How to create a World? – The Easy Way

Diversity, Consequences & Stories

  • Diversity holds the World together.
  • Your World will have Adorable parts.
    • Where does the little Cloudian Shrubbery live?
  • Your World will have Horrendous parts.
    • Where does the Crimson Mandrake live?
  • Parts of the World are the domain of Serenity.
    • Where is the Grand Sanctuary?
  • Parts of the World are the Loci of Dissension.
    • They are the Core Locations of your World.
    • Where is the Gallery of Treaties?
  • Display Consequences.
  • Display fundamental elements early.
  • What are the main Dangers of your World?
    • What is perceived as a Threat?
    • What is the Pain Scale of your World?
    • What are the main Crisis in the World’s history?
  • What is Common Knowledge in your World?
    • Does everyone knows what a Plane is?
    • Is everyone afraid of Planes?
  • Diverse Outcomes is the clearest way to display consequences.
  • Branched narration is essential if your story grows over a certain scale.
    • 2-3 different outcomes for each Crisis (chapters 3, 6 & 9) is enough
    • 1 good outcome, 1 bad outcome & 1 surprising outcome
  • Multiple endings is also a clear way to show consequences.
    • How desirable the outcome is
    • Where did the character failed/succeed
    • What should they have done instead
  • Changing the core of Nature makes your World Different.
  • How is Gravity in your world?
    • What is the effect of other Forces?
    • How does it affect settlements?
    • How does it affect species?
    • How does it affect Evolution?
    • How does it affect settlements?
  • What are the effects of Radioactivity?
    • How does it affect settlements?
    • How does it affect Genetics?
  • What are the effects of Electromagnetism?
    • Think about the light’s dynamics.
    • How is Electricity used?
    • Do animals use magnetoception?
  • How does Temperature & Weather articulate?
    • At the surface.
    • Underground.


  • Diverse Origins makes a city Organic to the World.
  • Every city should have at least 1 specialty if you plan to use real-world trade & commercial dynamics.
  • If you aren’t, then any city can be a self-sufficient yet integrated settlement up to a fully developed autarky.
  • What are the City’s Resources?
  • Food & Crops?
  • Land & Real Estate?
  • Information & Intelligence?
  • Entertainment?
  • Where do the resources come from?
  • Does the city have anything or does she have to capitalize on trade?
  • What are the Innovations this City/People brought?
  • What did the modern day inhabitants keep?
  • What’s the legacy of this extinct people?
  • Are they extinct?
  • Inhabitants are the City.
  • Diverse People will allow you to create Conflicts.
  • Are there different Species?
  • Are there different Ethnicities?
  • Are there different Cultures?
  • What are they?
  • What is their definition of Aesthetics?
  • What is their definition of Moral?
  • What is their definition of Truth?
  • What are the traditions & untold rules of these people?
  • Establishing diverse Languages & Cosmopolitan Cities is essential if you follow real-world travel dynamics.
  • If not, you can make single-type people cities.
  • Most stories will use a transversal language (English), to facilitate the interactions.
  • Organizations Rulers define its identity.
  • A Single head will make the decision process faster but less consensual.
  • An Assembly will make the decision process slower but more consensual.
  • It is also the way to represent the different species of your world.
  • Diverse Symbols reveal the Oppositions between the different Organizations.
  • What is the Organization’s Name?
    • What does it mean?
    • What’s its origin?
  • What is their Mission?
  • What is their Slogan?
  • What shape & color is their banner?
  • Who are the organization’s friends & allies?
  • Who are the organization’s foes & opponents?
  • Is there a Vertical/Horizontal Hierarchy?
  • Is there a Yearly/Monthly Calendar or Agenda for the ceremonies & Meetings?
  • Are there Holidays?
  • Does it operate as an Corporation?
  • Does it operate as an Association?
  • Does it operate as an Foundation?
  • Does it operate as an Family?
  • Are there Privileges if you are an associate/ally?
  • Are there Privileges if you are a member?
  • Are there Privileges if you are an officer?
  • Are there Privileges if you are a leader?


  • Diverse Symbols will make your World Alive.
  • Diverse Landmarks have Diverse Origins.
  • Are they ornemental?
  • Are they habitable?
  • Were they design as buildings to defend?
    • To shelter?
    • To seal?
  • Are they situated inside Cities?
  • Are they situated outside Cities?
  • If they are situated in the Wilds they should be less Frequent.
  • As it would have been difficult to defend & upkeep them.
  • Unless they are particularly sturdy.
  • In which case, the Landmark would be particularly imposant.
  • Or it could be hidden from threats.
  • Start with an Image.
  • Draw it.
  • What’s its shape?
    • Is it Sharp?
    • Is it Round?
  • What are the material used to build it?
  • How is it decorated?
  • How is the light inside/outside it?
  • What are the dominant colors?
  • How many rooms are there?
  • Who lives here?
  • Why do they live here?
  • What feeling does the landmark convey?
  • Bliss?
  • Uncertainty?
  • Familiarity?
  • Awe?
  • What is the Landmarks Value?
  • Does it hold a precious item?
  • Is it used to organize meetings?
  • Are there visits organized?
  • Are there guides?
  • Are people proud of this Landmark?
  • Are they ashamed?
  • Odd & Alien
  • How is the building Unique?
  • How does it integrate into the rest of the World?
  • Is it avoided by inhabitants of the World?


  • Diverse Environments make your World Real.
  • Effective stories are Anthropocentric.
  • Inhabitants will travel your World.
  • They will populate and adapt the landscapes to their needs.
  • We are going somewhere because there are Characters.
  • Geography & Topography are fundamental storytelling elements often overlooked or over-developed.
  • When you are describing a piece of landscape make it related to the action.
  • Link it to a character’s goal &/or Origin.
  • Link it to your Team’s future quest.
  • Link it to a Rare Resource.
  • Make it the theater of a battle of a celebration.
  • Describe to create more consistency.
  • Use Landscapes to seed the next stages of your story.
  • Start with an Image.
  • Wherever it is a Crystalline Valley or an Underground river, picture it.
  • Draw it.
  • How does the water flow?
  • How does the wind flow?
  • Are there strong currents?
  • How is the light intensity?
  • What are the dominant colors?
  • The Public only needs information relevant to the story.
  • But you should dispose of them all.
  • What is the shape of the landscapes?
  • Are there any particular shapes that reminds you of human environments?
  • Are there any parts that looks like a person or an animal?
  • Is there a rocky island covered with trees that has the form of a giant chicken?
  • Draw a map.
  • Are there Simple landscapes?
  • Mountains
    • Do they need to be on the edges of the map?
    • Are they only borders?
    • How mundane are they?
    • Are they inhabited?
  • Plains
    • Is there any vegetation?
    • Are there often battles thereby?
    • Are they inhabited?
  • Seas & Islands
    • Is this Sea made of Water?
    • Is it regular Water?
    • Are there sky-floating Island?
    • Are they inhabited?
  • Forests
    • Are they exploited?
    • Are they inhabited?
  • Deserts
    • Are they used to hide buildings & other objects?
    • Are they inhabited?
  • Are there Hybrid landscapes?
    • Marshlands?
    • Tropical Forests?
    • Taiga?
    • Thundra?


  • Diverse Species make Evolution true.
  • How do animals mutate?
  • What’s the population input on Genetics?
  • What is the shape of the animals & vegetals?
  • Are there any animal that reminds you of human environments?
  • Are there any animal that reminds you of human body parts?
  • What’s their color?
  • What’s their form?
  • How did they adapt to their environment?
  • What is the value of this species to your story?
  • How integral to your story is it?
  • Have you created this species because of a theme you wanted to display?
  • Does this species display unfairness & unbalance?
  • Does this species display weakness & mortality?
  • Does this species display calm & peace?
  • Do you have any traces of this species today?
  • Is it extinct or hidden?
  • The Synergy between the Species of your World, describes the Rhythm of your World.
  • When it comes to living things there are crucial 3 areas : Food, Sleep & Reproduction.
  • What are the Predation dynamics?
  • What’s the proportion of carnivorous to herbivorous?
  • Are Herbivorous dangerous?
  • What’s their Sleep pattern?
  • What’s their Reproduction cycle?
  • Draw them.
  • How anthropomorphized are there?
  • Do they have a spine?
  • Do they have limbs?
  • Do they have a head & a face?
  • Do they have a language?
  • Do they use tools?
  • Plants are another overlooked element.
  • Vegetals are the basis of every living system.
    • They root your Ecosystem.
  • Vegetals will enhance your descriptions.
    • Are they homes for the surrounding species?
    • Are they only food?
    • What dangers do they represent?
  • The Name of a vegetal offers specific information on the setting to the Public.
    • Do they shelter a specific animal/fungus/other?
    • Are they specific of this location?
    • How do they affect Climates & Atmosphere?
    • How are they used by Chemists & Alchemists?
    • How do Botanists establish taxonomies?
    • Do you have a character creating a plant journal?


