How to create an Organization?

Symbols & Mission

  • What is the Name of the Organization?
    • What does it mean?
  • How does it relate to its Origins?
  • Does the Name indicate the Goal of the Organization?
  • What is their Mission?
  • What is their Slogan?
  • Does the Slogan Translate their mission?
  • Does it hide their mission?
  • Is their Slogan known, even by non-members?
  • What is the shape & Color of their banner?
  • Do they have a Flag?
  • Do they have a Crest?
  • How Ordinary is it?
  • How Fancy is it?
  • Is their Banner recognized, even by non-members?


  • Organization’s Rulers define their identity.
  • Who is the Organization’s Ruler?
  • Is she known to all, even non-members?
  • Does she have other Functions?
  • Outside the Organization?
  • Does she Rule another Organization?
  • Relationships
  • Is she Gregarious?
  • Is she Aloof?
  • How much does she interact with Organization members?
  • Does she interact only with officers?
  • Does she give regular speeches?
  • Does information spread easily in this Organization?
  • Decision Process
  • A Single head will make the decision process faster but less consensual.
  • An Assembly will make the decision process slower but more consensual.
  • It is also the way to represent the different Orientations & Species of your world.
  • How Sustainable the decision should be?
  • How Adaptable is the Organization?
  • How Rigid is the Organization before a Crisis?

Entry & Progression

  • What is the Entry Procedure?
  • Is it a job Interview?
  • Is it a Trial?
  • Is it a Puzzle/Riddle?
  • Is it a Tournament?
  • A combination of all the aforementioned?
  • Can you pay for membership?
  • How high is the fee?
  • How much can you Pay to Progress?
  • Are you treated differently?
  • Are there restrictions?
  • Based on the Age of the member?
  • Based on the member’s experience?
  • Are certain individuals forbidden to access certain position?
  • Are certain functions reserved to certain individuals?
    • By Birth?
    • By Species?
    • By Legacy?
  • You can add any type of discrimination.
  • There is nothing inconspicuous.
  • It is all about Characterization & Diversity.


  • Hierarchy’s Vectors?
  • Is it a Vertical Hierarchy?
  • Is it a Horizontal Hierarchy?
  • It is a Circular Hierarchy?
    • With a Center
  • It is an Ellipsoid?
    • With relative asymmetry
  • Does the Power rotate?
  • Symmetrically?
  • Asymmetrically?
  • Mandate
  • Is there a Yearly/Monthly Calendar or Agenda for the ceremonies & Meetings?
  • What is the Public Agenda ?
  • What is the Inner Agenda?
  • At which frequency is it published?
  • Is the Organization decentralized?
  • Are their multiple sieges?
  • Who leads them in each subdivision?
  • Is there a subset of decision in each main decision?

Advantages & Privileges

  • Privileges
  • Are there Privileges if you are an associate/ally?
  • Are there Privileges if you are a member?
  • Are there Privileges if you are an officer?
  • Are there Privileges if you are a leader?
  • Are there Holidays?
  • Are there Festivals?
  • Is the Organization Entertainment-oriented?
  • Is the Organization Restoration-oriented?
  • Is the Organization Housing-oriented?
  • Housing & Restoration
  • Does the Organization provide rooms to its members?
  • Are they available in every city?
  • What is the level of comfort?
  • Is it free to use?
  • Is there an agenda?
  • Is there a time limit?
  • Can the Characters access certain resources only though the Organization?
  • Information
  • Does the organization have a seat in every city?
  • Do they have a library?
    • Is it available to all?
    • Is there a fee?
  • Do they have an information point?
    • Is Information available to all?
    • Is there a fee?
  • Can the Characters use certain tools only though the Organization?

Diversity & Oppositions

  • Diverse Symbols reveal the Oppositions between the different Organizations.
  • How many Organizations are there in your World?
  • How many categories of Organizations are there?
  • Do multiple Organizations have the same Role?
  • Do multiple Organizations have the same Goal?
  • Can Organizations share members?
  • Who are the Organization’s friends?
  • Who are the Organization’s allies?
  • Who are the Organization’s opponents?
  • Who are the Organization’s foes?
  • Organizations are Characters.
  • Therefore Each Organization will have Weaknesses inherent to their Strengths.
  • Sturdy & Stable may mean Rigid.
  • Flexible & Adaptable may mean Disorganized.
  • Fast may mean Precipitated or Expeditive.
  • Persistent may mean Obsessive.
  • Conscientious may mean Neurotic.



