How to Create Annoying Characters?

Why would I do this?

  • It’s funny.

How would I do this?

  • The Main rule is:
  • If it happened in real life you would be Shocked.
  • But in a Fiction, you would Burst.

Goal – Annoy you

  • The Goal of the Character should not be annoyance.
  • But her Goal should make her annoying.
  • She could want to help others.
  • But her timing would be inappropriate.
  • Or her help could cause more trauma.
  • Or it would simply be completely unhelpful.
  • She could want to be left alone.
  • At all time.
  • Even on a party she’s organized.
  • With people she has invited.
  • Incongruency is the Key.
  • Make something happen.
  • In a context it should not happen.
  • And amplify.

Strengths – What’s fun?

  • Doing Useless Things
  • Generally, Wasting people’s life away will guarantee Annoyance.
  • And it’s not only abusing people’s Time.
  • It could also be Effort.
  • It could be Patience.
  • And even Willpower.
  • Hypocrisy
  • Does she lie?
  • Does she contradict herself?
  • Does she contradict the statements she just enounced?
  • What’s bad faith?
  • Does she invent words?
  • Skepticism
  • Is she really Skeptical?
  • Could she be Cynical?
  • Is she systematically trying to question decisions?
  • Does she question everyone with the same verve?
  • Is she Partial?
  • Doubtful
  • Is she pernicious?
  • Does she try to hide something?
  • Does she try to protect herself?
  • What is she up to in order to do so?
  • Egoistic
  • Does she care for others?
  • Does she take decisions with noticing anyone?
  • Is she short termist?
  • Does she react often?
  • Does she share?
  • Does she give things away?
  • Complaining
  • Does she look Ill?
  • Does she speak only about her problems?
  • Which problems?
  • Why did they happen to her?
  • Why only to her?
  • Unfocused
  • Does she care for the situation?
  • Does she say things that have nothing to do with the situation?
  • To Someone who doesn’t care?
  • To the wrong person?
  • Does she answer with inadequate delays?
  • Disengaged
  • Does she take decisions?
  • What decision does she take?
  • Does she make stupid comments after the stupid decision has been taken?
  • Does she ever plan?
  • Does she ever prepare?
  • Does she ask others for their input?
  • Anxiousness
  • What is she afraid of?
  • Who knows about it?
  • Does she categorize?
  • Does she over-categorize?
  • Is she hesitating?
  • Why?
  • Can she decide on a decision to take?
  • Are others irritated by her indecision
  • Needy
  • Is she Clingy?
  • With who?
  • How much?
  • In which occasions?
  • Why does she long for approbation?
  • Whose?
  • Why?
  • Boring
  • Does she put people to sleep?
  • How’s her voice?
  • Is her pace monotonous?
  • Is she quiet?
  • Is she silent?
  • How often?
  • Does she plan every single step she makes?
  • Judgmental
  • What does she condemn?
  • In front of who?
  • Is she confrontational?
  • How far does she go?

Weakness – What may not be fun?

  • Be cautious when you’re going for grimer acts.
  • Your character is supposed to be annoying.
  • She may be sympathetic to the Public.
  • Breaking the barrier of simple Annoyance.
  • Acts of Cruelty.
  • Fickleness & Unfaithfulness.
  • Cowardice, in situation with harsh consequences.
  • Obsessiveness, when the subject of the obsession is a person who displays fear regarding the obsessive individual.
  • Xenophobia, when the act does not meet retribution.
  • Denying, hypocrisy is fun as long as it is not passively validated.


  • Hairstyle
  • You could go for something sobre & simple.
  • And then make the character annoying.
  • Or you could put a 3 foot tower on the top of her head.
  • It’s still scalable.
  • Accessories
  • Are they heavy?
  • Are they clingy?
  • Are they noisy?
  • Does she wear them all the time?
  • Does she distribute them to everyone?
  • Poses
  • Does she pose?
  • How ridiculous are her poses?
  • How exaggerated are her poses?
  • How unnatural are her poses?
  • Verbal
  • How is her Pace?
  • Does she speak fast?
  • Does she speak loudly?
  • Does she speak often?
    • Too Much?
  • What are her signature Words & Phrases?
  • How often does she repeat them?
  • Too Much?
  • In inappropriate situations?
  • Who did she learn them from?


  • Team
  • Is she Unhelpful?
  • How Unhelpful is she?
  • Is she Overly helpful?
  • How does she try to help her team mates?
  • Why does it fail?
  • Is it Wrong Timing?
  • Is it the Wrong Proportions?
    • Too much?
    • Ridiculously too little?
  • Enemies
  • Can she beat an enemy through anger?
  • Can she beat an enemy through despair?
  • Does her enemies flee her?
  • Because she causes so many catastrophes?
  • Friends
  • Is she Doing stupid things?
    • To amuse others?
    • To irritate others?
    • What is her definition of fun?
  • When does she go into Arguments?
  • What’s the Argument about?
  • Does she Apologize?
  • Does she ask for Apologies?
  • Family
  • Is she Boring?
  • Does she tell boring stories?
  • Is she bored easily?
  • What is an Interruption to her?


  • Crisis
  • What type of crisis is she confronted with?
  • How does she act when she’s afraid?
  • How does she act when she’s angry?
  • How does she act when she’s sad?
  • How does she act when she’s shocked?
  • What topics makes her uncomfortable?
  • Comfort
  • How does she rest?
  • Where does she rest?
  • With who?
  • What’s her favorite dish?
  • What’s her favorite drink?


