Behavior?
  • What could cause a Behavior shift?
  • What would make her change?
  • Who would make her change?
  • A Complete Character
  • What are her Goals?
  • What are her Quirks?
  • What are her Strengths?
  • What are her Weaknesses?

Types – Templates of Annoyance

How can you be Annoying?


  • Does a Character uses Intimidation?
  • Which kind of Intimidation?
  • Is she Violent?
  • How does this Violence manifest?
  • Through which means?
  • Is she Brutal?
  • Does she throw herself at other people?
  • Does she insult them openly?
  • Is it an habit her hers?
  • Does she realize the effect of her own actions?
  • How premeditated are these actions?


  • Does 1 Character use Sarcasm?
  • Does she Insult others?
  • Does she Denigrate others?
  • Is she Snarky?
  • Is she Snidey?
  • When is she Sarcastic?
  • Why is she Sarcastic?
  • What does she try to hide?
  • What does she try to protect?
  • How Caustic is she?
  • How does she Mock people?
  • Does she call them Dumb?
  • Does she call them Stupid?


  • Do you have a Character who Ignore other?
  • Why doesn’t she Listen to others?
  • Why doesn’t she pay attention to them?
  • Does she consider them expendable?
  • Does she consider them to be a Hindrance?
  • Does she try to Prove their value?
  • Does she have difficulties to Focus?
  • Is she enthusiastic to Participate?
  • Does she enjoy being part of the Team?
  • Does she only dislike a specific individual?
  • Does she consider this individual toxic?
  • How so?
  • How does she respond?
  • Is she herself often Ignored?


  • Is there a Character which is more Capable than others?
  • Is she Skilled?
  • Is she Experienced?
  • Is she Prepared?
  • Does she Belittle others?
  • Is she Pedant?
  • Is she exhausted because she has to do everything?
  • How ineffective are the others?
  • Why are they ineffective?
  • Can they take initiative?
  • Do they want to?
  • Is she controlling?


  • Is 1 Character Particularly Divisive?
  • Why is she Divisive?
  • Why does she Contradict?
  • What is she looking for?
  • Why is she frustrated?
  • Is she the only 1 who realizes other are making mistakes?
  • What does she consider a mistake?
  • Does she call them Useless?
  • Does she Question?
  • What does she Question?
  • Does she want to Clarify?
  • What does she want to Clarify?
  • There maybe a necessity for Clarity.
  • Is it the Character’s Goal?


  • Is a Character particularly Stubborn?
  • Why is she Non integrated?
  • Does she sound Hardened?
  • Does she sound especially Rigid?
  • Is she Cutting others?
  • Is she Incapable?
  • Is she particularly Unhelpful?
  • Does she lack of Nuance?
  • Is she Inexperienced?


  • Is there a Character who is cut off by others?
  • Does it anger her?
  • Does it annoy her?
  • Does she seems to never have any issues?
  • Does she avoid conflicts?
  • Why does she avoid conflicts?
  • What are they afraid of?
  • What should come out of conflicts?
  • Does she not interact?
  • Display no signs of Involvement?
  • Does she express herself?
  • Does she share information?
  • Does she share other resources?

Distracted & Distracting

  • Do you have a Character which seems to be out of place?
  • Do they do stupid things?
  • Do they crack jokes?
  • Are they Prepared?
  • Do they Plan?
  • How do they organize themselves?
  • Does she Interrupt the Story?
  • How so?
  • Is she Enthusiastic?
  • Is she Playing?
  • Is she Running around?
  • Is she Needy?


  • Is there a Character which is particularly discreet?
  • Do they display signs of Aggressiveness?
  • Do they fake calm?
  • What causes this passivity?
  • Is she afraid?
  • What is she Afraid of?
  • Does she ever speak about her Goal?
  • To any other Team member?
  • How are her Quirks displayed?
  • What are her Strengths?
  • Does she show them?
  • Could it become an Issue for the Team?
  • How?


  • Do you have a Characters who strives for admiration?
  • What does she do to obtain it?
  • What does she says to obtain it?
  • What does she pretend to be able to do?
  • Does she prove her Strengths?
  • How reliable is she?
  • When an issue occurs does she act?
  • Does she intercede when trouble occurs?

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